A History of Japanese Colour-Prints/Bibliography
- Adams, F. O. History of Japan. London, 1875.
- Adeline, Jules. Le Chat d'après les Japonais. Rouen, 1893, 8vo. Deux eauxfortes et croquis lithographies (pp. 10 et seq., Colour-prints).
- Alcock, Sir Rutherford. Art and Art Industries in Japan (chaps, v. and vii.). London, 1878, 8vo, with illustrations.
- Anderson, W. A History of Japanese Art. In Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. vii. (1879), pp. 339 et seq. See also Satow and Hawet.
- Anderson, W. The Pictorial Arts of Japan, with a brief historical sketch of the associated arts, and some remarks upon the pictorial art of the Chinese and Koreans. London, 1886, 2 vols, large 4to, with illustrations.
- Anderson, W. Descriptive and Historical Catalogue of a Collection of Japanese and Chinese Paintings in the British Museum. London, 1886, large 8vo, with illustrations.
- Anderson, W. See Catalogue, Burlington Fine Arts Club.
- Anderson, W. Japanese Wood Engraving. The Portfolio, No. 17, May 1895, with illustrations.
- Appert, G., avec la collaboration de H. Kinoshita. Ancien Japon. Tokio, 1886, 16mo, with map (pp. 141 et seq., List of Japanese Painters).
- Audsley (George Ashdown). The Ornamental Arts of Japan. London, 1882, 2 vols, fol., with many illustrations (vol. i. pp. 36-41, Woodcutting and Wood-printing).
- Bigelow, see Catalogue.
- Bing, S. Le Japon Artistique. Documents d'art et d'industrie reunis par S. Bing. Paris, 1889-1891. 36 numbers, large 4to. Illustrations with explanatory text. Also in English.
- Bing, see Catalogue, Exposition 1890.
- Bing, S. The Art of Utamaro. In The Studio, iv. (1895), with illustrations.
- Bing, S. La Vie et l'Œuvre de Hok'sai.—L'Art Japonais avant Hok'sai.—La Jeunesse de Hok'sai, Shunro. In La Revue Blanche, x. (1896), with illustrations.
- Bing, S. La Gravure Japonaise. In L'Estampe et l'Affiche, April 15, 1897.
- Binyon, R. Laurence. Painting in the Far East (chap. xvii. on Colour-Printing). London, 1908.
- Bowes, James Lord. Japanese Marks and Seals. London, 1882, 8vo (pp. 219-270, Illuminated Manuscripts and Printed Books).
- Bramsen, W. Japanese Chronological Tables (645-1873). With an introductory essay on Japanese Chronology and Calendars. Tokio, 1880. Small qu. fol.
- Brinckmann, Justus. Kunst und Handwerk in Japan, vol. i. Berlin, 1889, 8vo (pp. 161 et seq., Painting; pp. 215 et seq., Printed Books and Reproduction).
- Brinkley, Frank. The Art of Japan, 2 vols., with illustrations. Boston, Mass., 1901.
- Burty, see Catalogue.
- Catalogue, Burty Collection. Peintures et Estampes Japonaises. (Sale, March 16-20, 1891, Hôtel Drouot.) Paris, E. Leroux, 1891, large 8vo, with an introduction by E. Leroux.
- Catalogue of the Exhibition of Works by Hokusai, from the collection of Dr. Bigelow, in the Boston Art Museum, with an introduction by Prof. Fenollosa.
- Catalogue by W. Anderson, of Prints and Books illustrating the History of Engraving in Japan, exhibited in 1888 at the Burlington Fine Arts Club. London, 1888, 4to.
- Catalogue de l'Exposition de la Gravure Japonaise à l'Ecole des Beaux Arts en 1890. Paris, large 8vo, with illustrations. Introduction by S. Bing.
- Catalogue de la Collection d'Estampes Japonaises, pièces de choix provenant du cabinet de M. Theodore Duret. Vente à l'Hôtel Drouot, le 15 févr. 1897, 8vo.
- Catalogue de Peintures et d'Estampes japonaises formant la collection d'un amateur, par E(rnest) L(eroux). (Sale, June 19-22, 1891, Hôtel Drouot.) Paris, E. Leroux, 1891, large 8vo.
- Catalogue, Goncourt. Objets d'art japonaise et chinois, peintures, estampes, composant la Collection des Goncourts (Vente à l'Hôtel Drouot du 8 au 13 mars 1897). Paris, 1897, large 4to, with heliogravures of objets d'art (pp. 397 et seq., Artists' Signatures).
- Catalogue, Gookin Collection. Loan Exhibition of Japanese Colour-prints.
- Catalogue by F. W. Gookin. Chicago, 1908.
- Catalogue de l'Exposition rétrospective de l'Art Japonais, par L. Gonse. Paris, 1883, large 8vo, illustrated.
- Chassiron. Le Japon, la Chine et l'lnde. Paris, 1894, with illustrations after Hokusai.
