An Act respecting the Canadian Pacific Railway/Schedule
This contract and agreement made between Her Majesty the Queen, acting in respect of the Dominion of Canada and herein represented and acting by the Honourable Sir Charles Tupper. K.C.M.G., Minister of Railways and Canals,
George Stephen and Duncan Mclntyre, of Montreal, in Canada, John S. Kennedy of New York, in the State of New York, Richard B. Angus, and James J. Hill, of St. Paul, in the State of Minnesota, Morton, Rose & Co., of London, England, and Kohn, Reinach & Co., of Paris, France,
That the parties hereto have contracted and agreed with each other as follows, namely :—
Interpretation clause. — Eastern section. — Lake Superior section. — Central section. — C.P. Railway. — Company. — Government.
1. For the better interpretation of this contract, it is hereby declared that the portion of railway hereinafter called the Eastern section, shall comprise that part of the Canadian Pacific Railway to be constructed, extending from the Western terminus of the Canada Central Railway, near the East end of Lake Nipissing, known as Callander Station, to a point of junction with that portion of the said Canadian Pacific Railway now in course of construction extending from Lake Superior to Selkirk on the East side of Red River; which latter portion is hereinafter called the Lake Superior section. That the portion of said railway, now partially in course of construction, extending from Selkirk to Kamloops, is hereinafter called the Central Section; and the portion of said railway now in course of construction, extending from Kamloops to Port Moody, is hereinafter called the Western section. And that the words, "the Canadian Pacific Railway," are intended to mean the entire railway, as described in the Act 37th Victoria, chap. 14. The individual parties hereto, are hereinafter described as the Company; and the Government of Canada is hereinafter called the Government.
Security to be given by the company. — Conditions thereof.
2. The contractors, immediately after the organization of the said Company, shall deposit with the Government $1,000,000 in cash or approved securities, as a security for the construction of the railway hereby contracted for. The Government shall pay to the Company interest on the cash deposited at the rate of four per cent. per annum, half-yearly, and shall pay over to the Company the interest received upon securities deposited,—the whole until default in the performance of the conditions hereof, or until the repayment of the deposit; and shall return the deposit to the Company on the completion of the railway, according to the terms hereof, with any interest accrued thereon.
3. The Company shall lay out, construct and equip the said Eastern section, and the said Central section, of a uniform gauge of 4 feet 8 1/2 inches; and in order to establish an approximate standard whereby the quality and the character of the railway and of the materials used in the construction thereof, and of the equipment thereof may be regulated, the Union Pacific Railway of the United States as the same was when first constructed, is hereby selected and fixed as such standard. And if the Government and the Company should be unable to agree as to whether or not any work done or materials furnished under this contract are in fair conformity with such standard, or as to any other question of fact, excluding questions of law, the subject of disagreement shall be, from time to time, referred to the determination of three referees, one of whom shall be chosen by the Government, one by the Company, and one by the two referees so chosen, and such referees shall decide as to the party by whom the expense of such reference shall be defrayed. And if such two referees should be unable to agree upon a third referee, he shall be appointed at the instance of either party hereto, after notice to the other, by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. And the decision of such referees, or of the majority of them, shall be final.
4. The work of construction shall be commenced at the eastern extremity of the Eastern section not later than the first day of July next, and the work upon the Central section shall be commenced by the Company at such point towards the eastern end thereof on the portion of the line now under construction as shall be found convenient and as shall be approved by the Government, at a date not later than the 1st May next. And the work upon the Eastern and Central sections shall be vigorously and continuously carried on at such rate of annual progress on each section as shall enable the Company to complete and equip the same and each of them, in running order, on or before the first day of May, 1891, by which date the Company hereby agree to complete and equip the said sections in conformity with this contract, unless prevented by the act of God, the Queen's enemies, intestine disturbances, epidemics, floods, or other causes beyond the control of the. Company. And in case of the interruption or obstruction of the work of construction from any of the said causes, the time fixed for the completion of the railway shall be extended for a corresponding period.
5. The Company shall pay to the Government the cost, according to the contract, of the portion of railway, 100 miles in length, extending from the city of Winnipeg westward, up to the time at which the work was taken out of the hands of the contractor and the expenses since incurred by the Government in the work of construction, but shall have the right to assume the said work at any time and complete the same paying the cost of construction as aforesaid, so far as the same shall then have been incurred by the Government.
