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Abbott's Guide to Ottawa and Vicinity/Military

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The Militia of Canada consists of Permanent and Non-Permanent units, and is administered by a Militia Council stationed in Ottawa, though each Divisional area, of which there are six, is self-administered. The chief officers at Headquarters are:—

The different branches of the service are administered by Directors:—

There are no Permanent Militia stationed in Ottawa except a detachment of the Ordnance Corps. The Non-Permanent units with headquarters in Ottawa are:—

The Military parade ground—Cartier Square—is on Laurier ave., between Elgin street and the Canal. On the east end of the square are the Armouries, Ordnance Stores, and Caretaker's residence. The Armouries and drill hall are now quite too small for the various units, and the Government has expressed its intention of erecting quarters more suitable for the military requirements of the district.