A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography
Consisting of
Edited by H. G. Adams.
Editor of the "Cyclopedia of Poetical Quotations" &c.
"O fairest of creation, last arid best
Of all God's works, creature in whom excell'd
Whatever can to sight or thought be form'd.
Holy, divine, good, amiable, or sweet!"
In the volume here presented, we have endeavoured to supply what we consider to have been hitherto a desideratum in literature—a cheap and portable volume, containing the name and such of the most important particulars of the life and character, as could be obtained from trustworthy sources, of every woman remarkable for mental gifts or acquirements, moral virtues, or christian graces, of whom history makes mention, or the less ambitious annals of private life present. Such a complete record of womanly excellence and ability cannot fail of being highly interesting and useful; and it must be evident to all that the task of its compilation must have been one of great labour and research; far more indeed than the present Editor can claim credit for;—his work having been chiefly that of condensation from a large and costly volume published in America, and entitled "Woman's Record," by Mrs. Hale, who states in her preface that it cost her three years of hard study and labour.
The pith and substance of that volume—itself a striking example of female ability in authorship—is here presented to English readers, with such alterations and additions as the Editor considered it desirable to make. Many new biographies have been added, and those written by Mrs. Hale and her coadjutors carefully revised. Some have been altogether omitted, as referring to persons who possessed little or no claim to a place in a collection of Female Worthies. Great care has been taken to verify the dates and facts already given, and to insert only such fresh ones as good authorities would furnish; and no pains have been spared to make the work as perfect and correct as possible. With all care that could be taken, however, it is to be expected that some errors will have crept in, and the Editor will feel obliged, if such of his readers as may detect any, will kindly point them out, that they may be corrected in subsequent editions of the work, which, in its alphabetical mode of arrangement, style, and price, is exactly uniform with others of the series of Cyclopædias now in course of publication; those already issued being "The Cyclopædia of Poetical Quotations," and "The Cyclopædia of Sacred Poetical Quotations."
Rochester, August, 1857.
Biographies (not listed in original)
- Abarca, Maria de
- Abbassah
- Abdy, Mrs.
- Abella
- Abigail
- Abijah
- Abingdon, Frances
- Abisch, Anna Barbara
- Abishag
- Acca, or Arca-Laurentia
- Acciaioli, Magdalen
- Accoramboni, Virginia
- Acland, Lady Harriet
- Ada, daughter of Hecutomnus
- Ada, Countess of Holland
- Adams, Abigail
- Adams, Hannah
- Adams, Sarah Flower
- Adelaide, daughter of Rodolphus
- Adelaide, Madame, of France
- Adelaide, Marchioness of Italy
- Adelaide, Queen
- Adelais
- Adelasia
- Adorni, Catharine Fieschi
- Adriam, Marie
- Adrichomia, Cornelia
- Æmelia
- Æmelia Juliana
- Æmelia Tertia, daughter of Æmelius Paulus the First
- Æmelia Tertia, third daughter of Lucius Æmelius Paulus the Second
- Afra
- Agatha, Saint
- Agesistrata
- Agigan Lucrezia
- Agnes
- Agnes de Merania
- Agnes of France
- Agnes of Hungary
- Agnes, Saint
- Agnes Sorel
- Agnese
- Agnesi, Maria Gaetana
- Agnesi, Maria Teresa
- Agnodice
- Agnoult, Countess d'
- Agostina, The Maid of Saragossa
- Agreda, Marie d'
- Agrippina
- Agrippina, Julia
- Aguilar, Grace
- Aiguillon, Duchess d'
- Aikin, Lucy
- Airola, Angelica Veronica
- Aisha
- Aïssé, Demois
- Akerhielm, Anna Mansdotter Agriconia
- Alacoque Marie
- Albani Louisa
- Albedyhl
- Alberetti, Verdoni Therese
- Albret, Charlotte d'
- Albret, Jeanne d'
- Albrizzi, Teotochi Isabella
- Aldrude
- Alexandra, Queen of Judea
- Alexandra, daughter of Hyrcanus
- Alice, Queen of France
- Alice, of France
- Allin, Abby
- Allish
- Aloara
- Aloysia, Sigea
- Alphaizuli
- Altoviti, Marseille d'
- Amalie, Ann
- Amalaswinth
- Amalie, Anna
- Amalie, Catharina
- Amalie, Elizabeth
- Amalthæa
- Amastris
- Amboise
- Amelia Maria Frederica Augusta
- Amelia, Queen of Greece
- Amelia, daughter of George III
- Amelie Maria, ex-Queen of the French
- Ammanati, Laura Battiferri
- Amorette, Maria Pellegrina
- Anacoana
- Anastasia
- Anastasia, Saint
- Ancelot, Virginie
- Anchita
- Andreini, Isabella
- Androclea
- Andromache
- Angelberga, or, Ingelberga
- Angitia
- Angoulême, Marie Theresa Charlotte
- Angusciola, Sophonisba
- Angusciola, Lucia
- Anna Ivanovna
- Anna Maria
- Ann Amelia
- Anna of Hungary
- Anna, Perenna
- Anna Petrovna
- Anna, the Prophetess
- Anne Boleyn
- Anne Clarges
- Anne de Gonzague
- Anne of Austria
- Anne of Beaujeu
- Anne of Bohemia
- Anne of Bretagne
- Anne of Cleves
- Anne of Cypress
- Anne of Dauphine
- Anne of Denmark
- Anne of Ferrara
- Anne of Russia
- Anne of Warwick
- Anne, Queen of England
- Ann of Savoy
- Ann, Saint
- Antigone
- Antonia Major
- Antonia Minor
- Apollonia, St.