- Chesneau, E. L'Art Japonais. Paris, 1869, 8vo.
- Chesneau, E. Le Japon à Paris. In the Gazette des Beaux Arts, ii. pér. 18 (1878), pp. 385 and 841 et seq., with illustrations.
- Deshayes, E. Considérations sur l'histoire de l'Estampe japonaise. In l'Art, July 1, 1893. Paris, fol.
- Dickins, F. V. Fugaku hiyaku kai; or, A Hundred Views of Fuji (Fusiyama), by Hokusai. Prefaces with translations from the Japanese, and descriptions of the plates by F. V. Dickins. London, 1880, 3 vols, of illustrations and 1 vol. of text, 8vo.
- Documents décoratifs japonais tirés des Estampes et Livres anciens de la Collection C. Gillot. Paris, 1894 et seq., large 8vo. In 8 series, each of 8 parts at 1 franc 50 cents.
- Dresser. Japan, its Art and Art Manufacturers. London, 1882.
- Duret, Theodore. L'Art Japonais; Hokusai. In the Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1882, ii. pp. 118 et seq., 300 et seq., with illustration. Also printed separately, and reprinted in the author's Critique d'Avant-garde. Paris, 1885, 8vo.
- Duret, Theodore. Livres et Albums illustrés du Japon, réunis et catalogués par Theodore Duret, 8vo. Paris, 1900.
- Duret, Theodore, see also Catalogue.
- Exhibition of Japanese Colour-Prints. Dresden, Royal Print Room. July–September 1897. Dresden, 8vo, two illustrations.
- Fenollosa, Ernest F. Review of the chapter on Painting in Gonse's "L'Art Japonais." Yokohama, 35 pp., 8vo, and later at Boston, 1885, pp. 54, 8vo.
- Fenollosa, Ernest F. The Pictorial Art of Japan (Review of Anderson's "Pictorial Art of Japan"). In Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 141 (1887), pp. 281-290.
- Fenollosa, E. F. The Masters of Ukioye (sic). Catalogue of the Exhibition held in New York, January 1896, 8vo.
- Fenollosa. See also Catalogue, Bigelow.
- Geffroy, Gustave. La Vie Artistique, 1ére serie. Paris, 1892, 16mo (pp. 85–135; xii., Maitres Japonais: 1. Les Paysagistes. 2. Le Japon à l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts. 3. Utamaro. 4. Hokousai. 5. Hokousai à Londres. 6. A propos de la Vente Burty).
- Gierke, Prof. Dr. H. Japanische Malereien aus dem Besitz des Prof. Dr. H. Gierke zu Breslau. Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin, 2nd special exhibition. Oct. 24-Dec. 15, 1882. Berlin, 1882, small 8vo.
- Gierke, H. Japanische Malerei. In Watermann's Monatshefte. May 1883.
- Gillot. See under Documents.
- Goncourt, Edmond de. La Maison d'un Artiste. Paris, 1881, 2 vols. 8vo (vol. i. pp. 192-239, Les Albums japonais; vol. ii. pp. 350-359, Les Kakémonos).
- Goncourt, Edmond de. Outamaro. Le Peintre des Maisons Vertes. Paris, 1891, 8vo.
- Goncourt, Edmond de. Hokousai; ses albums traitant de la peinture et du dessein, avec ses prefaces. In the Gazette des Beaux Arts, iii. pér. vol. xiv. (1895), pp. 441 et seq.
- Goncourt, Edmond de. Hokousai. Paris, 1896, 8vo, with a portrait of Hokusai at the age of eighty, by his daughter Oyei.
- Goncourt, see also under Catalogue.
- Gonse, Louis, L'Art japonais. Paris, 1883, 2 vols, large 4to. Profusely illustrated (vol. i., Painting and Wood-Engraving).
- Gonse, Louis. L'Art japonais. Paris, 1883, 18mo, illustrated.
- Gonse, Louis, see also under Catalogue.
- Gookin. See under Catalogue.
- Gowland, W., late of the Imperial Mint, Osaka. The Naturalistic Art of Japan. In Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, i. 73-110. London, 1892.
- Griffith, W. Elliot. The Corean Origin of Japanese Art. In The Century Magazine, December 1886.
- Guide to the Chinese and Japanese Illustrated Books exhibited in the King's Library, British Museum. 1887, 8vo.
- Guimet, Emile. Promenades japonaises, vol. ii. Tokio, Nikko. Paris, 1880, 4to, with drawings by Félix Régamey (pp. 175-192, dealing more especially with Kiosai).
- Hayashi, T. Dessins, Estampes, Livres illustrés du Japon, réunis par T. Hayashi. Vente 2-6 juin 1902, 8vo. Paris, 1902.
- Hirth, Frdr. Über fremde Einfliisse in der chinesischen Kunst. Munich and Leipzig, 1896, 8vo (pp. 45 et seq.).
