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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Aha

From Wikisource

AHA. A Nephite military officer of the days of the republic. He was the son of Zoram and brother of Lehi. He accompanied his father and brother when they went to Alma, the younger, to inquire the will of the Lord with regard to what course the Nephite army should take in. the pursuit of the Lamanites who had destroyed the city of Ammonihah (B. C. 81). Having received the word of the Lord, Zoram and his two sons proceeded to carry it out. They followed and overtook the Lamanites in the great wilderness south of Manti and east of the upper waters of the river Sidon. Here a severe battle took place, which ended in the Lamanite forces being scattered and driven into the wilderness; while all the Nephite captives were delivered and taken back to their own lands.