- Arblay, Madame D'
- Arbouville, Countess d'
- Archidamia
- Archinta, Margherita
- Arc, Joan of
- Aretaphila
- Arete
- Argyll, Duchess of
- Ariadne
- Ariosto Lippa
- Arlotta
- Armyne, Lady Mary
- Arnaude de Rocas
- Arnauld, Marie Angelique
- Arnauld, Catharine Agnes
- Arnim, Bettina von
- Arnoult Sophie
- Arragon, Joan of
- Arragon, Tullia d'
- Arria
- Arsinoe I
- Arsinoe II
- Arsinoe III
- Artemisia I
- Artemisia II
- Arundel, Lady Blanche
- Arundel, Mary
- Ascham, Margaret
- Asenath
- Askew, Anne
- Aspasia
- Aspasia, or Milto
- Astell, Mary
- Athaliah
- Attenduli, Margaret d'
- Aubespine, Magdalen de l'
- Aunoy, Marie Catharine Jumelle de Berneville, Comtesse d'
- Aurelia
- Austen, Jane
- Austin, Sarah
- Avogadro, Lucia
- Avrillot, Barbe
- Axiothea
- Aycard, Marie
- Ayesha
- Azzi de Forti, Faustina
- Babois, Madame Victoire
- Bacciocchi, Marie Anne Elise
- Bache, Sarah
- Bacon, Anne
- Baillie, Joanna
- Bandettini, Theresa
- Barbara
- Barbauld, Anna Letitia
- Barbe de Verrue
- Barbier, Mary Ann
- Barnard, Lady Anne
- Baroni, Adrianne Basile
- Barry, Marie Jeanne Vaubenier
- Barton, Elizabeth
- Basine, or Basin
- Basseporte, Madeleine Frances
- Bassi, Laura Maria Catherine
- Bathsheba, or Bathchuah
- Battistati, Louisa
- Baynard, Anne
- Beale, Mary
- Beatrice, daughter of the count of Burgundy
- Beatrice of Provence
- Beatrice Portinari
- Beaufort, Joan
- Beaufort, Margaret
- Beauharnais, Fanny, Countess de
- Beaumont, Madame le Prince de
- Bector, Claude de
- Beecher, Esther Catherine
- Behn, Aphra
- Bekker, Elizabeth
- Bellamy, Georgiana
- Belleville, Jane de
- Bellini, Guisepa, Countess
- Belloc, Louise Swanton
- Bendish, Bridget
- Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy
- Benwell, Mary
- Berengaria
- Berenice
- Bernard, Catharine
- Berners, or Barnes, Juliana
- Bersala, Ann
- Bertana, Lucia
- Bertha, daughter of Caribert, King of Paris
- Bertha, widow of Eudes, Count de Blois
- Bertha, or Betrade
- Bertrade
- Bethmann, Frederica
- Bibi Jand
- Bigne
- Bilderjik, Katharine Wilhelmina
- Billington, Elizabeth
- Billioni, N. Bussa
- Black, Mrs.
- Blackwell, Elizabeth, author
- Blackwell, Elizabeth, physician
- Blake, Katharine
- Blamire, Susanna
- Blanchard, Madame
- Blanche of Padua
- Blanche de Bourbon
- Blanche of Castile
- Bland, Elizabeth
- Bleecker, Anne Eliza
- Blessington, Countess of
- Boadicea
- Boccage, Maria Anne du
- Bois de la Pierre, Louise Marie
- Bonaparte, Ramolina Marie Letitia
- Bontems, Madame
- Bore, or Bora, Catharine von
- Borghese, Marie Pauline
- Borgia, Lucrezia
- Bougnet, Madame
- Boullougne, Magdelaine de
- Bourette, Charlotte
- Bourgain, Therese
- Bourget, Clemence de
- Bourignon, Antoinette
- Bovette de Blemur, Jacqueline
- Bovey, Catharine
- Brachman, Louise
- Bradstreet, Anne
- Bragelongne, Agnes de
- Brambati, Emilia
- Brambati, Isotta
- Bratton, Martha
- Bray, Mrs.
- Bregy, Charlotte Saumaise de Chazan, Comtesse de
- Bremer, Frederika
- Brentano, Sophia
- Bridget, or Brigit
- Bridgman, Laura
- Brinvilliers, Marie Marguerite, Marchioness de
- Bronte, Charlotte, Emily, and Ann
- Brooke, Frances
- Brooks, Maria
- Brown, Catherine
- Browne, Mary Anne
- Brown, Frances
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
- Brunehaut
- Brun, Frederike Christiana
- Brun, Madame le
- Brunoro, Bona Lombardi
- Brunton, Mary
- Buchan, Countess of
- Buchan, Elspeth
- Buffet, Margaret
- Bulwer, Lady
- Bure, Catharine
- Burleigh, Lady Mildred
- Burnet, Elizabeth
- Bury, Elizabeth
- Bury, Lady Charlotte
- Calage, de Pech de
- Calavrese, Maria
- Calderon de la Barca, Frances Erskine
- Callcott, Lady
- Calphurnia
- Calpurnia
- Campan, Jane Louisa Henrietta
- Campbell, Dorothea Primrose
- Campiglia, Maddalena
- Cantarini, Chiara
- Cantofoli, Genevra
- Capello, Bianca
- Capillana
- Carew, Lady Elizabeth
- Carey, Alice and Phœbe
- Carlemigelli, Aspasie
- Carlen, Emily
- Carlisle, Anne
- Carmenta, or Nicostrata
- Caroline Amelia Elizabeth
- Caroline Maria
- Caroline Matilda
- Caroline Wilhelmina Dorothea
- Cartandis
- Carter, Elizabeth
- Cartismandua
- Cassana, Maria Vittoria
- Cassandra
- Cassiopeia
- Castelnau, Henriette Julie de
- Castro, Anne de
- Castro, Inez de
- Catalina, Angelica
- Catellan, Marie Claire Priscille Marguerite de
- Catharine Alexieona
- Catharine II., Alexieona
- Catharine de Medicis
- Catharine of Arragon
- Catharine of Braganza
- Catharine of Valois
- Catharine Parr
- Catharine Paulowna
- Catharine Sforza
- Catharine St., of Bologna
- Catharine St., of Alexandria
- Catharine, St., of Sienna
- Ceconia, or Cesenia
- Centlivre, Susannah
- Cereta, Laura
- Cezelli, Constance
- Challie, Madame de
- Chambers, Mary
- Champmesle, Marie Desmares de
- Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret
- Chandler, Mary
- Chapone, Hester
- Charixena
- Charlotte, Princess of Wales
- Chase, Ann
- Chateauroux, Marie Anne, Duchess de
- Chatelet, Gabrielle Emilie de Bretrueil Marquise du
- Chelidonis
- Chelonis
- Chemin, Catharine du
- Cheney, Harriet V.
