A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations
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Preface and introduction
[edit]- Abrahamites
- Abyssinian Church
- Acacians
- Academics
- Acephali
- Adamites
- Adessenarians
- Adiaphorists
- Adoptiani
- Aerians
- Aetians
- Afghans
- Agnotae
- Agonistic
- Agynians
- Albigenses
- Allenites
- Almaricians
- Alogians
- American Sect
- Ammonians
- Amsdorfians
- Anabaptists
- Anchorites
- Angelites
- Anomoeans
- Anthropomorphites
- Antiburghers
- Antinomians
- Antipaedobaptists
- Antisabbatarians
- Antitactae
- Antitrinitarians
- Appelaeans
- Aphthartodocites
- Apocaritaes
- Apollinarians
- Apostolics
- Aquarians
- Arabaci
- Archontics
- Arians
- Aristotelians
- Armenians
- Arminians
- Arnoldists
- Artemonites
- Artotyrites
- Asclepidotaeans
- Ascodogrites
- Ascodrutes
- Assideans
- Assuritans
- Athanasians
- Atheists
- Audaeans
- Augustines
- Azymitae
[edit]- Babylonians
- Baptists
- Bardesanistes
- Baarlaamites
- Basilidians
- Baxterians
- Beghards
- Behmenists
- Benedictines
- Bereans
- Berangarians
- Beryllians
- Bethlehemites
- Bezpopoftschins
- Biddelians
- Birmans
- Bogomiles
- Bohemian Brethren
- Bonosians
- Borrelists
- Bourignonists
- Bramins
- Brazilians
- Brethren & Sisters of the Free Spirit
- Brethren & Clerks
- Brownists
- Buchanites
- Budneians
- Budso
- Burghers
[edit]- Cabbalists
- Cainians
- Calixtins
- Calvinists
- Cameronians
- Camisars
- Caputiati
- Carolostadians
- Carpocratians
- Cataphrygians
- Catechumens
- Catholics
- Celtes
- Cerdonians
- Cerinthians
- Chazinzarians
- Chiliasts
- Chinese
- Christians
- Christians of St. John
- Christians of St. Thomas
- Christo Sacrum
- Church of England
- Circumcellians
- Cocceians
- Colarbarsians
- Collegiates
- Colluthians
- Collyliridians
- Congregationalists
- Cononites
- Consubstantialists
- Cophts
- Cornarists
- Corrupticolae
- Crispites
- Crusaders
- Cynics
[edit]I & J
[edit]- Macedonians
- Magdalenettes
- Magi
- Mahometans
- Manicheans
- Marceliians
- Marcionites
- Marcosians
- Maronites
- Martinists
- Martyrs
- Massalians
- Materialists
- Melatoni
- Melchites
- Melchizedeckians
- Meletians
- Menandrians
- Mendai
- Mendicants
- Mennonites
- Men of Understanding
- Methodists
- Millenarians
- Modalists
- Mohammedans
- Molinists
- Molokans
- Monks
- Monarchians
- Monophysites
- Monothelites
- Montanists
- Moravians
- Muggletonians
- Musselmans
- Mystics
[edit]- Pagans
- Pantheists
- Papists
- Parmenianites
- Pasaginians
- Passalorynchites
- Patriarchal Religion (The)
- Patricians
- Patripassiani
- Paulians
- Paulicians
- Pedo- or Paedo-baptists
- Pelagians
- Pelew Island
- Penitents
- Pepuzians
- Peremazanoftschins
- Perfectionists
- Persees
- Petrobrussians
- Pharisees
- Philadelphian Society
- Philistines
- Philoponists
- Philosophists
- Photinians
- Phrygians
- Picards
- Pietists
- Pilgrims
- Platonists
- Plotinists
- Pneumatomachians
- Polytheists
- Pomoryans
- Popery
- Popoftchins
- Pre-Adamites
- Predestinarians
- Pre-Existents
- Presbyterians
- Priminists
- Priscillianists
- Proclianites
- Protestants
- Psatyrians
- Ptolemaites
- Puritans
- Pyrrhonists
- Pythagoreans
[edit]- Sabbatarians
- Sabeans
- Sabellians
- Sacophori
- Sacramentarians
- Sadducees
- Samaritans
- Sammans
- Samokrestschentsi
- Sandemanians
- Satanians
- Saturnians
- Schaites
- Schamanism
- Sceptics
- Schewenkfeldians
- Schoolmen
- Scotch Baptists
- Scotists
- Seceders
- Secunduans
- Seekers
- Seeks
- Seleucians
- Sembiani
- Semi-Arians
- Semi-Judaizers
- Semi-Pelagians
- Separates
- Serverians
- Serverites
- Servetians
- Sethians
- Shakers
- Simonians
- Simonists
- Sintoos
- Society of the Victims
- Socinians
- Soldins
- Somnites
- Soul-Sleepers
- Southcottians
- South-Sea Islanders
- Spinosists
- Stancarians
- Starobredsi
- Starovertsi
- Stoics
- Strigolniks
- Stylites
- Sublapsarians
- Sufis
- Supralapsarians
- Swedenborgians
- Synergists
- Syrian Christians
[edit]U & V
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse