A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
[edit]- Abbott, Jacob
- Abbott, John Stevens Cabot
- À Beckett, Gilbert Abbott
- Abercrombie, John
- Abercrombie, Patrick
- Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-Acton, 1st Lord
- Adamnan, St.
- Adams, Francis, W.L.
- Addison, Joseph
- Adolphus, John
- Ælfred
- Ælfric
- Aguilar, Grace
- Aikin, John
- Aikin, Lucy
- Ainger, Alfred
- Ainsworth, William Harrison
- Aird, Thomas
- Akenside, Mark
- Alcott, Louisa M.
- Alcuin or Ealhwine
- Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
- Alesius, Alexander
- Alexander, Mrs. Cecil F.
- Alford, Henry
- Alison, Archibald
- Alison, Sir Archibald
- Allen, Charles Grant
- Allingham, William
- Allston, Washington
- Amory, Thomas
- Anderson, Alexander
- Andrewes, Lancelot
- Anstey, Christopher
- D'Arblay, Frances
- Arbuthnot, John
- Argyll, George John Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of
- Armstrong, John, M.D.
- Arnold, Matthew
- Arnold, Sir Edwin
- Arnold, Thomas
- Ascham, Roger
- Asgill, John
- Ashmole, Elias
- Asser
- Atherstone, Edwin
- Atterbury, Francis
- Aubrey, John
- Austen, Jane
- Austin, John
- Ayton, Sir Robert
- Aytoun, William Edmonstone
[edit]- Bacon, Francis, Lord Verulam, And Viscount St. Alban
- Bacon, Roger
- Bage, Robert
- Bagehot, Walter
- Bailey, Philip James
- Baillie, Joanna
- Baillie, Lady Grizel
- Baillie, Robert
- Bain, Alexander
- Baker, Sir Richard
- Baker, Sir Samuel White
- Bale, John
- Ballantine, James
- Ballantyne, Robert Michael
- Bancroft, George
- Banim, John
- Bannatyne, Richard
- Barbauld, Anna Letitia
- Barbour, John
- Barclay, Alexander
- Barclay, John
- Barclay, Robert
- Barham, Richard Harris
- Barlow, Joel
- Barnard, Lady Anne
- Barnes, Barnabe
- Barnes, William
- Barnfield, Richard
- Barrow, Isaac
- Barton, Bernard
- Baxter, Richard
- Bayly, Ada Ellen
- Bayly, Thomas Haynes
- Baynes, Thomas Spencer
- Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of
- Beattie, James
- Beaumont, Francis
- Beaumont, Sir John
- Beckford, William
- Beddoes, Thomas Lovell
- Bede or BÆDA
- Beecher, Henry Ward
- Behn, Aphra
- Bell, Henry Glassford
- Bellenden, or Ballantyne, John
- Bentham, Jeremy
- Bentley, Richard
- Beresford, James
- Berkeley, George
- Berners, Bernes, or Barnes, Juliana
- Berners, John Bourchier, 2nd Lord
- Besant, Sir Walter
- Bickerstaffe, Isaac
- Bird, Robert Montgomery
- Bishop, Samuel
- Black, William
- Blackie, John Stuart
- Blacklock, Thomas
- Blackmore, Sir Richard
- Blackmore, Richard Doddridge
- Blackstone, Sir William
- Blair, Hugh
- Blair, Robert
- Blake, William
- Blamire, Susanna
- Blessington, Margaret
- Blind, Mathilde
- Blind Harry or Henry The Minstrel
- Bloomfield, Robert
- Bodenham, John
- Boece, or Boethius, Hector
- Boker, George Henry
- Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, 1st Viscount
- Bonar, Horatius
- Boorde, or Borde, Andrew
- Borrow, George
- Boston, Thomas
- Boswell, James
- Boswell, Sir Alexander
- Boucicault, Dion
- Bowdler, Thomas
- Bower, Archibald
- Bower, or Bowmaker, Walter
- Bowles, William Lisle
- Bowring, Sir John
- Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison
- Boyd, Zachary
- Boyle, The Hon. Robert
- Bradley, Edward
- Bradwardine, Thomas
- Braithwaite, or Brathwaite, Richard
- Bramston, James
- Bray, Anna Eliza
- Breton, Nicholas
- Brewster, Sir David
- Broke, or Brooke, Arthur
- Brome, Richard
- Bronté, Charlotte
- Brooke, Fulke Greville, Lord
- Brooke, Henry
- Brooks, Charles William Shirley
- Brooks, Maria
- Broome, William
- Brougham And Vaux, Henry, 1st Lord
- Broughton, John Cam Hobhouse, 1st Lord
- Brown, Charles Brockden
- Brown, Dr. John
- Brown, George Douglas
- Brown, Thomas
- Brown, Thomas Edward
- Brown, Tom
- Browne, Charles Farrar
- Browne, Isaac Hawkins
- Browne, Sir Thomas
- Browne, William
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
- Browning, Robert
- Bruce, James
- Bruce, Michael
- Brunton, Mary
- Bryant, Jacob
- Bryant, William Cullen
- Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton
- Buchanan, George
- Buchanan, Robert
- Buckingham, George Villiers, 2nd Duke of
- Buckingham, James Silk
- Buckingham And Normanby, John Sheffield, 1st Duke of
- Buckland, Francis Trevelyan
- Buckle, Henry Thomas
- Budgell, Eustace
- Bull, George
- Bunyan, John
- Burckhardt, John Lewis
- Burke, Edmund
- Burnet, Gilbert
- Burnet, Thomas
- Burns, Robert
- Burton, John Hill
- Burton, Robert
- Burton, Sir Richard Francis
- Bury, Lady Charlotte
- Bury, Richard de
- Butler, Joseph
- Butler, Samuel (satirist)
- Butler, Samuel (writer)
- Byron, George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron
- Byron, Henry James
[edit]- Cædmon
- Caird, Edward
- Caird, John
- Calamy, Edmund
- Calderwood, David
- Calverley, Charles Stuart
- Camden, William
- Campbell, George
- Campbell, John, 1st Lord Campbell
- Campbell, John Francis
- Campbell, Lewis
- Campbell, Thomas
- Campion, Thomas
- Canning, George
- Capgrave, John
- Carew, Richard
- Carew, Thomas
- Carey, Henry
- Carleton, William
- Carlyle, Alexander
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Carruthers, Robert
- Carte, Thomas
- Carter, Elizabeth
- Cartwright, William
- Cary, Alice
- Cary, Henry Francis
- Catlin, George
- Cave, Edward
- Cavendish, George
- Caxton, William
- Centlivre, Mrs. Susanna
- Chalkhill, John
- Chalmers, George
- Chalmers, Thomas
- Chamberlayne, William
- Chambers, Robert
- Chambers, William
- Chamier, Frederick
- Channing, William Ellery
- Chapman, George
- Chapone, Hester
- Charleton, Walter
- Chatterton, Thomas
- Chaucer, Geoffrey
- Cherry, Andrew
- Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of
- Chettle, Henry
- Child, Francis J.
- Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria
- Chillingworth, William
- Church, Richard William
- Churchill, Charles
- Churchyard, Thomas
- Cibber, Colley
- Clare, John
- Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl of
- Clarke, Charles Cowden
- Clarke, Marcus
- Clarke, Samuel
- Cleveland, John
- Clinton, Henry Fynes
- Clough, Arthur Hugh
- Cobbe, Frances Power
- Cobbett, William
- Cockburn, Henry
- Cockton, Henry
- Colenso, John William
- Coleridge, Hartley
- Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
- Coleridge, Sara
- Colet, John
- Collier, Jeremy
- Collins, John
- Collins, John Churton
- Collins, Mortimer
- Collins, William
- Collins, William Wilkie
- Colman, George, The Elder
- Colman, George, The Younger
- Colton, Charles Caleb
- Combe, George
- Combe, William
- Congreve, William
- Conington, John
- Constable, Henry
- Cooke, John Esten
- Cooper, James Fenimore
- Cooper, Thomas
- Corbet, Richard
- Cory, William Johnson
- Coryate, or Coryatt, Thomas
- Costello, Louisa Stuart
- Cotton, Charles
- Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce
- Cousin, Anne Ross
- Coverdale, Miles
- Cowley, Abraham
- Cowper, William
- Coxe, William
- Crabbe, George
- Craigie, Mrs. Pearl Mary Teresa
- Craik, George Lillie
- Cranmer, Thomas
- Crashaw, Richard
- Crawford, Francis Marion
- Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd
- Creech, Thomas
- Creighton, Mandell
- Croker, John Wilson
- Croker, Thomas Crofton
- Croly, George
- Crowe, Catherine
- Crowe, Eyre Evans
- Crowe, Sir Joseph Archer
- Crowe, William
- Crowne, John
- Cudworth, Ralph
- Cumberland, Richard
- Cummins, Maria Susanna
- Cunningham, Allan
- Curtis, George William
- Cynewulf
[edit]- D'Israeli, Isaac
- D'Urfey, Thomas
- Dalling And Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle Bulwer, 1st Lord
- Dampier, William
- Dana, Richard Henry
- Dana, Richard Henry, Jr.
- Daniel, Samuel
- Darley, George
- Darwin, Charles Robert
- Darwin, Erasmus
- Dasent, Sir George Webbe
- Davenant, or D'Avenant, Sir William
- Davidson, John
- Davies, John
- Davies, Sir John
- Davis, Thomas Osborne
- Davis, or Davys, John
- Davy, Sir Humphrey
- Day, John
- Day, Thomas
- De Lolme, John Louis
- De Morgan, Augustus
- De Quincey, Thomas
- De Vere, Aubrey Thomas
- Defoe, Daniel
- Dekker, Thomas
- Deloney, Thomas
- Denham, Sir John
- Dennis, John
- Dermody, Thomas
- Dibdin, Charles
- Dickens, Charles
- Digby, Sir Kenelm
- Dilke, Charles Wentworth
- Dixon, Richard Watson
- Dixon, William Hepworth
- Dobell, Sydney Thompson
- Dodd, William
- Doddridge, Philip
- Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge
- Dodsley, Robert
- Donne, John
- Doran, John
- Dorset, Charles Sackville, 6th Earl of
- Dorset, Thomas Sackville, 1st Earl of, and Lord Buckhurst
- Douce, Francis
- Douglas, Gavin
- Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings
- Drake, Joseph Rodman
- Draper, John William
- Drayton, Michael
- Drummond, Henry
- Drummond, William
- Dryden, John
- Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Busson
- Duff, Sir Mountstuart E. Grant
- Dufferin, Helen Selena
- Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan
- Dugdale, Sir William
- Dunbar, William
- Dunlop, John Colin
- Duns, Scotus Johannes
- Dwight, Timothy
- Dyce, Alexander
- Dyer, John
- Dyer, Sir Edward
[edit]- Earle, John
- Eastlake, Elizabeth, Lady
- Echard, Laurence
- Edgar, John George
- Edgeworth, Maria
- Edwards, Jonathan
- Edwards, Richard
- Egan, Pierce
- Eggleston, Edward
- Elizabeth, Queen
- Elliot, Ebenezer
- Elliot, Miss Jean
- Ellis, George
- Ellwood, Thomas
- Elphinstone, Mountstuart
- Elwin, Whitwell
- Elyot, Sir Thomas
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo
- Ercildoun, Thomas of, or "Thomas The Rhymer"
- Erigena, or Scotus, John
- Erskine, Ralph
- Erskine, Thomas
- Etherege, Sir George
- Evans, Mary Ann or Marian
- Evelyn, John
- Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatia
[edit]- Faber, Frederick William
- Fabyan, Robert
- Fairfax, Edward
- Falconer, William
- Fanshawe, Catherine Maria
- Fanshawe, Sir Richard
- Faraday, Michael
- Farmer, Richard
- Farquhar, George
- Farrar, Frederic William
- Fawcett, Henry
- Fawkes, Francis
- Feltham, Owen
- Fenton, Elijah
- Ferguson, Adam
- Ferguson, Sir Samuel
- Fergusson, James
- Fergusson, Robert
- Ferrier, James Frederick
- Ferrier, Susan Edmonstoune
- Field, Nathaniel
- Fielding, Henry
- Fielding, Sarah
- Filmer, Sir Robert
- Finlay, George
- Fisher, John
- Fiske, John
- Fitzgerald, Edward
- Fitzstephen, William
- Flavel, John
- Flecknoe, Richard
- Fletcher, Andrew
- Fletcher, Giles, And Phineas
- Florence of Worcester
- Florio, John
- Fonblanque, Albany William
- Foote, Samuel
- Forbes, James David
- Ford, John
- Ford, Paul Leicester
- Ford, Richard
- Fordun, John
- Forster, John (historian)
- Fortescue, Sir John
- Forster, John (essayist)
- Foster, Stephen Collins
- Fox, Charles James
- Fox, George
- Foxe, John
- Francis, Sir Philip
- Franklin, Benjamin
- Freeman, Edward Augustus
- Freneau, Philip
- Frere, John Hookham
- Froude, James Anthony
- Fuller, Sarah Margaret
- Fuller, Thomas
- Fullerton, Lady Georgiana
[edit]- Gaimar, Geoffrey
- Galt, John
- Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
- Garnett, Richard
- Garrick, David
- Garrison, William Lloyd
- Garth, Sir Samuel
- Gascoigne, George
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn
- Gatty, Mrs. Alfred
- Gauden, John
- Gay, John
- Geddes, Alexander
- Geoffrey of Monmouth
- Gerard, Alexander
- Gibbon, Edward
- Gifford, Richard
- Gifford, William
- Gildas
- Gilder, Richard Watson
- Gildon, Charles
- Gilfillan, George
- Gilfillan, Robert
- Gillespie, George
- Gillies, John
- Giraldus Cambrensis
- Gissing, George
- Gladstone, William Ewart
- Glanvill, Joseph
- Glapthorne, Henry
- Glascock, William Nugent
- Gleig, George Robert
- Glen, William
- Glover, Richard
- Godwin, Mrs. Mary
- Godwin, William
- Golding, Arthur
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Goodall, Walter
- Goodwin, Thomas
- Googe, Barnabe
- Gordon, Adam Lindsay
- Gore, Mrs. Catherine Grace Frances
- Gosson, Stephen
- Gough, Richard
- Gower, John
- Grafton, Richard
- Grahame, James
- Grahame, Simon or Simion
- Grainger, James
- Granger, James
- Grant, James
- Grant, James Augustus
- Grant, Mrs. Anne
- Grattan, Thomas Colley
- Gray, David
- Gray, Thomas
- Greeley, Horace
- Green, John Richard
- Green, Matthew
- Green, Thomas Hill
- Greene, Robert
- Greg, William Rathbone
- Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke
- Griffin, Bartholomew
- Griffin, Gerald
- Grimoald, Nicholas
- Groome, Francis Hindes
- Grosart, Alexander Balloch
- Grose, Francis
- Grosseteste, Robert
- Grote, George
- Grub, George
- Guest, Lady Charlotte
- Guthrie, Thomas
[edit]- Habington, William
- Hailes, Dalrymple David, Lord
- Hake, Thomas Gordon
- Hakluyt, Richard
- Hale, Sir Matthew
- Hales, John
- Haliburton, Thomas Chandler
- Halifax, Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of
- Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria
- Hall, Basil
- Hall, or Halle, Edward
- Hall, Joseph
- Hall, Robert
- Hallam, Henry
- Halleck, Fitzgreene
- Halliwell-Phillips, James Orchard
- Hamerton, Philip Gilbert
- Hamilton, Alexander
- Hamilton, Elizabeth
- Hamilton, Thomas
- Hamilton, William (of Bangour)
- Hamilton, William (of Gilbertfield)
- Hamilton, Sir William
- Hanna, William
- Hannay, James
- Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert
- Hare, Augustus William
- Hare, Julius Charles
- Harington, Sir John
- Harland, Henry
- Harrington, James
- Harris, James
- Harris, Joel Chandler
- Harte, Francis Bret
- Hartley, David
- Harvey, Gabriel
- Hawes, Stephen
- Hawker, Robert Stephen
- Hawthorne, Nathaniel
- Hay, John
- Hayley, William
- Hayne, Paul Hamilton
- Hayward, Abraham
- Hayward, Sir John
- Haywood, Mrs. Eliza
- Hazlitt, William
- Head, Sir Francis Bond
- Hearn, Lafcadio
- Hearne, Thomas
- Heber, Reginald
- Helps, Sir Arthur
- Hemans, Felicia Dorothea
- Henley, William Ernest
- Henry, Matthew
- Henry, Robert
- Henry VIII.
- Henry of Huntingdon
- Henryson, Robert
- Henty, George Alfred
- Heraud, John Abraham
- Herbert, George
- Herbert, Sir Thomas
- Herbert, of Cherbury, Edward, 1st Lord
- Herd, David
- Herrick, Robert
- Herschel, Sir John Frederick William
- Hervey, James
- Hervey, John, Lord
- Heylin, Peter
- Heywood, John
- Heywood, Thomas
- Higden, Ranulf or Ralph
- Hill, Aaron
- Hinton, James
- Hoadley, Benjamin
- Hobbes, Thomas
- Hoby, Sir Thomas
- Hoccleve, or Occleve, Thomas
- Hoffman, Charles Fenno
- Hogg, James
- Hogg, Thomas Jefferson
- Holcroft, Thomas
- Holinshed, or Hollingshead, Raphael or Ralph
- Holland, Josiah Gilbert
- Holland, Philemon
- Holmes, Oliver Wendell
- Home, John
- Hone, William
- Hood, Thomas
- Hook, Theodore Edward
- Hook, Walter Farquhar
- Hooker, Richard
- Hoole, John
- Hope, Thomas
- Horne, Richard Henry or Hengist
- Horne, Thomas Hartwell
- Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Lord
- Howard, Edward
- Howard, Sir Robert
- Howe, John
- Howell, James
- Howie, John
- Howitt, William
- Huchown, or Sir Hugh of Eglinton
- Hughes, John
- Hughes, Thomas
- Hume, Alexander
- Hume, David,
- Hunnis, William
- Hunt, James Henry Leigh
- Hurd, Richard
- Hutcheson, Francis
- Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy
- Hutton, Richard Holt
- Huxley, Thomas Henry
[edit]- Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth
- Ingelow, Jean
- Innes, Cosmo
- Innes, Thomas
- Ireland, William Henry
- Irving, Edward
- Irving, Washington
[edit]- James, George Payne Rainsford
- James I., King of Scotland
- Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell
- Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse
- Jefferies, Richard
- Jeffrey, Francis
- Jerrold, Douglas William
- Jesse, John Heneage
- Jevons, William Stanley
- Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor
- John of Salisbury
- Johnson, Lionel
- Johnson, Samuel (essayist)
- Johnson, Samuel (political writer)
- Johnston, Arthur
- Johnstone, Charles
- Jones, Ebenezer
- Jones, Ernest Charles
- Jones, Sir William
- Jonson, Ben or Benjamin
- Jortin, John
- Jowett, Benjamin
- Judd, Sylvester
[edit]- Kames, Henry Home, Lord
- Kavanagh, Julia
- Kaye, Sir John William
- Keary, Annie
- Keats, John
- Keble, John
- Keightley, Thomas
- Keith, Robert
- Kelly, Hugh
- Ken, Thomas
- Kennedy, John Pendleton
- Kennedy, Walter
- Killigrew, Thomas
- King, Henry
- Kinglake, Alexander William
- Kingsford, William
- Kingsley, Charles
- Kingsley, Henry
- Kingsley, Mary Henrietta
- Kingston, William Henry Giles
- Kirkland, Joseph
- Kitto, John
- Knight, Charles
- Knight, Henry Gally
- Knolles, Richard
- Knowles, Herbert
- Knowles, James Sheridan
- Knox, John
- Knox, Vicesimus
- Knox, William
- Kyd, Thomas
[edit]- L'Estrange, Sir Roger
- Laidlaw, William
- Laing, David
- Laing, Malcolm
- Lamb, Charles
- Lamb, Lady Caroline
- Landon, Letitia Elizabeth
- Landor, Walter Savage
- Lane, Edward William
- Langhorne, John
- Langland, William
- Lanier, Sidney
- Lardner, Dionysius
- Latimer, Hugh
- Lauder, Sir Thomas Dick
- Law, William
- Lawrence, George Alfred
- Layamon
- Layard, Sir Austin Henry
- Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
- Lear, Edward
- Lecky, William Edward Hartpole
- Lee, Nathaniel
- Lee, Sophia
- Leighton, Robert
- Leland, Charles Godfrey
- Leland or Leyland, John
- Lemon, Mark
- Lennox, Charlotte
- Leslie, or Lesley, John
- Lever, Charles James
- Lewes, George Henry
- Lewis, Matthew Gregory
- Lewis, Sir George Cornewall
- Leyden, John
- Liddell, Henry George
- Liddon, Henry Parry
- Lightfoot, Joseph Barber
- Lillo, George
- Lindsay, or Lindesay, Robert
- Lindsay, or Lyndsay, Sir David
- Lingard, John
- Linton, Mrs. Eliza Lynn
- Lister, Thomas Henry
- Lithgow, William
- Livingstone, David
- Lloyd, Robert
- Locke, David Ross
- Locke, John
- Locker-Lampson, Frederick
- Lockhart, John Gibson
- Lodge, Thomas
- Logan, John
- Long, George
- Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
- Lovelace, Richard
- Lover, Samuel
- Lowell, James Russell
- Lowth, Robert
- Lydgate, John
- Lyell, Sir Charles
- Lyly, John
- Lyte, Henry Francis
- Lyttelton, George, 1st Lord Lyttelton
- Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton-Bulwer, 1st Lord
- Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st Earl Of Lytton
[edit]- M'Cosh, James
- M'Crie, Thomas
- M'Lennan, John Ferguson
- Macaulay, Mrs. Catherine
- Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Lord
- Maccarthy, Denis Florence
- Macdonald, George
- Mackay, Charles
- Mackenzie, Henry
- Mackenzie, Sir George
- Mackintosh, Sir James
- Macklin, Charles
- Macleod, Norman
- Macneill, Hector
- Macpherson, James
- Maginn, William
- Mahony, Francis Sylvester
- Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner
- Mair, or Major, John
- Maitland, Sir Richard
- Malcolm, Sir John
- Mallet, originally Malloch, David
- Malone, Edmund
- Malory, Sir Thomas
- Malthus, Thomas Robert
- Mandeville, Bernard de
- Mandeville, Sir John.