- Cheron, Elizabeth Sophia
- Chezy, Wilhelmine Christine Von
- Child, Lydia Maria
- Chiomara
- Choin, Marie Emilie Joly de
- Christina, Queen of Sweden
- Chudleigh, Lady Mary
- Cibber, Susanna Maria
- Cicci, Marie Louisa
- Cinchon, Countess of
- Cirani, Elizabeth
- Clairon, Clara Josepha de la Tude
- Clarke. Mary Cowden
- Clarke, Sara Jane
- Claypole, Elizabeth
- Clelia
- Clements, Margaret
- Cleobule, or Cleobuline
- Cleopatra
- Clermont, Claude Catharine de
- Clifford, Anne
- Clive, Catherine
- Clotilde, wife of Clovis
- Clotilde, Queen of the Goths
- Cochrane, Grizel
- Cockburn, Catharine
- Coleridge, Sara Henry
- Coligni, Henrietta, Countess de la Luze
- Colonna, Vittoria
- Colquohn, Janet
- Comnenus, Anna
- Comstock, Sarah Davis
- Constance
- Contarini, Gabriello Catterina
- Contat, Louise
- Conti, Margaret Louisa
- Conti, Princess de
- Cook, Eliza
- Cooper, Miss
- Coppoli, Elena or Cecilia
- Corday D'Armont, Maria-Anne Charlotte
- Corinna, the Lyric Muse
- Corinna, or Crinna
- Cornano Caterina
- Cornaro, Helena Lucretia
- Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi
- Cornelia, daughter of Metallus Scipio
- Cornelia, daughter of Cinna
- Cortesi, Giovanna Marmocchini
- Costa, Maria Margarita
- Costello, Louisa Stuart
- Cosway, Mary
- Cottin, Sophie
- Coutts, Angela Georgina Burdett
- Cowley, Hannah
- Coxe, Margaret
- Craon, Princess de
- Craven, Elizabeth, Lady
- Crawford, Anne
- Creguy, Victoire d'Houlay, Marquise de
- Creta, Laura
- Cromwell, Elizabeth
- Crowe, Catharine
- Cruz, Juana Inez de la
- Cubiere, Madame de
- Culman, Elizabeth
- Cunitia, or Cunitz Maria
- Cushman, Charlotte
- Czartoryski, Isabella, Princess
- Dacier, Anne
- Dacre, Lady
- Damer, Anne Seymour
- Damo
- Damophila
- Dancy, Elizabeth
- D'Andalo, OB Brancaleone Galeaxa
- Dangeville, Mary Anne Botol
- Danti, Theodora
- Darling, Grace
- Darusmont, Frances
- Daschkoff, Catharine Romanowna
- Dashkova, Ekaterina Romanovna
- Dash, Madame la Comtesse
- Davidson, Lucretia Maria
- Davidson, Margaret Miller
- Davies, Lady Eleanor
- Deborah, a prophetess
- Deborah, a Jewess
- Deffand, Marie de Vichy Chamroud du
- Dekken, Agathe
- Delany, Mary
- Deroches, Madeleine Revuo
- Dervorgille, Lady
- Descartes, Catharine
- Deshoulieres, Antoinette Ligier de la Garde
- Desmond, Countess of, Catharine Fitzgerald
- Desmoulins, Lucille
- Devonshire, Duchess of, Georgiana Cavendish
- Deyster, Anna
- Dido, or Elissa
- Digby, Lettice
- Dinah
- Dinnies, Anna Peyre
- Diotima
- Dix, Dorothea L.
- Dodane
- Doete de Teoyes
- Domeir, Esther, born Gad
- Domniva, or Dompneva
- Donne, Maria Dalle-
- Dorcas, or Tabitha
- Druzbacka, Elizabeth
- Dubois, Dorothea
- Duclos, Marie Anne
- Dudevant, Amantine-Aurore-Dupin
- Dufferin, Lady
- Dufresnoy, Mademoiselle
- Dumee, Joan
- Dumesnil, Marie Frances
- Dumont, Madame
- Dupre Mary
- Durand, Catharine
- Duras, Duchess of
- Duyn, Marguerite de
- Dwight, Elizabeth Baker
- Dyer, Mary
- Eanfled
- Eastlake, Lady Elizabeth
- Ebba, Saint
- Edesia
- Edgeworth, Maria
- Editha
- Egee
- Egerton, Lady Frances
- Egloffstein, Julie, Countess von
- Eleanor of Aquitaine
- Eleanor of England
- Eleonore of Toledo
- Elgiva
- Elisabeth, wife of Zacharias
- Elisabeth of York
- Elizabeth, Charlotte
- Elizabeth, Christina
- Elizabeth of Austria
- Elizabeth of France
- Elizabeth Petrowna
- Elizabeth, Philippine Marie Helene, of France, Madame
- Elizabeth, Queen of England
- Ellet, Elizabeth F.
