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A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations/Allenites

From Wikisource

ALLENITES, the disciples of Henry Allen, of Nova Scotia, who began to propagate his doctrines in that country about the year 1778, and died in 1783, during which time he made many proselytes, and at his death left a considerable party behind him, though now much declined. He published several treatises and sermons, in which he declares, that the souls of all the human race are emanations, or rather parts of the one great Spirit; that they were all present in Eden, and were actually in the first transgression. He supposes that our first parents in innocency were pure spirits, and that the material world was not then made; but that in consequence of the fall, that mankind might not sink into utter destruction, the world was produced, and men clothed with material bodies; and that all the human race will, in their turn, be invested with such bodies, and in them enjoy a state of probation for immortal happiness.[1]

Original footnotes

  1. Manuscript from a clergyman in Nova Scotia, 1783.