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Account of Bursaries in the University of Glasgow

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Account of Bursaries in the University of Glasgow (1792)
the Town Council of Glasgow
1220500Account of Bursaries in the University of Glasgow1792the Town Council of Glasgow











Drawn up by the Town Clerks, 1792.



Management of the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasglow.

1. MR. ZACHARIAS BOYD's. This was established by contract between the Faculty of the College of Glasgow and Mr. Boyd, Minister of the Barony Kirk, dated 23d June, 1635, and recorded in the Books of Session 17th May thereafter. The sum mortified was 3000 merks for two Bursars, Students of Divinity, sons of Burgesses, and those of the name of Boyd to be preferred. To continue two years if the Patrons think fit, but not to exceed four years. The annual payment is, 5l. 11s. 1½d.

2. MR. MICHAEL WILSON's. This was established by the last will of the said Mr. Wilson, who was born and bred in Glasgow, lived long and died in Cartburn, in the county of Sussex, South Britain, as narrated in an act of the College Faculty in 1640, approved of by an act of Council 28th February 1640, for two Bursars for four years, who must be Students of Divinity, Masters of Arts, and sons of Burgesses, whose parents are unable to sustain them. The Bursars are to be chosen out of such of Mr. Wilson's kindred, who shall (land in need of it Bursary. And, if these last who are qualified and unable to maintain themselves, desire to pass the ordinary course of Philosophy, and other inferior studies of the College, they are to be preferred to the Bursary. The candidates are to be tried by the Principal and Masters of the College. The annual payment is, 6l. 13s. 4d. sterling for each.

3. MR. WILLIAM STRUTHERS'. He was a Minister at Edinburgh, who in 1624 mortified 6000 merks, yielding 600 merks yearly, (money yielded then 6 10 per cent. interest) to the Colleges of Glasgow and Edinburgh equally, for two Bursaries in Theology, in each College. By act of Council 1653 it appears, that the interest then, in the hands of the town, had run up to 1000 merks, which being added to the mortified sum made it in whole 4000 merks, which the College acknowlege they have in their hands, by a deed 21st December 1653. The foundation requires no other qualification in the candidates than that of being a Student of Divinity. The annual payment is 6l. 13s. 4d. for four years.

By deed between the College and the Town, dated 6th May 1629, the College acknowledge receipt of Mr. Struthers' and of Mr. Boyd's mortification-money, and gave heritable security for it.

These three are paid by the College out of funds in their hands.

4. DOCTOR LEIGHTON's late Bishop of Glasgow. This is founded by a deed, 1st August 1677, and another, dated 4th September 1681, in favour of two Students of Philosophy, for four years, and thereafter in Divinity for two years. The last deed declares, that if the Student of Philosophy wishes to continue in Divinity, and be not otherwise provided for, the Magistrates and Council have a power to continue him for two or three years. The Patrons are not limited in their choice of the description of candidates, but present two on each Bursary to the College, for a comparative trial, and on their report, which of them is best qualified, he is presented by the Magistrates and Council. The annual payment is 9l. each, and is paid by the Town.

By the deed in 1677, 150l. is also mortified to St. Nicholas's Hospital, for two poor men of good report, to be chosen by the Magistrates, one of this Burgh, and the other of the Barony parish. This now is an annual sum of 13l. 10s. bestowed on three poor men equally, at 4l. 10s. each.

5. MR. THOMAS HUTCHESON's mortification, for a Librarian in Glasgow College. This was founded by a deed 13th May 1641, the nature of which appears from the following act of Council, dated 28th February 1782. The said day there was presented a memorial from Glasgow College, to the Magistrates and Council, whereof the tenor follows: "The College of Glasgow had, for a long time, no fund for a Library keeper; Mr. Thomas Hutcheson of Lambhill, observing this deficiency, paid down to the Principal and Professors the sum of 2000 merks, and by his deed of donation, dated 13th May 1641, appointed the annual produce of this sum for a salary to a Library keeper, reserving the nomination of the Librarian to himself, during his own life, and vesting it in the Town Council of Glasgow after his decease. The said librarian to be a qualified Student, and Master of Arts; of the sirname of Hutcheson, whom failing, a Burgess's son of any other name; whom failing, any other qualified Student; to remain in the said office four years only, being always found apt and qualified by the Rector, Principal, Dean of Faculty, and Regents, to whom the presentation shall be directed. That after their condign trial, of the qualifications and aptitude of the said Student to that charge, he may be admitted by them thereto during the space aforesaid. He being obliged, at his admission and reception, to that office, to commemorate this present foundation in these words following, "Ego A. B. sancté polliceor et juro me bibliothecarii munus in Collegio Glasguensi, opibus et liberalitate Georgii et Thomae Hutchisonorum fratrum a Lambhill fundatum, integre et sideliter administraturum." The annual produce of this sum being afterwards found inadequate to the office, the College, out of their own funds, raised the Library keeper's salary to 400 merks yearly, upon an agreement with the Town Council, that the Magistrates and Town Council on the one part, and the College on the other, should have the right of presentation alternately, each for four years; and thus the matter stands at present. The University's Library is now increased to such a size, in the number and value of the books, that four years are not sufficient even to make a person acquainted with its contents. The salary is altogether inadequate to the trust, and high security which the keeper ought to give for the management. The following proposal is therefore submitted to the consideration of the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow. 1st, That the Magistrates and Town Council shall have the sole right of presenting a Librarian in the original terms of Hutcheson's donation, with a salary to be paid by the College of zoo merks yearly, which Librarian however shall be subjected to no charge but that of keeping the old Library. 2d, That the University shall have the sole right of appointing the keeper of the new Library, and shall be left to find a proper salary for him in the best way they can, and to continue him in office as long as they shall find it expedient.