- Ellis, Sarah Stickney
- Elpis
- Elstob, Elizabeth
- Elswitha
- Embury, Emma Catharine
- Emma, wife of Lothaire, King of France
- Emma, daughter of Richard the Second, Duke of Normandy
- Enfleda, and Elfleda
- English, Hester
- Ennetieres, Marie d'
- Epinay, Louise d'
- Eponina
- Erauso, Catalina de
- Erdmuthe, Sophia, Margravine
- Erinna
- Ermengarde, or Hermengarde
- Ernecourt, Barbara of
- Este, Eleonora d'
- Esther
- Estrees, Gabrielle d', Duchess of Beaufort
- Ethelburga
- Etheldreda, St.
- Ethelfleda, or Elfleda
- Eudocia, Athenian sophist and philosopher
- Eudocia, or Eudoxia
- Eudocia, Feodorowna
- Eugenie, Empress of the French
- Euphemia, Flavia Ælia Marcia
- Eurydice
- Eusebia, Aurelia
- Eusebia
- Eustachium
- Eve
- Faini, Diamante
- Falconberg, Mary
- Falconia, Proba
- Fane, Elizabeth
- Fannia
- Fanshawe, Ann Harrison, Lady
- Fantastici, Rosellina Massimima
- Farley, Harriet
- Farnese, Franccesca
- Farrar, Mrs.
- Farren, Miss
- Fatimee
- Faucit, Helen
- Faugere, Miss
- Faugeres, Margaretta V.
- Faustina, Annia Galeria
- Faustina, Flavia Maximiana
- Favart, Marie Justine Benoite. Madame
- Fayette, Louise de la
- Fayette, Marie Madeleine, Countess de
- Fedele, Cassandra
- Fedorowna, Maria
- Felicitas
- Feller, Henrietta
- Ferguson, Elizabeth Græme
- Fernandez, Maria Maddalena Morelli
- Ferrier, Mary
- Ficker, Christiane D. S.
- Fidelis, Cassandra
- Fielding, Sarah
- Fisher, Catharine
- Fisher, Mary
- Fiske, Catharine
- Flaxman, Ann
- Flore de Rose
- Florine
- Fodor, Mainville, Josephine
- Foix, Margaret de, Duchess d'Epernon
- Follen, Eliza Lee
- Fonseca, Eleonora, Marchioness of
- Fontana, Lavinia
- Fontaines, Marie Louise Charlotte Countess de
- Fonte, Moderata
- Force, Charlotte Rose de Caument de la
- Fougeret, Anna Francesca Dontremont
- Fouque, Baroness Caroline de la Motte
- Fouque, Caroline Auguste de la Motte
- Francisca, or Frances
- Franklin, Eleanor Ann
- Frantz, Agnes
- Franz, Agnes
- Fratellina, Giovanna
- Fredegonde
- Freiligrath, Ida
- Freyberg, Baroness von
- Frohberg, Regina
- Fry, Elizabeth
- Fuller, Sarah Margaret
- Fulvia
- Gabrielle de Bourbon
- Gabrielli, Catharine
- Gacon, Dufour Marie A. Johanne
- Gaetans, Aurora
- Gail, Sophia
- Gaillard, Jane
- Galeria
- Galigai, Eleonora
- Gallttzin, Amalia, Princess
- Gambara, Veronica
- Garrick, Eva Maria
- Gaskell, Mrs. L. E
- Gassier, Madame
- Gaston, Margaret
- Gaussem, Jeanne Catharine
- Gay, Sophie
- Genevieve, Duchess of Brabant
- Genevieve, St.
- Genlis, Stephanie Felicite, Countess de
- Gentileschi, Artemisia
- Geoffrin, Marie Theresa Rodet
- Gerberge
- Germain, Sophia
- Gersdorf, Wilhelmine von
- Gethin, Lady Grace
- Gillies, Margaret
- Gilman, Caroline
- Ginassi, Caterina
- Girardin, Delphine de
- Giselle
- Glauber, Diana
- Gleim, Betty
- Glenorchy, Wilhelmina Maxwell, Lady
- Glover, Julia
- Glyn, Miss Isabella
- Goddard, Arabella
- Godewyck, Margaretta
- Godiva
- Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft
- Gomez, Magdalene Angelina Paisson de
- Gonzaga, Barba von
- Gonzaga, Cecilia de
- Gonzaga, Colonna Ippolita
- Gonzaga-Colonna, Julia
- Gonzaga, Eleonora
- Gonzaga, Isabella de
- Gonzaga, Lucretia
- Gore, Mrs. Catharine Grace
- Gottsched, Louisa Adelgunde Victoria
- Gouges, Marie Olympe de
- Gould, Hannah Flagg
- Gournay, Mary de Jars, Lady of
- Gozzadini, Betisia
- Grace, Mrs.
- Graffigny, Francoise d'Happoncourt
- Graham, Isabella
- Grant, Anne
- Green, Frances Harriet
- Greville, Mrs.
- Grey, Lady Jane
- Grey, Mrs.
