A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Catharine, St., of Sienna
Was born at Sienna, in 1347. The monks relate of this saint that she became a nun of St. Dominic at the age of seven; that she saw numberless visions, and wrought many miracles while quite young; and that she conversed face to face with Christ, and was actually married to him. Her influence was so great that she reconciled Pope Gregory the Eleventh to the people of Avignon, in 1376, after he had excommunicated them; and in 1377, she prevailed on him to re-establish the pontifical seat at Rome, seventy years after Clement the Fifth had removed it to France. She died April 30th., 1380, aged thirty-three, and was canonized by Pius the Second, in 1461. Her works consist of letters, poems, and devotional pieces.