
A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Dashwood, John De Courcy

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1673885A Naval Biographical Dictionary — Dashwood, John De CourcyWilliam Richard O'Byrne

DASHWOOD, K.T.S. (Lieutenant, 1820. f-p., 14; h-p., 19.)

John De Courcy Dashwood is second son of Vice-Admiral Sir Chas. Dashwood, K.C.B.

This officer entered the Navy, 23 Aug. 1814, as Midshipman, on board the Norge 74, commanded by his father, whom he attended in the ensuing expedition against New Orleans. From 9 June, 1816, to 9 June, 1818, we next find him studying at the Royal Naval College. He then re-embarked on board the Phaeton 38, Capt. Wm. Henry Dillon; sailed soon afterwards for the West Indies in the Liffey 50, Capt. Hon. Henry Duncan; and – after a re-attachment of three years, as Admiralty Midshipman, to the Phaeton 38, commanded on the North American and Channel stations by Capts. Dillon and Wm. Augustus Montagu – rejoined his father in a similar capacity on board the Windsor Castle of 74 guns, 24 Sept. 1822. He attained the rank of Lieutenant 1 Jan. 1824; and was next appointed, 22 Aug. 1825, to the Dryad 42, Capts. Hon. Robt. Rodney, and Hon. Geo. Alfred Crofton, employed on the Channel, Cork, and Mediterranean stations. _ He was placed on half-pay in 1829; and has not since been afloat.

Lieut. Dashwood, who is Senior of 1824, was created a K.T.S. by John VI. of Portugal, 18 April, 1825, in commemoration of his having taken shelter on board the Windsor Castle, when off Lisbon, in 1824. He married, 22 May, 1839, Henrietta Willoughby, only daughter of the late S. G. Barrett, Esq., of the island of Jamaica. Agents – Messrs. Stilwell.