- Grierson, Constantia
- Griffith, Elizabeth
- Grignan, Frances, Countess de
- Grisi, Signora Guilia
- Gross, Amalie von
- Grotius, Mary
- Grouchy, Sophia
- Guenever I
- Guenever II
- Guenever III
- Guercheville, Antoinette de Pons, Marchioness of
- Guest, Lady Charlotte
- Guillaume, Jacquette
- Guillet, Pernette du
- Guizot, Charlotte Pauline
- Guizot, Elise Margaretta
- Guyard, Adelaide Sabille
- Guyon, Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Motte
- Gwenissa
- Gwynne, Eleanor
- Habert, Susan de
- Hachette, Jeanne
- Hahn-Hahn, Ida Maria Louisa Frederica Gustava, Countess of
- Haight, Sarah Rogers
- Hale, Sarah Josepha
- Halket, Lady Anne
- Hall, Anna Maria
- Hall, Louisa Jane
- Hall, Sarah
- Hamilton, Elizabeth
- Hanke, Henriette Wilhelmina
- Harcourt, Agnes d'
- Harcourt, Harriet Eusebia
- Haser, Charlotte Henrietta
- Hastings, Elizabeth
- Hastings, Lady Flora
- Hauffe, Frederica
- Hayes, Catharine
- Hedwig, Amelia von
- Helena, daughter of Constantine the Great
- Helena, of Monobasus
- Helena, St.
- Helena, Ap Eudda
- Heloise
- Helvetius, Madame
- Hemans, Felicia Dorothea
- Hendel-Schütz, Henrietta
- Henrietta of England
- Hentz, Caroline Lee
- Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke
- Hereswitha, or Hereswyda
- Heritier, Marie Jeanne l', de Villandon
- Heron, Cecilia
- Herschel, Caroline Lucretia
- Hervey, Eleanora Louisa
- Hewitt, Mary E.
- Heywood, Eliza
- Hilda, St.
- Hildegardis
- Hill, Frances M.
- Hiltrudis
- Hodson, Margaret
- Hofland, Barbara
- Hohenhauser, Philippine Amalie Elise von
- Hohenheim, Francisca, Countess von
- Hooper, Lucy
- Hopkins, Louisa Payson
- Hopton, Susanna
- Horsford, Mary Gardiner
- Hortense de Beauharnois Bonaparte, ex-Queen of Holland
- Houdetot, Sophie de la Briche, Countess d'
- Howard, Anne, Viscountess Irwin
- Howard, Catharine
- Howitt, Mary
- Hroswitha
- Huber, Mary
- Huber, Theresa
- Hughs, Mary
- Hunila
- Hunter, Anne
- Huntingdon, Selina, Countess of
- Hutchinson, Anne
- Hutchinson, Lucy
- Hyde, Anne, Duchess of York
- Hypasia
- Icasia
- Inchbald, Elizabeth
- Ingeborge, or Ingelburga
- Inglis, Esther
- Ingonde, or Ingundis
- Ingrida
- Irene
- Ireton, Bridget
- Irge
- Isabella of Arragon
- Isabella of Castile
- Isabella of France
- Isabella of Lorraine
- Isabella of Valois
- Isabella, Queen of Hungary
- Isabella II., Queen of Spain
- Isaure, Clemence, or Clemenza
- Ivrea, Manzoli deL Monte, Giovanna
- Jagiello, Appolonia
- James, Maria
- Jameson, Anna
- Jane of Flanders
- Jardins, Marie Catharine des
- Jarzoff, Mademoisella
- Jeanne de Bourbon
- Jeanne of France and Navarre
- Jewsbury, Geraldine E.
- Jewsbury, Maria Jane
- Joanna, Countess of Hainault and Flanders
- Joanna, or Jane of Navarre
- Joanna, of Naples
- Joghebed
- Johnson, Lady Arabella
- Johnson, Esther
- Johnstone, Mrs.
- Josephine Rose Tascher de la Pagerie
- Judith, daughter of Welff
- Judith, of the tribe of Reuben
- Judson, Anne Hasseltine
- Judson, Emily C.
- Judson, Sarah B.
- Julia, virgin and martyr of Carthage
- Julia, daughter of Julius Caesar and Cornelia
- Julia Domina
- Julia Mammea
- Julia Moesa
- Juliana, of Norwich
- Juliana, court of the Mogul Emperors of Hindostan
- Jullienne, Madame Dejeun
- Junot, Laura, Duchess d'Abrantes
- Kamamalu
- Kapiolani
- Karsch, Anna Louisa
- Kauffman, Maria Angelica
- Kavanah, Julia
- Kean, Ellen
- Kelley, Frances Maria
- Kemble, Frances Anne
- Kent, Duchess of
- Keralio, Madame de
- Khaula
- Killigrew, Anne
- Killigrew, Catharine
- Kirch, Mary Margaret
- Kirchgessner, Marianne
- Kirkland, Caroline M.
- Klopstock, Margaret, or Meta
- Knorring, Baroness
- Koerten, Joanna
- Königsmark, Marie Aurore, Countess of
- Krüdener, Julianna, Baroness of Valeria
- Kulman, Mademoiselle
- Labbe, Louise, (La Belle Cordiere,)
- Labrouse, Clotilde Suzette Courcelles
- Lacombe, Rose
- Lafayette, Madame
- la Ferte Imbault, Maria Theresa Geoffrin Marchioness de
- Lafite, Marie Elizabeth de
- Lamb, Lady Caroline
- Lamb, Mary
- Lamballe, Marie Therese, Louise, of Savoy, Carignan, Princess de
- Lambert, Anne Therese, Marquise de
- Lambert, Miss
- Lambrun, Margaret
- Lamia
- Landa, Catharine
- Landon, Letitia Elizabeth
- Lane, Jane
- Lannoy, The Countess of
- Lapierre, Sophie
- Lashford, Joan
- Laura
- Lavalette, Emilie, Countess de
- Leah
- Leapor, Mary
- Lee, Anne
- Lee, Hannah F.