- Mangan, James Clarence
- Manley, Mrs. Mary De La Riviere
- Manning, Anne
- Manning, Henry Edward
- Mannyng, Robert, or Robert De Brunne
- Mansel, Henry Longueville
- Map, or Mapes, Walter de
- Markham, Gervase
- Marlowe, Christopher
- Marmion, Shackerley
- Marryat, Frederick
- Marsh, Herbert
- Marston, John
- Marston, Philip Bourke
- Martin, Sir Theodore
- Martineau, Harriet
- Martineau, James
- Marvell, Andrew
- Mason, William
- Massey, Gerald
- Massinger, Philip
- Masson, David
- Mather, Cotton
- Mathias, Thomas James
- Maturin, Charles Robert
- Maurice, Frederick Denison
- Max-Muller, Friedrich
- Maxwell, William Hamilton
- May, Sir Thomas Erskine, 1st Baron Farnborough
- May, Thomas
- Mayne, Jasper
- Mayne, John
- Melville, Herman
- Melville, James
- Melville, Sir James
- Meredith, George
- Meres, Francis
- Merivale, Charles
- Meston, William
- Mickle, William Julius
- Middleton, Conyers
- Middleton, Thomas
- Mill, James
- Mill, John Stuart
- Miller, Hugh
- Miller, Thomas
- Milman, Henry Hart
- Milton, John
- Minot, Laurence
- Minto, William
- Mitchell, John
- Mitford, Mary Russell
- Mitford, William
- Moir, David Macbeth
- Monboddo, James Burnett, Lord
- Montagu, Elizabeth
- Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley
- Montgomerie, Alexander
- Montgomery, James
- Montgomery, Robert
- Moore, Edward
- Moore, John
- Moore, Thomas
- More, Hannah
- More, Henry
- More, Sir Thomas
- Morgan, Lady
- Morier, James Justinian
- Morison, James Cotter
- Morley, Henry
- Morris, Sir Lewis
- Morris, William
- Morton, Thomas
- Motherwell, William
- Motley, John Lothrop
- Moultrie, John
- Mulock, Dinah Maria
- Munday, Anthony
- Mure, William
- Murphy, Arthur
- Murray, Lindley
- Myers, Frederic William Henry
[edit]- Nabbes, Thomas
- Nairne, Carolina
- Napier, Mark
- Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick
- Nash, Thomas
- Nayler, James
- Neal, John
- Neaves, Charles, Lord
- Neckham, Alexander
- Newcastle, Margaret, Duchess of
- Newman, Francis William
- Newman, John Henry
- Newton, John
- Newton, Sir Isaac
- Nichol, John
- Noel, Hon. Roden Berkeley Wriothesley
- Norris, John
- North, Sir Thomas
- Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah
- Norton, Charles Eliot
[edit]- O'Keeffe, John
- O'Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar
- Occam or Ockham, William
- Ockley, Simon
- Oldham, John
- Oldmixon, John
- Oldys, William
- Oliphant, Laurence
- Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant
- Opie, Mrs. Amelia
- Ordericus Vitalis
- Orm, or Ormin
- Orme, Robert
- Orrery, Roger Boyle, 1st Earl of
- Otway, Cæsar
- Otway, Thomas
- Outram, George
- Overbury, Sir Thomas
- Owen, John
- Owen, John (epigrammatist)
- Owen, John (puritan)
- Owen, Robert
- Oxford, Edward De Vere, Earl of
[edit]- Paine, Thomas
- Painter, William
- Paley, William
- Palgrave, Francis Turner
- Palgrave, Sir Francis
- Paltock, Robert
- Pardoe, Julia
- Paris, Matthew
- Park, Mungo
- Parker, Theodore
- Parkman, Francis
- Parnell, Thomas
- Parr, Dr. Samuel
- Pater, Walter Horatio
- Patmore, Coventry Kersey Dighton
- Pattison, Mark
- Paulding, James Kirke
- Payn, James
- Peacock, Thomas Love
- Pearson, Charles Henry
- Pearson, John
- Pecock, Reginald
- Peele, George
- Penn, William
- Pennant, Thomas
- Pepys, Samuel
- Percival, James Gates
- Percy, Thomas
- Philips, Ambrose
- Philips, John
- Phillips, Samuel
- Picken, Andrew
- Pierpont, John
- Pike, Albert
- Pinkerton, John
- Pinkney, Edward Coate
- Piozzi, Hester Lynch
- Planché, James Robinson
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- Pollok, Robert
- Pomfret, John
- Pope, Alexander
- Pordage, Samuel
- Porson, Richard
- Porter, Anna Maria
- Porter, Jane
- Powell, Frederick York
- Praed, Winthrop Mackworth
- Prescott, William Hickling
- Price, Richard
- Prideaux, Humphrey
- Priestly, Joseph
- Pringle, Thomas
- Prior, Matthew
- Procter, Adelaide Ann
- Procter, Bryan Waller
- Prynne, William
- Psalmanazar, George
