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A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary/Abbreviations

From Wikisource


a. or adj. stand for adjective.
adv. stand for adverb.
bot. stand for botanical.
Budd. stand for Buddhist.
caust. stand for causative form of the verb.
chr. stand for christianity.
coll. stand for colloquial.
conj. stand for conjunction.
dub. stand for future or dubitative form of the verb.
Eng. stand for English.
exclam. stand for exclamation or interjection.
fut. stand for future tense.
gram. stand for grammatical.
Heb. stand for Hebrew.
id. stand for the same.
i.e. stand for (id est) that is.
imp. stand for imperative mood.
i.q. stand for (idem quod) same as.
i.v. stand for intransitive verb.
leg. stand for legal.
lit. stand for literally.
mat. stand for mathematical.
med. stand for medical.
mil. stand for military.
n. stand for noun.
neg. stand for negative form of the verb.
o.c. stand for old calendar.
pass. stand for passive.
post-pos. stand for post-position.
pot. stand for potential.
p.p. stand for perfect participle.
p.pr. stand for present participle.
pret. stand for preterite or past tense.
pro. stand for pronoun.
q.v. stand for (quod vide) which see.
San. stand for Sanscrit.
syn. stand for synonymous words.
t.v. stand for transitive verb.
= stand for equal to.
stand for obsolete.
in the First Part of the Dictionary, stands for the repetition of the Japanese word; in the Second Part, for the repetition of the English word.