- Lee, Mary Elizabeth
- Lee, Sarah
- Lee, Sophia
- Leela
- Legge, Elizabeth
- Leiva, Maria Virginia di
- Lenngren, Anna Maria
- Lennox, Charlotte
- Lenormand, Mademoiselle
- Leontium
- Lescaile, Catharine
- Leslie, Eliza
- Levi, Justin de
- Lewald, Fanny
- Lewis, Estelle Anna
- Lezardiere, Mademoiselle
- Lichtenaw, Wilhelmina, Countess of
- Lincoln, Elizabeth, Countess of
- Lind, Jenny
- Linwood, Mary
- Lioba
- Livia
- Lloyd, Mary
- Logan, Martha
- Loges, Marie Bruneau
- Lohman, Johanna Frederica
- Lohman, Emelie F. Sophie
- Lois and Eunice
- Londonderry, Marchioness of
- Longueville, Duchess de
- Loqueyssie, Madame de
- Losa, Isabella
- Loudon, Jane
- Louisa, of Savoy
- Louisa Augusta Wilhelmina Amelia
- Louis, Madame
- Louvencourt, Marie de
- Lowe, Miss
- Lucar, Elizabeth
- Lucchesini, Guidiccioni Laura
- Lucretia
- Lucy, St.
- Lumley, Joanna, Lady
- Lussan, Margaret de
- Lynch, Anne Charlotte
- Lynn, Eliza
- Lyser, Caroline Leonhardt
- Macaulay, Catharine
- Macdonald, Flora
- Macomber, Eleanor
- Malison, Mrs.
- Mæroe
- Maine, Anne, Louise, Benedicte de Bourbon, Duchess de
- Maintenon, Madame de
- Makeda
- Malatesti, Battista
- Maleguzzi-Valeri, Veronica
- Malepierra, Olympia
- Malescoite, Margherita
- Malibran, Maria Felicite
- Mandane
- Manley, Mrs.
- Manzoni, Giusti Francesca
- Mara, Gertrude Elizabeth
- Maratti, Zappi Faustina
- Marcet, Jane
- Marezoll, Louise
- Margaret, daughter of Francis the First of France
- Margaret, daughter of Raymond Berenger
- Margaret, sister of Edgar Atheling
- Margaret, the Semiramis of the North
- Margaret, Countess of the Tyrol and Duchess of Carinthia
- Margaret, Duchess of Parma
- Margaret Louisa of Lorraine
- Margaret of Anjou
- Margaret of France
- Margaret of Scotland
- Margaret of Valois
- Margaret, St.
- Margaretta of Saxony
- Maria
- Maria, Alexandrowna
- Maria Antoinetta Amelia
- Maria Christina
- Maria II. da Gloria Dona
- Maria Louisa Leopoldine Caroline
- Maria, Theresa
- Mariamne
- Marie Antoinette Josephe Jeanne de Lorraine
- Marina, Dona
- Marinelli, Lucrezia
- Markham, Mrs.
- Marlborough. Sarah, Duchess of
- Marley, Louise Francoise de, Marchioness de Vielbourg
- Maron, Theresa, de
- Marquets, Anne de
- Mars, Mademoiselle Hyppolite Boutet
- Marsh, Anne
- Martha, Sister, (Anne Biget)
- Martia
- Martin, Elizabeth and Grace
- Martin, Mrs. Bell
- Martin, Sarah
- Martineau, Harriet
- Martinez, Marianne
- Martinozzi, Laura
- Mary of Nazareth
- Mary, wife of Cleophas
- Mary, mother of Mark the Evangelist
- Mary, daughter of Henry the Seventh
- Mary, daughter of Charles, Duke of Burgundy
- Mary and Martha
- Mary Beatrice d'Este
- Mary de Medici
- Mary I., Queen of England
- Mary II., Queen of England
- Mary Leczinska
- Mary Magdalene
- Mary of Anjou
- Mary of Brabant
- Mary of France
- Mary of Hungary
- Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots
- Masham, Abigail
- Masham, Lady Damaris
- Masquieres, Francoise
- Matilda, Countess of Tuscany
- Matilda, daughter of Baldwin de Lille
- Matilda, or Maud
- Matilda, of Scotland
- Matraini, Clara Cantarini
- Mattugliana Mea
- Maupin, N. Aubigny
- Mayo, Sarah C. Edgarton
- McIntosh, Maria Jane
- Megalostrata
- Mellon, Harriet, Duchess of St. Albans
- Mercer, Margaret
- Meredith, Louisa A.
- Merian, Maria Sibylla
- Messalina
- Méteyard, Eliza
- Metrana, Anna
- Michiel, Renier Giustina
- Milesi, Bianca
- Miller, Lady
- Milner, Mary
- Milton, Mary
- Mingotti, Catharine
- Minutoli, Livia
- Mirbel, Lezinska Rue de
- Miriam
- Mitchell, Maria
- Mitford, Mary Russell
- Mniszech, Marina
- Mohalbi, Garafilia
- Molsa, Tarquinia
- Monica
- Monima
- Monk, the Hon. Mrs.
