Category:Validated texts
These texts have been fully transcribed, proofread, and validated. See Help:Text status for more information.
Pages in category "Validated texts"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 3,180 total.
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- 10 of Woody Guthrie's Songs
- 10 Rules for Radicals
- 112 Days' Hard Labour
- 124 Cartridges for 15 Shillings and Sixpence (IWMPST7904)
- 124 Cartridges for 15 Shillings and Sixpence (IWMPST7905)
- 1758, being a sketch of the founding of Pittsburgh
- 1836 (33) Registration of Births &c. A bill for registering Births Deaths and Marriages in England
- 1836 (34) Marriages. A bill for Marriages in England
- 1887 Constitution of the Kingdom of Hawaii
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Vol 5/Table of contributors
- 1914 and other poems
- The A259 Trunk Road (Little Common Road, Bexhill) (Temporary Prohibition of Traffic) Order 2011
- Aaron's Rod (Lawrence)
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Abbott, Jonas Archer
- Abdication of King Edward VIII
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Aberration
- Aboriginal Welfare (1937)
- Abortion (Northern Ireland) (No. 2) Regulations 2020
- Abortion Act 1967
- Above the Battle
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Absolon, William
- The Absolute at Large
- An Academic Sketch
- Account of a Visit from St. Nicholas, or Santa Claus
- An account of a voyage to establish a colony at Port Philip in Bass's Strait on the south coast of New South Wales, in His Majesty's Ship Calcutta, in the years 1802-3-4
- Account of Bursaries in the University of Glasgow
- An Account of the Manufacture of the Black Tea, as now practised at Suddeya in Upper Assam, by the Chinamen sent thither for that purpose
- Across the Stream
- An Act for the Release of Certain Persons Held to Service or Labor in the District of Columbia
- An Act to amend the National Anthem Act (gender)
- The Actress (Owen)
- Adam Bede
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Adams, William
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Adamson, John
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Adderley, Arden
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Addington, William Silvester
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Addington, William Wells
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Addis, Edward Brown
- An address delivered by the Hon. Mrs. Welby to the married women of Newton on the first Thursday in Lent, 1872
- An Address, Delivered in Tremont Temple
- Address of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society
- The Address of the People of South Carolina assembled in Convention, to the People of the Slaveholding States of the United States
- An address on compulsory education
- Address on the Medical Education of Women
- Address to an emigrant
- An Address to the Free People of Color of the State of Maryland
- Address to the Mary Adelaide Nurses
- An address to the Roman Catholics of Ireland
- An address to women (Goodwin)
- Adjustment Team
- Administration of Justice (Further Amendment) Act, 1927
- Adolf Berle to Franklin D. Roosevelt (March 5, 1940)
- The Advancing Proletariat
- The Adventures Of A Revolutionary Soldier
- The Adventures of Dollie
- Aesthetic Papers/Resistance to Civil Government
- Affirmation of Commitments by the United States Department of Commerce and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
- Agamemnon (1877) Browning
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Agassiz, James David
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Agassiz, James John Charles
- The Age of Innocence
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Agnew, John De Courcy Andrew
- Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote
- Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan
- The Agricultural Children Act, 1873, and the Agricultural Gangs Act, 1867
- Agricultural Holdings Act
- Aida
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Ainslie, Henry
- Air Force Regulation 200-2, Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting
- Air Medal - G. T. Coker
- Air Medal with bronze star - John McCain
- Air Medal with numeral 2 - G. T. Coker
- Air Medal with numeral 2 - John McCain
- Air Medal with numeral 3 - G. T. Coker
- Air Medal with numeral 5 - G. T. Coker
- Air Medal with numerals 2 to 5 - G. T. Coker
- Air Service Boys Flying for Victory
- Air Service Boys over the Rhine
- Aircraft Accident Report for Buddy Holly's crash
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Aird, David
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Airey, George Sherbrooke
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Airey, George Taylor
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Airey, John Moore Cole
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Aitchison, Edward
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Aitchison, Robert
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Aitkin, Alexander
- Ajax (Trevelyan 1919)
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Akers, Thomas
- Al Que Quiere!