(Signed) William Leechman.

Glasgow-College, Sth February, 1782. Which memorial being, read to, and considered by, the Magistrates and Council, they approve thereof, and agree to the terms thereby proposed.

6. MRS. AGNES GILHAGlE's, relict of William Sommerville, merchant, Glasgow. This is vested in the Magistrates and Council, and ministers of Glasgow, for one Student of Divinity, of good character, for four years, the names of Gilhagie and Sommerville to be preferred: The sum originally mortified was 1,000 merks, and it appears by an act of Council, 16th August, 1780, that the interest had lain over unapplied, from September 1755. It was then accumulated to principal sum yielding, 6l. 6s. of interest, the yearly sum now paid to the Bursar.

The Bursaries payable by the Town are paid at Whitsunday yearly, for the preceding Session of College.


MRS. MARGARET GRAHAM's mortification. By a deed in the Town's possession, dated 28th May 1641, and recorded in the Faculty record of the College, it appears, that Margaret Graham, relict of John Boyd, in Probdike of Kilmarnock, mortified 1000 merks; the interest of which was to be paid to a Student of Theology in the College of Glasgow, to be presented by the Magistrates and Council, with consent of the Principal and Professor of Divinity, and the Student was appointed to keep a record of the rarest passages of God's providence, justice, and mercy, fallen forth in the memory of famous persons. This record is appointed to be kept by the assistance of the Ministers of Glasgow, for the time, and to be revised by the Professor of Theology; and such of it as shall be thought worthy to be kept in the public register of the College, to be written by the Student. No presentation upon this deed having, so far as now known, taken place, application was made in March, 1791, to the Faculty to know the reason thereof, and it is now under the consideration of the Faculty.

SCOTSTARBET's mortification. This was founded by Sir John Scott of Scotstarbet, Knight, one of the Senators of the College of justice, by a contract between him and the Magistrates and Council of Glasgow, dated 7th and 13th June 1653, and by a second contract, dated 28th April 1658, whereby, out of the love he had to this city, being the prime city in the west, out of which country Sir John descended, and in consideration of the calamity of the inhabitants through fire, he mortified and conveyed to the Magistrates and Council the lands of Pucky and Pucky Mill, with the houses, &c. lying in the parish of St. Leonard's, and Sheriffdom of Fyse, holden of the Burgh of St. Andrew's, for putting four boys to apprenticeships, to any lawful honest trade or calling, within the Burgh, whose apprentice-fees are to be paid out of the rents of the lands, and no greater sum is to be paid for their apprentice-fees than too merks, and after their apprenticeships are over, they are to be admitted Burgesses by the Magistrates gratis. Sir, John agrees, to make election of Scots bairns within the burgh, in preference to anyin Edinburgh. Three of these boys are presented by the Donor's successors, and the other by the Magistrates and-Council. By act of Council, 5th April 1781, an agreement was made between David Scott of Scotstarbet, Esq; the successor of the said sir John seen, and the Magistrates and Council, by which it was provided, that, when the lands should yield a yearly rent of 30l. Mr. Scott shall have right to present four boys, and the Magistrates and Council two buys; and when the lands should yield 40l. of yearly rent, Mr. Scott should have right to present six boys, and the Magistrates and Council two boys; and that the apprentice-fees, formerly in use to be paid, should not be augmented, notwithstanding any rise of the rent.