- Montagu, Elizabeth
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
- Montanclos, Marie Emilie Mayon, Madame de
- Montegut, Jeanne de Segla, Madame de
- Montenay, Georgette de
- Monti, Perticari Costanza
- Montmorency, Charlotte Margaret
- Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d'Orleans, Duchess de
- Montpensier, Jacquelin Longvic, Duchess de
- Morata, Olympia Fulvia
- Morella, Juliana
- More, Hannah
- Morgan, Sydney, Lady
- Morley, Countess of
- Moscheni, Costanza
- Moseby, Mary Webster
- Mother Anna, or Ann of Saxony
- Motte, Rebecca
- Mott, Lucretia
- Motteville, Frances Bertrand de
- Mowatt, Anna Cora
- Muloch, Diana Maria
- Muratori, Teresa
- Myrtis
- Naomi
- Neal, Alice Bradley
- Neale, Elizabeth
- Necker, Suzanne
- Nelli, Suor Plautilla
- Nemours, Marie d'Orleans, Duchess de
- Neuber, Caroline
- Neumann, Madame
- Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of
- Newell, Harriet
- Ney, Jenny
- Nichols, Mary Sargeant Gove
- Nightingale, Florence
- Nitocris
- Noe, Canedi Maddalena
- Nogarola, Arco d'Angela
- Nogarola, Isotta
- Norden-Fleicht, Chederig Charlotte de
- Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
- Norton, Lady Frances
- Novella
- Novello, Clara Anastasia
- Oberlin, Madeleine Salome
- Octavia, daughter of Caius Octavius
- Octavia, daughter of Claudius
- Oldfield, Anne
- Olga
- Olympias
- O'Neill, Miss
- Opie, Amelia
- Orlandine, Emilia of Siena
- Orleans, Elizabeth Charlotte, Duchess of
- Orleans, Marie d'
- Orpah
- Osgood, Frances Sargent
- Osterwyk, Maria van
- Pacheco, Donna Maria
- Pakington, Lady Dorothy
- Paladini, Archangela
- Pamphila
- Panthea
- Panzacchia, Maria Elena
- Paolini, Massimi Petronella
- Paradies, Maria Theresa
- Pardoe, Julia
- Parthenay, Anne de
- Parthenay, Catharine de
- Parysatis
- Pasta, Judith
- Paula, St.
- Paulina, wife of Saturninus
- Paulina, wife of Seneca
- Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer
- Pearson, Margaret
- Peirson, Lydia Jane
- Penelope
- Pennington, Lady
- Penthesilea
- Percy, Elizabeth
- Perilla
- Perpetua, Vivia
- Persiana, Fanny
- Petigny, Maria-Louise, Rose Levèsque
- Petronilla, Dona
- Pfeifer, Charlotte Birch
- Pfeiffer, Madame Ida
- Phædyma
- Phantasia
- Phebe
- Phelps, Almira H. Lincoln
- Pheretima
- Philistes
- Philla
- Philippa of Hainault
- Philips, Catharine
- Philotis
- Phryne
- Piccolomini, Maria
- Pichler, Caroline
- Pickering, Ellen
- Pienne, Joan de Halluin
- Pilkington, Letitia
- Pinckney, Maria
- Pinella, Antonia
- Piozzi, or Thrale, Esther Lynch
- Pipelet, Constance Marie de Theis
- Piscopia, Cornaro Elene
- Pise, or Pisan, Christine de
- Pix, Mary
- Pizzoli, Maria Luigia
- Placidia
- Planché, Matilda
- Plancina
- Pleyel, Marie
- Plumptre, Arabella
- Plunkett, Mrs.
- Pocahontas
- Poictiers, Diana de, Duchess of Valentinois
- Polla Argentaria
- Polley, Margaret
- Pompeia Plotina
- Pool, Rachel van
- Pope, Maria
- Porter, Anna Maria
- Porter, Jane
- Portia
- Possonby, Catharine
- Postans, Mrs.
- Pozzo, Isabella dal
- Pratt, Anne
- Prisca
- Pritchard, Hannah
- Proba, Valeria Palconia
- Pulcheria
- Pulcheria Ælia
- Queensbury, Catherine Hyde, Duchess of
- Quenburga, or Robba
- Quenburga, or Keneburgh
- Rachel, youngest daughter of Laban
- Rachel Felix
- Radcliffe, Ann
- Radegonde, St.
- Rahab
- Rambouillet, Catharine de Vivonne, Marchioness de
- Ramsay, Martha Laurens
- Raytra, Feletto Eleonora, of Casale
- Read, Catharine
- Rebekah
- Recamier, Jeanne Francoise Julie Adelaide Bernaral
- Reeve, Clara
- Reiske, Ernestine Christine
- Renard, Cecile
- Renee de France, Duchess of Ferrara
- Reybaud, Madame Charles
- Riccoboni, Marte Laboras-Mezieres
- Rich, Frances
- Riedesel, Frederica, Baroness de
- Rigby, Miss
- Ristori, Adelaide
- Rizpah
- Robert, Clemence
- Roberts, Emma
- Robinson, Therese Albertine Louise
- Roche, Marie Sophie de la
- Roches, Mesdames Des
- Rochier, Agnes du
- Rodhia
- Rohan, Anne de
- Rohan, Frances de, Lady de la Garnache
- Rohan, Marie Eleonore de
- Roland, Marie Jeanne
- Roper, Margaret
- Rosalba, Carriera
- Rosa, Anna di
- Rosamond
- Rosares, Isabella de
- Rose, Susan Penelope
- Rossi, Blanche de
- Rossi, Properzia de
- Rostopchin, Countess
- Rowe, Elizabeth
- Rowena
- Rowson, Susannah
- Rozee, Mademoiselle
- Rufina, Claudia
- Russell, Lady Elizabeth
- Russell, Lady Rachel
- Ruth
- Rutilia
- Rutsch, Rachel
- Ryves, Eliza
- Sabina, Julia
- Sabliere, Madame de la
- Sainte des Prez
- Sainte-Nectaire, Magdalene de
- Sainte-Phalier, Francoise Therese Aumile de
- Sale, Lady
- Salome
- Salvioni, Rosalba Maria
- Samson, Deborah
- Sandford, Mrs.
- Sappho
- Sarah, or Sarai
- Sarte, Dauphine de
- Saussure, Madame Necker de
- Sawyer, Caroline M.
