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A Dictionary of All Religions and Religious Denominations/Zuinglians

From Wikisource

ZUINGLIANS, a branch of the ancient protestants; so called from Ulric Zuinglius, a divine of Switzerland, who received the doctor's cap at Basil in 1501. Possessing an uncommon share of penetration and acuteness of genius, he declaimed severely against indulgences, the mass, the celibacy of the clergy, and other doctrines of the Roman church. He differed from Luther in supposing only a figurative presence of the body and blood of Christ in the eucharist; and simply considered it as a pious remembrance of Christ's death, and in the benefits it procured to mankind. He denied that either of the sacraments confers grace, and had some peculiar notions on the doctrines of original sin, grace, &c. He was also for removing out of the churches many things which Luther was disposed to treat with toleration and indulgence; such as images, altars, wax-tapers, and other ceremonies.

The religious tenets of this denomination were, in most other points, similar to those of the Lutherans.[1]

Original footnotes

  1. Mosheim, vol. iv. p. 66-79. Milner, vol. v. Cent. 16, chapt. xii.