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A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon/Zoram (II)

From Wikisource

ZORAM. A righteous, God-fearing Nephite general in the days of the Judges. He was appointed chief captain of their armies at the time of the Lamanite capture of Ammonihah (B.C. 81). Knowing that Alma, the younger, the high priest, had the spirit of revelation, he and his sons, Lehi and Aha, went and inquired the mind and will of the Lord as to the direction the Nephite forces should take in their endeavor to rescue the prisoners captured by the invaders. Alma inquired of the Lord and received an answer that the Lamanites would cross the Sidon in the south wilderness, beyond the borders of Manti. Alma then told Zoram: “There shall ye meet them, on the east of the river Sidon, and there will the Lord deliver unto thee thy brethren who have been taken captive by the Lamanites." Following these instructions, Zoram and his sons led the Nephite armies across the Sidon and marched into the south wilderness on the east side of the river. There, they came upon the enemy, scattered them and drove them further into the wilderness. They also rescued all the Nephite prisoners and restored them to their own lands. We read nothing more of Zoram after this campaign.