- Saxburga
- Scacerni-Prosperi, Angela
- Scacrati-Romagnli, Orintia
- Scala, Alexandra
- Scaligeri, Lucia
- Schopenhauer, Johanna Frosina
- Schoppe, Amalia von
- Schroeder, Sophia
- Schurman, Anna Maria
- Scott, Julia H.
- Scott, Lady Anne
- Scuderi, Magdaleine de
- Sedgwick. Catharine Maria
- Seguier, Anne de
- Seidelmann, Apollonia
- Sellon, Lydia
- Selvaggia, Ricciarda
- Semiramis
- Senena, or Sina
- Serment, Louise Anastasie
- Sessi, Marianne, and sisters
- Seton, Lady
- Seturnan, Madame
- Sevigne, Marie de Rubutin Chantal, Marchioness of
- Seward, Anna
- Sewell, Elizabeth M.
- Seymour, Anne, Margaret, and Jane
- Seymour, Jane
- Sforza, Bianca Maria Visconti
- Sforza, Bona
- Sforza, Christierna, Duchess of Milan
- Sforza, Ipolita
- Sharpe, Louisa
- Shelley, Mary Wolstonecraft
- Shereen, or Schirin, or Sira
- Sheridan, Frances
- Sherwood, Mrs.
- Shindler, Mary B.
- Shipley, Lady Mary
- Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of
- Shuck, Henrietta
- Siddons, Sarah
- Sidlar, Luise
- Sigourney, Lydia Huntley
- Sinclair, Catharine
- Sirani, Elisabetta
- Siries, Violante Beatrice
- Smith, Charlotte
- Smith, Elizabeth
- Smith, Elizabeth Oakes
- Smith, Margaret Harrison
- Smith, Sarah Lanman
- Smith, Sarah Louisa P.
- Somerville, Mary
- Sommery, N. Fontelle de
- Sontag, Henrietta
- Sophia
- Sophia of Wolfenbuttel
- Sophonisba
- Southcott, Joanna
- Southey, Caroline Anne
- Southworth, Emma D. E. Nevitte
- Souza, Maria Flahault de
- Spilberg, Adriana
- Spilimbergo, Irine di
- Staal, Madame de
- Staël, Anne Louise Germain, Madame de
- Stanhope, Lady Hester
- St. Cecilia
- Steele, Mrs. Anne
- Stengel, Franziska von
- Stephens, Ann S.
- Stephens, Katharine
- Stewart, Harriet Bradford
- St. Leger, Hon. Elizabeth
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher
- Strickland, Agnes
- Stuart, Arabella
- Suffolk, Henrietta, Countess of
- Sulpitia
- Surville, Marguerite Eleonore Clotilde de
- Sutherland, Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana
- Suze, Henrietta Coligny de la
- Sybella
- Symphorosa
- Taggart, Cynthia
- Talbot, Catharine
- Tamar, or Thamar
- Tambroni, Clotilde
- Tarabott, Caterina
- Tarnow, Fanny
- Tastu, Sabine Casimir Amable Vorest
- Taylor, Jane
- Telesilla
- Tempest, Miss
- Tenda, Beatrice
- Teodoro, Danti
- Terracina, Laura
- Thecla
- Theodelinda
- Theis de Constance, Marie, Princess of Salm Dyck
- Theresa, Saint
- Thicknesse, Anne
- Thierry, Madame
- Thisbe
- Thorneycroft, Mary
- Thynne, Frances, Duchess of Somerset
- Tibergeau, Marchioness de
- Tighe, Mary
- Tintoretto, Marietta
- Tishem, Catharine
- Tomlins, Elizabeth S.
- Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth
- Townsend, Eliza
- Treffz, Jetty
- Trimmer, Sarah
- Trollope, Mrs.
- Tullia, or Tulliola
- Twierlein, Aderkeid von
- Tymicha
- Ugalde, Delphine
- Ulrica, Eleonora
- Valentine
- Valeria
- Valliere, Louise Francoise, Duchesse de la
- Vanhomrigh, Esther, or Vanessa
- Varano di Costanza
- Varnhagen, Rachel Levin, or Robert
- Vashti
- Veleda, or Velleda
- Veronese, Angela
- Verza, Curtoni-Guastaveza Silvia
- Viardot, Pauline
- Victoria the Heroine
- Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland
- Vigne, Anne de la
- Viot, Marie Anne Henriette
- Virmeiro, Countess
- Wagner, Johanna
- Wakefield, Priscilla
- Walters, Henrietta
- Ware, Katharine Augusta
- Warren, Mercy
- Warwick, Mary, Countess of
- Washington, Mrs. Mary
- Washington, Martha
- Wasser, Anna
- Watts, Jane
- Weber, Helene Marie
- Weisserthurn, Johanna F. V. Von
- Welby, Amelia B.
- Welser, Philippina
- Werburga
- West, Jane
- Westmoreland, Jane, Countess of
- Weston, Elizabeth Jane
- Wharton, Anne, Countess of
- Wheatley, Phillis
- Whitman, Sarah Helen
- Whittlesey, Abigail Goodrich
- Willard, Emma
- Williams, Anna
- Williams, Helen Maria
- Wilson, Mrs.
- Winchelsea, Anne, Countess of
- Winckel, Theresa Emilia Henrietta
- Winter, Lucretia Wilhelmina
- Woffington, Margaret
- Wolf, Arnoldina
- Wolf, Mrs.
- Wood, Jean
- Wortley, Lady Emmeline Stuart
- Xantippe
- Yates, Mary
- Yearsley, Anne
- Zaida
- Zanardi-Bottioni, Speciosa
- Zanardi, Gentile
- Zanwiski, Constantia, Princess Czartonyska
- Zappi, Faustina
- Zenobia Septimia
- Zobeide, or Zoebd-el-Khematin
- Zoe
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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