A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary/Abbreviations
a. or adj. | stand for | adjective. |
adv. | stand for„ | adverb. |
bot. | stand for„ | botanical. |
Budd. | stand for„ | Buddhist. |
caust. | stand for„ | causative form of the verb. |
chr. | stand for„ | christianity. |
coll. | stand for„ | colloquial. |
conj. | stand for„ | conjunction. |
dub. | stand for„ | future or dubitative form of the verb. |
Eng. | stand for„ | English. |
exclam. | stand for„ | exclamation or interjection. |
fut. | stand for„ | future tense. |
gram. | stand for„ | grammatical. |
Heb. | stand for„ | Hebrew. |
id. | stand for„ | the same. |
i.e. | stand for„ | (id est) that is. |
imp. | stand for„ | imperative mood. |
i.q. | stand for„ | (idem quod) same as. |
i.v. | stand for„ | intransitive verb. |
leg. | stand for„ | legal. |
lit. | stand for„ | literally. |
mat. | stand for„ | mathematical. |
med. | stand for„ | medical. |
mil. | stand for„ | military. |
n. | stand for„ | noun. |
neg. | stand for„ | negative form of the verb. |
o.c. | stand for„ | old calendar. |
pass. | stand for„ | passive. |
post-pos. | stand for„ | post-position. |
pot. | stand for„ | potential. |
p.p. | stand for„ | perfect participle. |
p.pr. | stand for„ | present participle. |
pret. | stand for„ | preterite or past tense. |
pro. | stand for„ | pronoun. |
q.v. | stand for„ | (quod vide) which see. |
San. | stand for„ | Sanscrit. |
syn. | stand for„ | synonymous words. |
t.v. | stand for„ | transitive verb. |
= | stand for„ | equal to. |
† | stand for„ | obsolete. |
— | in the First Part of the Dictionary, stands for the repetition of the Japanese word; in the Second Part, for the repetition of the English word. |