6. Unless prevented by the act of God, the Queen's enemies, intestine disturbances, epidemics, floods or other causes beyond the control of the Government, the Government shall cause to be completed the said Lake Superior section by the dates fixed by the existing contracts for the construction thereof; and shall also cause to be completed the portion of the said Western section now under contract, namely, from Kamloops to Yale, within the period fixed by the contracts therefor, namely, by the thirtieth day of June, 1885 ; and shall also cause to be completed, on or before the first day of May, 1891, the remaining portion of the said Western section, lying between Yale and Port Moody, which shall be constructed of equally good quality in every respect with the standard hereby created for the portion hereby contracted for. And the said Lake Superior section, and the portions of the said Western section now under contract, shall be completed as nearly as practicable according to the specifications and conditions of the contracts therefor, except in so far as the same have been modified by the Government prior to this contract.
7. The railway constructed under the terms hereof shall be the property of the Company : and pending the completion of the Eastern and Central sections, the Government shall transfer to the Company the possession and right to work and run the several portions of the Canadian Pacific Railway already constructed or as the same shall be completed. And upon the completion of the Eastern and Central sections, the Government shall convey to the Company, with a suitable number of station buildings and with water service (but without equipment), those portions of the Canadian Pacific Railway constructed or to be constructed by the Government which shall then be completed ; and upon completion of the remainder of the portion of railway to be constructed by the Government, that portion shall also be conveyed to the Company; and the Canadian Pacific Railway shall become and be thereafter the absolute property of the Company. And the Company shall thereafter and for ever efficiently maintain, work and run the Canadian Pacific Railway.
8. Upon the reception from the Government of the possession of each of the respective portions of the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Company shall equip the same in conformity with the standard herein established for the equipment of the sections hereby contracted for, and shall thereafter maintain and efficiently operate the same.
9. In consideration of the premises, the Government agree to grant to the Company a subsidy in money of $25,000,000 and in land of 25,000,000 acres, for which subsidies the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway shall be completed and the same shall be equipped, maintained and operated - the said subsidies respectively to be paid and granted as the work of construction shall proceed, in manner and upon the conditions following, that is to say :
(a) The said subsidy in money is hereby divided and appropriated as follows, namely :
Assumed at 1,350 miles: | |
1st - 900 miles at $10,000 per mile | $9,000,000 |
2nd - 450 miles at $13,333 per mile | $6,000,000 |
Assumed at 650 miles, subsidy equal to $15,384.61 per mile | $10,000,000 |
$25,000,000 |
And the said subsidy in land is hereby divided and appropriated as follows, subject to the reserve hereinafter provided for:
1st - 1st - 900 miles at 12,500 acres per mile | 11,250,000 |
1st - 2nd - 450 miles at 16,666 acres per mile | 7,500,000 |
Assumed at 650 miles, subsidy equal to 9615.35 acres per mile | 6,250,000 |
25,000.000 acres |
(b) Upon the construction of any portion of the railway hereby contracted for, not less than 20 miles in length, and the completion thereof so as to admit of the running of regular trains thereon, together with such equipment thereof as shall be required for the traffic thereon, the Government shall pay and grant to the Company the money and land subsidies applicable thereto, according to the division and appropriation thereof made as hereinbefore provided; the Company having the option of receiving in lieu of cash terminable bonds of the Government bearing such rate of interest, for such period and nominal amount as may be arranged, and which may be equivalent according to actuarial calculation to the corresponding cash payment - the government allowing four per cent. interest on moneys deposited with them.
(c) If at any time the Company shall cause to be delivered on or near the line of the said railway, at a place satisfactory to the Government, steel rails and fastenings to be used in the requirements for such construction, the Government, on the requisition of the Company, shall, upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the Government, advance thereon three-fourths of the value thereof at the place of delivery. And a proportion of the amount so advanced shall be deducted, according to such terms and conditions, from the subsidy to be thereafter paid, upon the settlement for each section of 20 miles of railway - which proportion shall correspond with the proportion of such rails and fastenings which have been used in the construction of such sections.
(d) Until the first day of January, 1882, the Company shall have the option, instead of issuing land grant bonds as hereinafter provided, of substituting the payment by the Government of the interest (or part of the interest) on bonds of the Company mortgaging the railway and the lands to be granted by the Government, running over such term of years as may be approved by the Governor in Council, in lieu of the cash subsidy hereby agreed to be granted to the Company or any part thereof - such payments of interest to be equivalent according to actuarial calculation to the corresponding cash payment, the Government allowing four per cent interest on moneys deposited with them ; and the coupons representing the interest on such bonds shall be guaranteed by the Government to the extent of such equivalent. And the proceeds of the sale of such bonds to the extent of not more than $25,000,000 shall be deposited with the Government, and the balance of such proceeds shall be placed elsewhere by the Company, to the satisfaction and under the exclusive control of the Government ; failing which last condition the bonds in excess of those sold shall remain in the hands of the Government. And from time to time as the work proceeds, the Government shall pay over to the Company : firstly, out of the amount so to be placed by the Company - and, after the expenditure of that amount, out of the amount deposited with the Government - sums of money bearing the same proportion to the mileage cash subsidy hereby agreed upon, which the net proceeds of such sale (if the whole of such bonds are sold upon the issue thereof, or, if such bonds be. not all then sold, the net proceeds of the. issue, calculated at the rate at which the sale of part of them shall have been made), shall bear to the sum of $25,000, 000. But if only a portion of the bond issue be sold, the amount earned by the Company according to the proportion aforesaid shall be paid to the Company, partly out of the bonds in the hands of the Government, and partly out of the cash deposited with the Government, in similar proportions to the amount of such bonds sold and remaining unsold respectively ; and the Company shall receive the bonds so paid, as cash, at the rate at which the said partial sale thereof shall have been made. And the Government will receive and hold such sum of money towards the creation of a sinking fund for the redemption of such bonds, and upon such terms and conditions as shall be agreed upon between the Government and the Company.