- Histoire de l'Art du Japan, fol. Paris, 1900. Commission impériale du Japon à l'Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1900.
- Huebner, Baron de. Promenade autour du Monde, 1871. Paris, 1873, 8vo (ii. 118-127, Peinture).
- Huish, Marcus B. Japan and its Art, London, 1889; 2nd edition, 1892, 8vo (pp. 242 et seq., Xylography).
- Japanese Wood-cutting and Wood-cut Printing (from Report of U.S. National Museum), 8vo. Washington, 1894.
- Japanese Books and Albums of Prints in Colour in the National Art Library, South Kensington (compiled by Mr. Edward F. Strange). London, 1893, 8vo.
- Japanese Colour-Prints. New York, W. H. Ketcham, 1895, 8vo.
- Japon artistique et littéraire. See Le Blanc du Vernet.
- Koehler, S. R. See Tokuno.
- Kokkwa, Tokio, 1890 et seq., fol. Reproductions of works of art, with explanatory text in Japanese and in English.
- Le Blanc du Vernet. Le Japon artistique et litteraire. Paris, 1879, 16mo.
- Le Blanc du Vernet. L'Art japonais. In L'Art, 1880 (i. p. 286; ii. pp. 132, 250; iii. p. 229).
- Leighton, J. On Japanese Art. A Discourse. London, 1863, fol., illustrated.
- Leroux, E. See under Catalogue.
- Madsen, Karl. Japansk Malerkunst. Kopenhagen, 1885. Illustrated.
- Matsumura, J. Nippon skokubutsumeii, or Nomenclature of Japanese Plants in Latin, Japanese, and Chinese. Supervised by R. Yatabe. Tokio, 1884. 8vo.
- Migeon, Gaston. Chefs d'œuvre d'Art japonais. Paris, 1905. Illustrated.
- Migeon, Gaston. Au Japon. Paris, 1908. English translation. London, 1908, 16mo, illustrated.
- Morse, Edward S. Notes on Hokusai. In the American Art Review, vol. i. (1880), pp. 145 et seq., illustrated.
- Morse, Edward S. Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. New York, 1889, 8vo, illustrated.
- Münsterberg, Oskar. Japanische Kunst und japanisches Land. Leipzig, 1896, 8vo, illustrated.
- Muther, Richard. Geschichte der Malerei im xix. Jahrhundert (vol. ii. pp. 583 et seq., chap, xxx., ii. Die Japaner). Munich, 1893, large 8vo, illustrated.
- Nordenskiold. See Rosny.
- Okakura, Kakuzo. Ideals of the East, with special reference to the Arts of Japan. London, 1903.
- Pagès, Léon. Bibliographie japonaise ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs au Japon qui ont été publiés depuis le xv. siècle jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, 1859.
- Reed, Sir Edward J. Japan, its History, Traditions, and Religions. London, 1880, 2 vols. 8vo, illustrated (chap, iv., Drawing and Painting).
- Régamey, Félix. Le Japon Pratique. Paris. Hetzel, n.d. (c. 1890). 8vo. With 100 drawings by the author (pp. 170-175, Les Images, Gravure, Impression).
- Renan, Ary. L'Art Japonais. Paris, 1884.
- Rosny, Leon de. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Japonaise de Nordenskiold a la Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm. Paris, 1883, 8vo.
- Satow, Ernest. On the Early History of Printing in Japan. In Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. x. (1881), pp. 48-83. Further notes on movable types in Korea, and early Japanese printed books. Ibid., p. 252.
- Satow, Ernest, and Lt. A. G. S. Hawet. A Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan. 2nd edition, London, 1884, 8vo. Section on Pictorial Art, pp. 92-100, by W. A[nderson].
- Strange, Edward F. Japanese Illustration. A History of the Arts of Wood-cutting and Colour-printing in Japan. London, 1897, 8vo, illustrated.
- Strange, E. F. See Japanese Books.
- Tajima. Select Relics of Japanese Art. Periodical, published in Japan, with text in Japanese and in English.
- Tasset, Jacques. Etudes sur la Gravure Japonaise. In Mémoires de la Société Sinico-Japonaise, vol. x. (1891), pp. 51-87. Paris, 8vo.
- Tei-San. Notes sur l'Art Japonais (Mercure de France, 1905-1906).
- Tokuno, T. Japanese Wood-cutting and Wood-cut Printing; edited by S. R. Koehler, Washington (Smithsonian Institute), 1894. 8vo. Tokuno was the Head of the Department for Wood-engraving and Printing in the Japanese Ministry of Finance.
- Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan. Yokohama, 1872 et seq. 8vo.
- Wenckstern, Fr. von. A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire. Leyden and London, 1895. 8vo (pp. 165 et seq., Pictorial Arts).
- Wyzewa, T. de. La Peinture japonaise. Revue des deux Mondes, July 1, 1890. Reprinted in Les grands Peintres de l'Espagne, &c. Paris, 1891.
- Yatabe. See Matsumura.