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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language/Münze

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An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, M (1891)
by Friedrich Kluge, translated by John Francis Davis
Friedrich Kluge2512313An Etymological Dictionary of the German Language, M — Münze1891John Francis Davis

Münze (1.), f., from the equiv. MidHG. münȥe, OHG. muniȥȥa, f., ‘coin.’ The word was adopted in West Teut. previous to the HG. permutation, probably even before the time of Tacitus, from Lat. monêta, ‘coin, money’; comp. AS. mynet, E. mint, Du. munt. Lat. monêta, on its adoption, was probably pronounced, with a Teut. accent, mónêta; ê passed into î and ŏ into ŭ, later ü; múnita is the initial stage of OHG. múnĭȥȥa. That Lat. words were introduced with Lat. money (Tacit. Germ. 5) is antecedently probable. Comp. Pfund.

Münze(2) (2.), f., equiv. to Minze.