An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London/Appendix A
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A Copy of the Charter
Granted to the Cutlers' Company by King James the First, on the 8th July, 1607.
James by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith &c. To all Men to whom these Presents shall come Greeting
Recitals.Whereas our noble Progenitor HENRY after the Conquest the Sixth having information that by reason of the losses and unfortunate casualties that happened to the Men of the Mystery of the Cutlers of the City of London by Sea they then were not able to live but by the benevolence of well disposed people whereof he having a princely consideration did by his LETTERS PATENT of his especial grace grant and give license to the foresaid Cutlers of London that they for ever after should have one perpetual Commonaltie of themselves. And that the said Commonaltie should choose and make Richard Wellom Master of the Commonaltie and Misterie aforesaid and Martyn Goddard and John Chadd Wardens of the foresaid Commonaltie and Mysterie for One year and so everie yeare One Master and Two Wardens of the Men of the foresaid Commonaltie and Misterie to survey and govern the said Misterie and Commonaltie and all persons and their Works for ever. And further of his more grace did grant and give licence for him and his heirs to the foresaid Master Wardens and Commonaltie that they and their Successors Masters Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie aforesaid for the time being might purchase lands tenements and rents to the value of Twenty pounds per annum as by the said Letters Patents more at large appeareth AND WHEREAS the said Letters Patents have been by divers of our noble Progenitors since that time allowed and confirmed as by the several confirmations thereof likewise more at large appears. NOW KNOW YE that we at the humble petition of the Company of Cutlers of London and the Suburbs thereof for the better rule and government of the said Company and every of them and for the avoiding of divers deceits and abuses used in the said Mysterie to the great damage and loss of our loving Subjects of our special Grace certain knowledge and mere motion have willed ordained constituted and granted. And by these presents for us our Heirs and Successors DO will ordain constitute declare and grant that all and singular the persons of the Commonaltie and Mysterie of the Cutlers of the City of London and the Suburbs thereof for ever hereafter are and shall be by virtue of these presents Corporate Name.ONE BODY Corporate and Politique in deed and name by the name "Of Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London" and them by the name of "Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London." WE do by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors really and fully create make ordain constitute and declare one Body Corporate and Politick in deed and name. And that by the same name of Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London they shall and may have perpetual succession. And that they and their successors by the name of Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London shall and may be for ever hereafter persons able and capable in May hold Lands.Law to purchase have receive and enjoy manors messuages lands tenements liberties privileges Jurisdictions Franchises and other Hereditaments whatsoever of whatsoever kind nature or qualitie they be to them and their Successors in Fee and perpetuity or for term of live lives year or years or otherwise in what sort soever. And also all manner of goods chattels and things whatsoever of what name nature or quality soever they be. And also to give grant sett lett alien assign and dispose of manors messuages lands tenements and other hereditaments goods chattels and things whatsoever. And also to do and execute all and singular other acts and things whatsoever by the name aforesaid. And that by the same name of Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Mysterie of Cutlers of London they shall and may be able to plead and be impleaded to answer and be answered unto to defend and be defended in all Courts and places whatsoever and before whatsoever Judge or Justices or other persons and Officers of us our heirs or successors in all and singular actions plaints pleas suits matters and demands of whatsoever kind nature or quality they be in the same manner and form as any other our liege Subjects of this our Realm of England being persons able and capable in Law or any other Body Corporate and Politick within this Realm of England can or may have purchase receive possess enjoy retain give grant set let alien assign and dispose plead and be impleaded answer and be answered unto defend and be defended do permit or execute. And that they the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London for ever hereafter shall and may have a Common Seal.COMMON SEAL to serve for the causes and business of them and their successors and that it shall be lawful for them and their successors to change break alter and to make anew the said Seal from time to time at their pleasure as they shall think best. And further we will and by these presents for us our Heirs and Successors we do grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of the Cutlers of London aforesaid and their Successors that for ever hereafter there shall and may be one of the Commonaltie or Misterie aforesaid in manner and form hereafter in these presents mentioned chosen and named who shall be and be called the Master.Master of the said Commonaltie of the Misterie of the Cutlers of London And that likewise there shall and may be two of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in manner and form hereafter in these presents expressed chosen and named which shall be and be called the Wardens.Wardens of the said Commonaltie of the Mysterie of the Cutlers of London. And also that there shall and may be Twenty of the Commonaltie aforesaid in manner and form hereafter expressed named and sworn which shall be and be called the Assistants.Assistants of the said Commonaltie of the Misterie of the Cutlers of London. And from time to time shall be assisting and aiding to the Master and Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Mysterie aforesaid for the time being in all causes matters and business touching or concerning the said Commonaltie. And further We will and by these presents for us our heirs aud successors DO grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of the Cutlers of London and their Successors That it shall and may be lawful for the said Master and Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being or to the greater part of them calling to them the most part of the Assistants for the time being as often as they shall think it needful or expedient to assemble convocate and congregate themselves together at and in their Hall or any other convenient place within the City of London or the Suburbs thereof. To make Ordinances.And there from time to time and at all convenient times hereafter to entreate consult determine constitute ordain and make any constitutions laws ordinances statutes articles and orders whatsoever which to them or the greater part of them as is aforesaid shall seem