A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Arnauld, Catharine Agnes
Was chosen, while yet in her noviciate, by her elder sister, Marie Angelique, to be the mistress of the novices at the convent of Port-Royal. During the five years that Marie Angelique passed in the abbey at Maubuisson, Catharine was entrusted with the government of Port-Royal, and appointed coadjutrix with her sister, who was desirous of resigning it wholly to her management. Agnes, respected and beloved by the nuns instructed them no less by her example, than by her eloquent discourses. She was equally celebrated for her talents and her piety. She was the author of two small treatises entitled "Le Chapelet Secret du Saint Sacrament," and "L'Image de la Réligeuse, parfaite et imparfaite." The former was censured by some members of the Sorbonne, and it was suppressed.
Catharine Agnes Arnauld died February 19th., 1671, at the age of seventy-seven.