- Purchas, Samuel
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie
- Puttenham, George
- Pye, Henry James
[edit]- Radcliffe, Mrs. Ann
- Raine, Allen
- Raleigh, Sir Walter
- Ramsay, Allan
- Ramsay, Edward Bannerman
- Ramée, Louise De La
- Randolph, Thomas
- Rapin De Thoyras, Paul
- Raspe, Rudolf Eric-
- Rawlinson, George
- Rawlinson, Sir Henry Cresswicke
- Ray, John
- Read, Thomas Buchanan
- Reade, Charles
- Reed, Henry
- Reeve, Clara
- Reeve, Henry
- Reid, Mayne
- Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss
- Reid, Thomas
- Reynolds, Sir Joshua
- Rhodes, William Barnes
- Ricardo, David
- Rice, James
- Rich, Barnabe
- Richardson, Samuel
- Ritchie, Leitch
- Ritson, Joseph
- Robertson, Frederick William
- Robertson, Thomas William
- Robertson, William
- Robinson, Henry Crabb
- Rochester, John Wilmot
- Rogers, Henry
- Rogers, Samuel
- Rolle, Richard
- Rollock, Robert
- Roper, William
- Roscoe, William
- Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, 4th Earl of
- Rose, William Stewart
- Rossetti, Christina Georgina
- Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
- Rous, Francis
- Row, John
- Rowe, Nicholas
- Rowley, William
- Ruddiman, Thomas
- Ruskin, John
- Russell, Lord John, 1st Earl Russell
- Russell, Sir William Howard
- Russell, William
- Rutherford, Samuel
- Rycaut, or Ricaut, Sir Paul
- Rymer, Thomas
[edit]- Sala, George Augustus Henry
- Sale, George
- Sanderson, Robert
- Sands, Robert Charles
- Sandys, George
- Savage, Richard
- Savile, Sir Henry
- Saxby, Edward
- Scott, Alexander
- Scott, Hugh Stowell
- Scott, John
- Scott, Lady John
- Scott, Michael
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Scott, William Bell
- Sedley, Sir Charles
- Seeley, Sir John Robert
- Selden, John
- Sellar, William Young
- Sempill, Robert
- Senior, Nassau William
- Settle, Elkanah
- Shadwell, Thomas
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of
- Shairp, John Campbell
- Shakespeare, William
- Sharp, William
- Shaw, Henry Wheeler
- Shelley, Mrs. Mary Wollstonecraft
- Shelley, Percy Bysshe
- Shenstone, William
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
- Sherlock, William
- Sherwood, Mrs. Mary Martha
- Shirley, James
- Shorthouse, Joseph Henry
- Sibbes, Richard
- Sidney, Sir Philip
- Sidney, or Sydney, Algernon
- Sigourney, Mrs. Lydia
- Simms, William Gilmore
- Skelton, John
- Skelton, Sir John
- Skene, William Forbes
- Skinner, John
- Skipsey, Joseph
- Smart, Christopher
- Smedley, Frank
- Smiles, Samuel
- Smith, Adam
- Smith, Albert
- Smith, Alexander
- Smith, Horace
- Smith, Mrs. Charlotte
- Smith, Sir William
- Smith, Sydney
- Smith, Walter Chalmers
- Smith, William Robertson
- Smollett, Tobias George
- Somerville, Mrs. Mary
- Somerville, William
- Sotheby, William
- South, Robert
- Southerne, Thomas
- Southey, Mrs. Caroline Anne
- Southey, Robert
- Southwell, Robert
- Spedding, James
- Speed, John
- Spelman, Sir Henry
- Spence, Joseph
- Spencer, Herbert
- Spencer, William Robert
- Spenser, Edmund
- Spottiswood, John
- Sprague, Charles
- Sprat, Thomas
- Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
- Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope
- Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn
- Stanley, Sir Henry Morton
- Stanley, Thomas
- Stanyhurst, Richard
- Stedman, Edmund Clarence
- Steele, Sir Richard
- Steevens, George
- Steevens, George Warrington
- Stephen, Sir James
- Stephen, Sir Leslie
- Stephens, Thomas
- Sterling, John
- Sterne, Laurence
- Sternhold, Thomas
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Stewart, Dugald
- Stillingfleet, Edward
- Stirling, James Hutchison
- Stirling, William Alexander, Earl of
- Stirling-Maxwell, Sir William
- Stockton, Francis Richard
- Stoddard, Richard Henry
- Storer, Thomas
- Story, William Wetmore
- Stow, John
- Stowe, Mrs. Harriet Beecher
- Strickland, Agnes
- Strode, William
- Strype, John
- Stuart, Gilbert
- Stubbs, William
- Stukeley, William
- Suckling, Sir John
- Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of
- Surtees, Robert Smith
- Swift, Jonathan
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles
- Sylvester, Joshua
- Symonds, John Addington
- Synge, John Millington
[edit]- Tabley De, John Byron Leicester Warren, 3rd Lord
- Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon
- Tannahill, Robert
- Tate, Nahum
- Tatham, John
- Tautphoeus, Baroness
- Taylor, Bayard
- Taylor, Isaac
- Taylor, Jeremy
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, Philip Meadows
- Taylor, Sir Henry
- Taylor, Thomas
- Taylor, Tom
- Taylor, William
- Temple, Sir William
- Tennant, William
- Tennyson, Alfred, 1st Lord
- Tennyson, Frederick
- Tennyson Turner, Charles
- Thackeray, William Makepeace
- Theobald, Lewis
- Thirwall, Connop
- Thoms, William John
- Thomson, James (1700-1748)
- Thomson, James (1834-1882)
- Thoreau, Henry David
- Tickell, Thomas
- Ticknor, George
- Tighe, Mary
- Tillotson, John
- Timrod, Henry
- Tobin, John
- Toland, John
- Tooke, John Horne
- Toplady, Augustus Montague
- Tourneur, or Turner, Cyril
- Traherne, Thomas
- Trelawny, Edward John
- Trench, Richard Chenevix
- Trevisa, John of
- Trollope, Anthony
- Trollope, Mrs. Frances
- Trumbull, John
- Tucker, Abraham
- Tucker, George
- Tucker, Nathaniel Beverly
- Tuckerman, Henry Theodore
- Tulloch, John
- Tupper, Martin Farquhar
- Turberville, or Turbervile, George
- Turner, Sharon
- Tusser, Thomas
- Twain, Mark
- Tyndale, William
- Tyndall, John
- Tytler, Alexander Fraser
- Tytler, Patrick Fraser
- Tytler, William
[edit]- Udall, Nicolas
- Underdown, Thomas
- Underwood, Francis Henry
- Urquhart, Sir Thomas
- Usk, Thomas
- Ussher, James
[edit]- Wace
- Wade, Thomas
- Wakefield, Gilbert
- Wallace, Lewis
- Waller, Edmund
- Waller, John Francis
- Walpole, Horatio or Horace
- Walpole, Sir Spencer
- Walton, Izaak
- Warburton, Bartholomew Eliot George
- Warburton, William
- Ward, Robert Plumer
- Ward, William George
- Wardlaw, Elizabeth, Lady
- Warner, Susan
- Warner, William
- Warren, Samuel
- Warton, Joseph
- Warton, Thomas
- Waterland, Daniel
- Waterton, Charles
- Watson, John
- Watson, Robert
- Watson, Thomas
- Watts, Alaric Alexander
- Watts, Isaac
- Waugh, Edwin
- Webbe, William
- Webster, Daniel
- Webster, John
- Webster, Mrs. Augusta
- Webster, Noah
- Wells, Charles Jeremiah
- Wendover, Roger de
- Wesley, Charles
- Wesley, John
- Westall, William
- Wharton, Thomas Wharton, 1st Marquis of
- Whateley, Richard
- Whetstone, George
- Whewell, William
- Whichcote, Benjamin
- Whipple, Edwin Percy
- Whiston, William
- White, Gilbert
- White, Henry Kirke
- White, Joseph Blanco
- White, Richard Grant
- Whitehead, Charles
- Whitehead, William
- Whitman, Walter or Walt
- Whitney, William Dwight
- Whittier, John Greenleaf
- Whyte-Melville, George John
- Wiclif, or Wyclif, John
- Wilberforce, William
- Wilcox, Carles
- Wilde, Oscar O'Flaherty
- Wilkes, John
- Wilkie, William
- Wilkins, John
- Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner
- William of Malmesbury
- William of Newburgh, or Newbury
- Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury
- Willis, Browne
- Willis, Nathaniel Parker
- Wills, James
- Wills, William Gorman
- Wilson, Alexander
- Wilson, John
- Wilson, John (orientalist)
- Wilson, John (poet)
- Wilson, Sir Daniel
- Wilson, Thomas
- Wingate, David
- Winthrop, Theodore
- Wither, George
- Wodrow, Robert
- Wolcot, John
- Wolfe, Charles
- Wood, John George
- Wood, Mrs. Ellen
- Wood, or à Wood, Anthony
- Woolman, John
- Woolner, Thomas
- Wordsworth, Christopher
- Wordsworth, Christopher (biographer)
- Wordsworth, Christopher (bishop)
- Wordsworth, Dorothy
- Wordsworth, William
- Wotton, Sir Henry
- Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William
- Wright, Thomas
- Wyatt, Sir Thomas
- Wycherley, William
- Wyntoun, Andrew of
[edit]Living Writers
This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.
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