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A Japanese-English and English-Japanese Dictionary/j/A

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A ア
The first letter of the Japanese syllabary as arranged according to the Go-jū-on; also the first of the five vowels. It has the sound of a in father.
†A ア
pron. I; me.
†A ア
(cont. of aze) n. A dike or narrow path between rice-fields.
†A ア
Exclam. in replying to a question: yes.
†A ア
Exclam. of pain or admiration.
Aa アア
Exclam. of pain, grief, praise or admiration: ah; alas; oh:
aa kanashii kana,
alas, how sad!
aa nasake nai,
oh, how cruel!
aa ureshii ya,
how delightful!
Syn. ana, are, ara, aware.
Aa アア
adv. In that way; in that manner; so:
— suru,
doing so;
— iu tōri ni,
in that way;
— shite iru to hito ni togamerareru,
if you do so people will blame you.
†Aashiya-koshiya アアシヤコシヤ
Exclam. expressing the sound of laughter.
Aba アバ
n. The weight or stone used to sink a net in fishing:
— ga hanaruru.
Aba アバ
interj. (com. coll. used in speaking to children) Good bye.
Aba-aba or Abayo, id.
Abai,-au アバフ
t.v. To shield; protect; to screen from danger.
Syn. kabau.
Abai-ai,-au アバヒアフ
(coll. for ubaiau) t.v. To seize or take by violence from one another.
Abake,-ru アバケル
i.v. To be broken open, as a grave; to be divulged, made public, as a secret.
Abaki,-ku アバク
t.v. To break open; to divulge, make public, as a secret:
tsuka wo —,
to open a grave or mound;
hara wo —
to cut open the abdomen;
kōzui ga dote wo abakita,
the inundation has broken open the dike;
inji wo —,
to divulge a secret.
Syn. hiraku.
†Abame,-ru アバメル
t.v. To despise, contemn:
to be despised.
Syn. Itashimeru, anadoru.
Abara アバラ
n. The side of the chest:
— ni,
not close together; scattered.
Abarabone アバラボネ
n. A rib.
Abaraya アバラヤ 敗宅
n. A house dilapidated and in ruins.
Abare,-ru アバレル
i.v. To act in a wild, violent, unruly or turbulent manner; to be disorderly; riotous:
sake ni yotte abareru,
to be drunk and violent;
uma ga —,
the horse is refractory.
Syn. rambō suru, aremawaru.
Abaremono アバレモノ
n. A riotous, unruly or disorderly person.
Abari,-ru アバル
i.v. To be waste; to be in a neglected, deserted or ruined condition.
Abari アバリ
(ami and hari) n. A bamboo needle used in making nets.
Abata アバタ 痘斑
n. Pock-marks.
Syn. hōsō no ato, janko, imo.
†Abatashi,-su アバタス
t.v. To bring to light; to expose.
Abatazura アバタヅラ
n. A pock-marked face.
Syn. imo-gao, jankozura.
†Abekere アベケレ
(ari and bekere) i.q. aru de arō, I think there are.
Abekobe ni アベコベニ
adv. In a contrary, opposite or reversed manner; inside out; upside down; vice versâ:
hashi wo — motsu,
to hold the chopsticks upside down;
kimono wo — kiru,
to wear the coat inside out.
Syn. achi-kochi, sakasama, ura-ue.
Abi アビ
n. A species of wild duck.
Abi,-ru アビル 浴
t.v. To bathe: to wash the body; to pour or spill over:
mizu wo —,
to bathe with cold water;
yu-abi wo suru,
to wash one's self in hot water;
mizu-abi ni yuku,
to go in bathing.
Syn. mokuyoku suru, yoku suru.
Abijigoku アビヂゴク
n. The lowest of the eight hells of the Buddhists.
Abiki アビキ
(ami and hiki) n. Drawing the net or seine.
Abiko アビコ 石龍
n. A species of lizard.
Abise,-ru アビセル
t.v. To bathe or wash another; to give a downward blow with a sword:
hito ni mizu wo —,
to bathe or wash a person;
mizu wo abisete ageyō,
let me bathe you.
Abu アブ 虻
n. A horse-fly:
— hachi torazu
Abuku アブク
(awa and fuku) n. Bubbles; froth; foam:
mizu no —.
Abumi アブミ 鐙
n. A stirrup.
Abumigawara アブミガワラ
n. The large tile on the gable-end of a roof.
Abumikuwa アブミクハ
n. A kind of hoe.
Abumishi アブミシ
n. A stirrup-maker.
Abumizuri アブミズリ
n. The flanks of a horse which are struck by the stirrups.
Abunagari,-ru アブナガル
i.v. (coll.) To be timid; fearful; apprehensive of danger.
Abunage アブナゲ
n. Appearance of danger; dangerous; perilous:
— na hashi;
— ni miyeru.
Abunai アブナイ
coll. cont. of Abunaki.
