A Cyclopaedia of Female Biography/Heritier, Marie Jeanne l', de Villandon
Was born at Paris, in 1664, daughter of Nicholas l'Heritier, a French poet, from whom she inherited a talent for poetry. She was also esteemed for the sweetness of her manners, and the dignity of her sentiments. The academy of the "Jeux Floraux" received her as a member in 1696, and that of the Ricovrati, in Padua, in 1697. She wrote a translation in verse of sixteen of Ovid's Epistles; an English tale, called "La Tour Tenebreuse;" "Les Caprices de Destin," another novel; and a novel in verse, called "L'Avare Puni;" with a few other poems. She lived a single life, and died at Paris, in 1734, aged seventy.
Heritier, Marie Jeanne l', de Villandon