- Alabama State Constitution of 1901
- Alaska Days with John Muir
- Alcohol, a Dangerous and Unnecessary Medicine
- Alexander Hamilton's commission to take rank as Colonel
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Alexander, William Charles
- An Algonquin Syllabary
- Ali Baba, or, the Forty Thieves
- Alice in Wonderland (1903 film)
- Alice in Wonderland in Words of One Syllable
- Alice's Adventures in Cambridge
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1866)
- Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1907)
- Alice's Adventures Under Ground
- All Quiet on the Western Front
- Alterations to Winston Churchill to Franklin D. Roosevelt (December 7, 1940)
- Amazing Stories/Volume 01/Number 01
- Amendment of the Copyright Regulations, 1978
- America a Prophecy
- The American Carbon Manual
- The American Indian
- American Rescue Plan Fact Sheet: Impact on Alabama
- The American Scholar
- Americanisation - a letter to John Stuart Mill
- Americans and others
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Amphlett, William
- Anacreontics (Benson, 1872)
- The Analyst: a Discourse addressed to an Infidel Mathematician
- Ancestral Enormities
- Ancient Ballads and Legends of Hindustan
- The ancient Irish church
- Anglican sisterhoods
- The Anna Hummingbird
- Anne of Avonlea
- Anne of Green Gables (1908)
- Announcement of Launch of USS Constitution
- Answer to Interrogatories
- Anthem (Rand)
- Anti-Hijacking Act, 2016
- 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Antigone
- Anzac Day Act 1920
- Apache License, Version 1.0
- Apache License, Version 1.1
- Apache License, Version 2.0
- Aphorisms — an address delivered before the Edinburgh Philosophical Institution, November 11, 1887
- Appeal for a Sixteenth Amendment
- Appeal to the Wealthy of the Land
- Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Swartwout, Robert
- Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Swartz, Joel
- Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Swartz, Olaus
- Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography/Swatane
- Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes
- Appointment of Special Counsel to Investigate Russian Interference with the 2016 Presidential Election and Related Matters
- Appreciations of Horace Howard Furness
- A Naval Biographical Dictionary/Arbuthnott, Alexander Dundas Young
- Are Women People?
- Aristophanes (Collins)
- Aristotle
- The Ark alphabet
- Armed Forces (Assam and Manipur) Special Powers Act, 1958
- Armenians Active in European War
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Abide with Me! Fast Falls the Eventide
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/At Thy Feet, Our God and Father
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Coming to Christ
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Coronation
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Life and Ministry of Jesus
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/The Man of Sorrows
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Morning Worship
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Nativity
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Resurrection
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/When Morning Gilds the Skies
- The Army and Navy Hymnal/Secular
- Army sanitary administration and its reform under the late Lord Herbert
- Poems That Every Child Should Know/The Arrow and the Song
- Arrowsmith
- The Art of Kissing
- The Art of Nijinsky
- Artificial Indigenous Place Names in Brazil
- As You Like It (1919) Yale
- Grimm's Household Tales (Edwardes)/Ashputtel
- Asoka - the Buddhist Emperor of India
- The Aspern Papers, Louisa Pallant, The Modern Warning (1 volume, London & New York: Macmillan & Co., 1888)
- Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections
- Assistant Secretary Abbot to Secretary Walcott on Goddard's Proposal (December 16 1916)
- Assistant Secretary Abbot to Secretary Walcott on Goddard's Proposal (October 21 1916)
- Association Football and How to Play It
- At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems
- At the Earth's Core
- Athletics and Manly Sport
- Atlantic Hurricane Season Letter to POTUS, RE: "Red Tape"
- The Atomic Theory
- Attainder of Treason and Confiscation of the Property of Rebels
- Attorney General William Barr resignation letter (2020)
- Aucassin and Nicolette (Bourdillon)
- The Auk/39/3/Chance's the Cuckoo's Secret
- Aurora Australis
- Australia Act 1986 (United Kingdom)
- The Australian Emigrant
- Australian Legendary Tales
- An Australian Parsonage
- The authentic and genuine history of the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand, February 5 and 6, 1840
- Aviation Accident Report: 1 December 1934 glider crash