(e) If the Company avail themselves of the option granted by clause d, the sum of $2,000 per mile for the first eight hundred miles of the Central section shall be deducted pro rata from the amount payable to the Company in respect of the said eight hundred miles, and shall be appropriated to increase the mileage cash subsidy appropriated to the remainder of the said Central section.
10. In further consideration of the premises, the Government shall also grant to the Company the lands required for the road-bed of the railway, and for its stations, station grounds, workshops, dock ground and water frontage at the termini on navigable waters, buildings, yards and other appurtenances required for the convenient and effectual construction and working of the railway, in so far as such land shall be vested in the Government. And the Government shall also permit the admission free of duty of all steel rails, fish plates and other fastenings, spikes, bolts and nuts, wire, timber and all material for bridges to be used in the original construction of the railway, and of a telegraph line in connexion therewith, and all telegraphic apparatus required for the first equipment of such telegraph line ; and will convey to the Company, at cost price, with interest, all rails and fastenings bought in or since the year 1879, and other materials for construction in the possession of or purchased by the Government, at a valuation - such rails, fastenings and materials not being required by it for the construction of the said Lake Superior and Western sections.
11. The grant of land, hereby agreed to be made to the Company, shall be so made in alternate sections of 640 acres each, extending back 24 miles deep, on each side of the railway, from Winnipeg to Jasper House, in so far as such lands shall be vested in the Government - the Company receiving the sections bearing uneven numbers. But should any of such sections consist in a material degree of land not fairly fit for settlement, the Company shall not be obliged to receive them as part of such grant; and the deficiency thereby caused and any further deficiency which may arise from the insufficient quantity of land along the said portion of railway, to complete the said 25,000,000 acres, or from the prevalence of lakes and water stretches in the sections granted (which lakes and water stretches shall not be computed in the acreage of such sections), shall be made up from other portions in the tract known as the fertile belt, that is to say, the land lying between parallels 49 and 57 degrees of north latitude, or elsewhere at the option of the Company, by the grant therein of similar alternate sections extending back 24 miles deep on each side of any branch line or lines of railway to be located by the Company, and to be shown on a map or plan thereof deposited with the Minister of Railways; or of any common front line or lines agreed upon between the Government and the Company - the conditions hereinbefore stated as to lands not fairly fit for settlement to be applicable to such additional grants. And the Company may, with the consent of the Government, select in the North-West Territories any tract or tracts of land not taken up as a means of supplying or partially supplying such deficiency. But such grants shall be made only from lands remaining vested in the Government.
12. The Government shall extinguish the Indian title affecting the lands herein appropriated, and to be hereafter granted in aid of the railway.
13. The Company shall have the right, subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, to lay out and locate the line of the railway hereby contracted for, as they may see fit, preserving the following terminal points, namely: from Callander station to the point of junction with the Lake Superior section ; and from Selkirk to the junction with the Western section at Kamloops by way of the Yellow Head Pass.
14. The Company shall have the right from time to time to lay out, construct, equip, maintain and work branch lines of railway from any point or points along their main line of railway, to any point or points within the territory of the Dominion. Provided always, that before commencing any branch they shall first deposit a map and plan of such branch in the Department of Railways. And the Government shall grant to the Company the lands required for the road-bed of such branches, and for the stations, station grounds, buildings, workshops, yards and other appurtenances requisite for the efficient construction and working of such branches, in so far as such lands are vested in the Government.
15. For twenty years from the date hereof, no line of railway shall be authorized by the Dominion Parliament to be constructed South of the Canadian Pacific Railway, from any point at or near the Canadian Pacific Railway, except such line as shall run South West or to the Westward of South West; nor to within fifteen miles of Latitude 49. And in the establishment of any new Province in the North-West Territories, provision shall be made for continuing such prohibition after such establishment until the expiration of the same period.
