An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Annotated/Münze

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Münze (1.), feminine, from the equivalent Middle High German münȥe, Old High German muniȥȥa, feminine, ‘coin.’ The word was adopted in West Teutonic previous to the High German permutation, probably even before the time of Tacitus, from Latin monêta, ‘coin, money’; compare Anglo-Saxon mynet, English mint, Dutch munt. Latin monêta, on its adoption, was probably pronounced, with a Teutonic accent, mónêta; ê passed into î and ŏ into ŭ, later ü; múnita is the initial stage of Old High German múnĭȥȥa. That Latin words were introduced with Latin money (Tacit. Germ. 5) is antecedently probable. Compare Pfund.

Münze (2.), feminine, equivalent to Minze.