On the 25th September 1788, the following extracts from the last; will and settlement of the deceased JAMES COULTER, late merchant in Glasgow, dated 22d November 1787, recorded in the Books of Session, (H.S.) 11th September 14788, and who died the 6th of that month, are recorded in the Council Books: "Item, The sum of 400l. sterling, which I hereby mortify and appropriate as a fund towards erecting or supporting of a public Bridewell or Work-house in or near Glasgow, now in agitation or prospect; and which sum I appoint to be lodged in the hands, and under the direction and management of the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, to be by them applied or secured for the purposes of this mortification. But the term of payment thereof to them shall be suspended until a plan of the said institution shall be fixed upon, and begun to be carried into execution; and until then, the intereft of the said sum shall belong and be paid to or retained by my Brother and Sisters, or their heirs or assigns, as my residuary donees. Item, The sum of 200l. sterling, which I hereby mortify and appropriate, as a fund for an annual premium for the benefit of the manufactures and trade of Glasgow, or its neighbourhood, in hopes that such a small but honorary distinction, to improvement of manufactures or trade, may do good, as an incentive to ingenious persons; and which sum of 200l. I appoint, at the term of payment foresaid, to be lodged in the hands, and to be under the directions of the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, to be by them secured in their own hands, as representing the Community of the City or elsewhere, for such annual proceeds in rent or interest as can be got for it, to be applied annually as a premium, either in money, or in the option of the obtainer of the premium, in a medal, to be paid or given to the person, whether mechanic or manufacturer, or merchant, who, in the course of each respective year preceding the determimation of the prize, and which shall be within six months after each year's interest of the fund becomes due, shall have invented, or improved, or confirmed in practice, any machine, or method of working a valuable manufacture in Glasgow, or within ten miles of it, or who shall open a new vent for such as shall have been already established; if such an invention or improvement be deemed prize-worthy by the Provost and Dean of Gild of Glasgow for the time, with fix assessors mosb capable of judging in the matter, viz. Three Merchants to be named by the Merchants House, and three Craftsmen to be named by the Trades House. Declaring, that if in any year no such invention or improvement shall have occurred, the annual proceeds for the preceding year, shall, for that vice, be disposed of and divided by the Patrons of the pension-fund above-mentioned, as a temporary supply, in such portions as they chuse, to, and among the most needy and deferring applicants. The sum of 1200l. sterling, which thereby mortify and appropriate, as a charitable fund, in perpetuity, in favour of worthy and deferring persons in indigent or narrow circumstances, so as the annual proceeds thereof may be applied, or paid to such persons, in annual pensions, to such extent as shall not exceed 10l. sterling yearly to one person, nor be less than 4l. sterling yearly to one person; which peniions shall, from time to time, be presented by my said Brother and Sisters, or any two of them, or the survivors or survivor of them, whom I hereby appoint Patrons of the said charity, until the decease of the last liver of them, when the said patronage and right of presentation shall devolve and belong to the Ministers of the different parishes of Glasgow, and an equal number of Members of the Town Council of Glasgow, to be delegated by the Council, the Lord Provost, or, in his absence, the Senior Magistrate, from time to time, being ways one, and President of the meeting, having one vote as well as a calling vote, in all cases of parity; and which sum of 1200l. sterling, I appoint, at the term of payment aforesaid, to be lodged in the hands, and to be under the direction of the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, to be by them secured in their own hands, as representing the Community of the City, or elsewhere, for such annual proceeds, in rent or interest, as can be got for it, to be applied for the purposes of this mortification annually as aforesaid. Declaring, that during the patronage of my Brother and Sisters, or any of them, their exercise of it shall be explained in the most extensive and liberal manner, without their being restricted as to persons or rates of their pensions, and without rendering a public account of their management, as I can safely trust to their honour and regard for me. And therefore, the said annual proceeds shall, if they desire it, be paid to them yearly, in order that they may distribute the same in pensions, without the formalities of deeds of presentation. And declaring, that I expect from the Patrons, whoever they be, from time to time, and earnestly recommend, that, in bestowing the pensions, a preference be given, to persons of the name of Coulter or of Peadie, when such are applicants, and of good character, or to persons of good character, who can show any remote relation to me or my wife, by blood or alliance. Payable, the above and others, to public institutions, at the first; Whitsunday or Martinmas after the expiry of two years, subsequent to my decease, with the interest thereof, from the said term of payment till payment."

The foresaid sum of 1200l. sterling was paid to the Magistrates and Town Council of Glasgow, on the 23d July 1789, as appears from the records of that date.

This work was published before January 1, 1930, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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