16. The Canadian Pacific Railway, and all stations and station grounds, workshops, buildings, yards and other property, rolling stock and appurtenances required and used for the construction and working thereof, and the capital stock of the Company, shall be for ever free from taxation by the Dominion, or by any Province hereafter to be established, or by any Municipal Corporation therein ; and the lands of the Company, in the North-West Territories, until they are either sold or occupied, shall also be free from such taxation for 20 years after the grant thereof from the Crown.
17. The Company shall be authorized by their Act of incorporation to issue bonds, secured upon the land granted and to be granted to the Company, containing provisions for the use of such bonds in the acquisition of lands, and such other conditions as the Company shall see fit - such issue to be for $25,000,000. And should the Company make such issue of land grant bonds, then they shall deposit them in the hands of the Government; and the Government shall retain and hold one-fifth of such bonds as security for the due performance of the present contract in respect of the maintenance and continuous working of the railway by the Company, as herein agreed, for ten years after the completion thereof, and the remaining $20,000,000 of such bonds shall be dealt with as hereinafter provided. And as to the said one-fifth of the said bonds, so long as no default shall occur in the maintenance and working of the said Canadian Pacific Railway, the Government shall not present or demand payment of the coupons of such bonds, nor require payment of any interest thereon. And if any of such bonds, so to be retained by the Government, shall be paid off in the manner to be provided for the extinction of the whole issue thereof, the Government shall hold the amount received in payment thereof as security for the same purposes as the bonds so paid off, paying interest thereon at four per cent. per annum so long as default is not made by the Company in the performance of the conditions hereof. And at the end of the said period of ten years from the completion of the said railway, if no default shall then have occurred in such maintenance and working thereof, the said bonds, or if any of them shall then have been paid off the remainder of said bonds and the money received from those paid off, with accrued interest, shall be delivered back by the Government to the Company with all the coupons attached to such bonds. But if such default should occur, the Government may thereafter require payment of interests on the bonds so held and shall not be obliged to continue to pay interest on the money representing bonds paid off, and while the Government shall retain the right to hold the said portion of the said land grant bonds, other securities satisfactory to the Government may be substituted for them by the Company, by agreement with the Government.
18. If the Company shall find it necessary or expedient to sell the remaining $20,000,000 of the land grant bonds or a larger portion thereof than in the proportion of one dollar for each acre of land then earned by the Company, they shall be allowed to do so, but the proceeds thereof, over and above the amount to which the Company shall be entitled as herein provided, shall be deposited with the Government. And the Government shall pay interest upon such deposit half-yearly, at the rate of four per cent. per annum, and shall pay over the amount of such deposit to the Company from time to time, as the work proceeds, in the same proportions, and at the same times and upon the same conditions as the land grant - that is to say: the Company shall be entitled to receive from the Government out of the proceeds of the said land grant bonds, the same number of dollars as the number of acres of the land subsidy which shall then have been earned by them, less one-fifth thereof, that is to say, if the bonds are sold at par, but if they are sold at less than par, then a deduction shall be made therefrom corresponding to the discount at which such bonds are sold. And such land grant shall be conveyed to them by the Government, subject to the charge created as security for the said land grant bonds, and shall remain subject to such charge till relieved thereof in such manner as shall be provided for at the time of the issue of such bonds.
19. The Company shall pay any expenses which shall be incurred by the Government in carrying out the provisions of the last two preceding clauses of this contract.
20. If the Company should not issue such land grant bonds, then the Government shall retain from out of each grant to be made from time to time, every fifth section of the lands hereby agreed to be granted, such lands to be so retained as security for the purposes and for the length of time, mentioned in section eighteen hereof. And such lands may be sold in such manner and at such prices as shall be agreed upon between the Government and the Company ; and in that case the price thereof shall be paid to, and held by the Government for the same period, and for the same purposes as the land itself, the Government paying four per cent. per annum interest thereon. And other securities satisfactory to the Government may be substituted for such lands or money by agreement with the Government.
21. The Company to be incorporated, with sufficient powers to enable them to carry out the foregoing contract, and this contract shall only be binding in the event of an Act of incorporation being granted to the Company in the form hereto appended as Schedule A.
22. The Railway Act of 1879, in so far as the provisions of the same are applicable to the undertaking referred to in this contract, and in so far as they are not inconsistent herewith or inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of the Act of incorporation to be granted to the Company, shall apply to the Canadian Pacific Railway. In witness whereof the parties hereto have executed these presents at the City of Ottawa, this twenty-first day of October, 1880. }}
CHARLES TUPPER, Minister of Railways and Canals.
Per pro. Geo. Stephen.
By P. Du P. Grenfell.
Signed in presence of F. BRAUN,
and Seal of the Department
hereto affixed by SIR CHARLES TUPPER, in presence of
(Signed) F. BRAUN.