Abunaki,-ku-shi アブナキ 危
adj. (coll.) Dangerous; perilous; hazardous; insecure:
take care! look out!
there is no danger;
abunakute yukarenai,
it is dangerous and I cannot go;
abunai koto,
a dangerous affair.
Syn. ayauki, kennon, kiken
Abunakkashii,-ki-ku アブナツカシ
adj. (coll.) Seeming dangerous; doubtful.
Abunasa アブナサ
n. The danger, peril, hazard.
Abunō アブナウ
adv. (coll. cont. of abunaku) vid. abunaki:
— gozarimasu,
it is dangerous; take care! (polite).
Abura アブラ 油
n. Oil; fat; grease; sweat:
— wo tsugu,
to pour oil, as into a lamp;
— wo shimeru,
to make oil by pressing;
— wo sasu,
to oil, as machinery;
— de ageru,
to fry in oil;
— no shimi,
a grease spot;
— no ashi,
sweaty feet.
Abura-age アブラアゲ
n. Fried in oil or grease.
Abura-ashi アブラアシ
n. Sweaty feet.
Abura-daru アブラダル
n. An oil-tub; a barrel for holding oil.
Aburade アブラデ
n. Sweaty hands.
Aburae アブラエ
n. An oil-painting.
Aburage アブラゲ
n. Anything fried in oil or grease, especially fried tôfu.
Aburagiri アブラギリ
n. The Elaococcus verrucosus*.
Aburahi アブラヒ
n. An oil light.
Aburajimi アブラジミ
n. A grease spot; stained with grease.
Aburakami アブラカミ
n. Oil-paper; i.q., tō-yugami.
Aburakashi,-su アブラカス
t.v. To cause another to lose an engagement.
Aburakasu アブラカス
n. Oil-cake (the refuse after the oil is pressed out).
Aburakawa アブラカハ
n. A membrane.
Aburake アブラケ
n. Oily, fatty, greasy:
— ga nai.
Aburami アブラミ
n. The fat, or fatty part, as of flesh.
Aburamushi アブラムシ
n. The cockroach; (met.) a troublesome person, a bore.
Aburana アブラナ
n. The rape-seed plant, Brassica Orientalis*.
Aburanuki アブラヌキ
n. A thing or person that extracts grease; the act of extracting grease.
Aburasashi アブラサシ
n. An oil can.
Aburashi アブラシ
n. An oiler (of machinery).
Aburashime アブラシメ
n. An oil-press.
Aburashiri アブラシリ
n. The coccix of a bird.
Aburatsubo アブラツボ
n. An oil-jar.
Aburatsugi アブラツギ
n. An oil-can (for filling a lamp).
Aburatsuki アブラツキ
n. A dish for holding the oil of a lamp. i.q. abura-zura.
Aburawata アブラワタ
n. Fish roe or milt; also a rag used in applying pomatum to the hair.
Aburaya アブラヤ
n. An oil shop; a seller of oil.
Aburazara アブラザラ
n. A lamp-cup, or dish for holding the oil.
Aburazuno アブラヅノ
n. The end of an axle-tree, to which oil is applied.
Abure,-ru アブレル 溢
i.v. i.q. afure.
Aburemono アブレモノ
n. A ruffian; a disorderly fellow.
Syn. kambō-mono, abaremono.
Aburi,-ru アブル 烘
t.v. To roast: to toast; to hold or place near a fire in order to warm, or dry; to grill; to broil; to torrefy, roast:
te wo —,
to warm the hands at a fire.
Syn. yaku, kawakasu, hosu.
Aburi-kawakashi,-su アブリカハカス
t.v. To dry at a fire.
Aburiko アブリコ
n. A gridiron.
Aburi-kogashi,-su アブリコガス
t.v. To char, scorch or blacken at the fire; to torrefy.
Aburi-koroshi,-su アブリコロス
t.v. To roast to death; to burn at the stake.
Achi アチ
adv. There; that place; yonder:
— ye iki na,
get out of the way.
Achi-kochi アチコチ 彼此
adv. Here and there; all about; more or less; about; upside down:
— wo sagashite mo miezu,
I searched all over but could not find it;
— ni san ri arimashō,
it is about three miles;
fude wo — ni motta,
held the pen upside down.
Syn. soko-koko, abekobe.
Achira アチラ
adv. There; that place; yonder; i.q. achi.
Ada アダ 虛
(used only in comp.) Vain; empty; useless; fruitless; ineffectual; trifling; fickle; frivolous; transitory; frail:
— na,
— naru,
adj. id.
— ni,
adv. Vainly, uselessly; unprofitably:
issen no ada-zeni mo tsukawazu,
not spending one penny uselessly.
Syn. itazura, muda, munashiki.
Ada アダ 婀娜,
— na,
— naru.
adj. Charming; lovely:
— naru sugata,
a charming figure.
Ada アダ 仇
An enemy, adversary, foe; harm, injury:
— suru,
to oppose; to be hostile, inimical; to do harm;
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