A Chinese and English vocabulary, in the Tie-chiu dialect/Peng
- 崩-1
- Death of the emperor or high rulers.
- 駢-1
- A pair of horses attached to a carriage; together.
- 胼2
- Hard; stiff; indurated skin; callous.
- 迸2
- To be dispersed; to water idly; flow away; expel.
- 秉2
- A handful; to grasp; lay hold of; adhere to.
- 炳2
- The light of fire; luminous; perspicuous.
- 掽-3
- To expel; drive away.
- 並-3并-3
- Together with; and; also; moreover; united.
- 併-3
- On a line with; even; together; to reject.