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A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations/Baxterians

From Wikisource

BAXTERIANS, so called from the learned and pious Mr. Richard Baxter, who was born in the year 1615. His design was to reconcile Calvin and Arminius. For this purpose he formed a middle scheme between their systems. He taught that God had elected some, whom he is determined to save, without any foresight of their good works; and that others to whom the gospel is preached have common grace, which if they improve, they shall obtain saving grace, according to the doctrine of Arminius. This denomination own, with Calvin, that the merits of Christ's death are to be applied to believers only; but they also assert that all men are in a state capable of salvation; to support which opinion, this learned author alleges, that it was the nature of all mankind which Christ assumed at his incarnation, and the sins of all mankind were the occasion of his suffering; that therefore it is not to the elect only, but to all mankind, that Christ has commanded his ministers to proclaim his gospel, and offer the benefits which he hath procured.[1]

Original footnotes

  1. Baxter's Cath. Theol. p. 51. 53. Baxter's End of Controv. p. 154.