reasonable profitable or requisite for touching or concerning the good estate rule order or government of the said Commonaltie of the said Misterie of the said Cutlers as to them according to their wisdom and discretions shall seem convenient. And in what order or manner the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the said Misterie and all other person and persons using the said Misterie within the City of London and the Suburbs thereof and within three miles of the same City shall demean and behave themselves as well in all and singular matters causes and things touching or concerning the said Misterie or anything thereunto appertaining. As also in their several offices ministries functions and business touching or concerning the said Commonaltie and Misterie as aforesaid. To lay Penalties.And all and singular such pains penalties punishments and imprisonment of body or by fine or amerciaments or by any of them against or upon any offender or offenders which shall transgress break or violate the said constitutions statutes laws ordinances or orders so to be made ordained and established or heretofore made ordained and established or any of them to impose provide and limit and the same and every part thereof to ask levie take and receive by way of distress or otherwise by any lawful ways or means of or against the said offender or offenders his or their goods or chattels or any of them as the cause shall require. And as to the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Mysterie or the greater part of them in manner as aforesaid shall seem most convenient or expedient. All which laws orders ordinances constitutions institutions and articles so made or to be made ordained and established. We will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do grant and command to be from time to time and at all times kept obeyed and performed in all things as the same ought to be upon the pains penalties and punishments in the same to be imposed inflicted and limitted. So as the same laws statutes articles and ordinances pains penalties imprisonments fine and amerciaments be reasonable and not repugnant or contrary to the laws and statutes of this our Realm of England nor the laudable customs of our City of London. And for the better executing of this our grant in that behalf we have assigned named constituted and made and by these presents for us our heirs and successors DO assign create constitute and make our well beloved Master Appointed.Subject Thomas Porter Citizen and Cutler of London to be the present Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London to continue in the same Office until the Even of the Holy Trinity next following the date hereof (if the said Thomas Porter shall so long live). And from until another of the said Commonaltie and Misterie shall be chosen and named into the Office of Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in due manner according to the ordinances and provisions hereafter in these presents mentioned and expressed. And also we have assigned named constituted and made and by these presents for us our heirs and successors we do assign name constitute and make our well beloved Subjects Wardens Appointed.William Bailey and Thomas Cheshire Citizens and Cutlers of London to be the present Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of Cutlers of London to continue in the said office of Wardens until the said Even of the Holy Trinity (if the said William Bailey and Thomas Cheshire shall so long live). And from thence until two others of the said Commonaltie and Misterie shall be chosen into the said Office of Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London according to the ordinances and provisions in these presents expressed and declared. And we have assigned named constituted and made and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do assign name constitute and make our well beloved Subjects Richard Hawes Thomas Assistants Appointed. Greene John Gardiner Thomas Asher Oliver Plunkett otherwise Pluckett George Ellye Reginald Greene Christopher Hatfield William Hely John Beeston Henry Addams Edward Androwes Lawrence Evans John Johnson Nathaniel Matthews Miles Banks John Porter and James Tackley Citizens and Cutlers of London to be the first and present Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London to continue in the said Office of Assistants during their natural lives unless they or any one or more of them shall fortune to be removed for evil government or misbehaving of him or themselves in the said office or offices of Assistant or Assistants or for some other reasonable cause. And further We will and by these presents for us our Heirs and Successors We do grant unto the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London and their Successors, That the Master Wardens Assistants and Livery of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being or the greater part of them as aforesaid from time to time for ever To chuse Master and Wardens on Trinity Eve.hereafter shall have full power and authority yearly and every year upon the Even of the Holy Trinity to elect and nominate one of the Freemen of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for one whole year from thence next ensuing and from thence until another of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London be chosen to the said Office of Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie according to the ordinances and provisions in these presents expressed and declared. And that he which shall be so chosen and named into the said Office of Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie before he be admitted to execute the said Office shall take his corporal oath before the last Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie his predecessor and the Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being well and truly to execute the said Office of Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in all things concerning the said Office and that after the said oath so as aforesaid to be taken he shall have and exercise the said Office for one whole year from thence next ensuing. And from thence until one other be chosen and sworn in form aforesaid into the said Office of Master of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in manner and form before in these presents expressed. And that likewise they may elect nominate and chuse Two other of the Freemen of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London which shall be Wardens for one whole year from thence next ensuing. And from thence until two other of the said Commonaltie and Misterie be chosen and sworn unto the said Office of Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie according to the ordinances and provisions in these presents expressed and declared. And that they which shall be so chosen and named into the Office of Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London before they be admitted to execute the said Office shall take their corporal oaths before the last Master and Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie their last predecessors well and truly to execute the said Office of Wardens in all things touching and concerning the said Office. And that after such oaths so as aforesaid to be taken they shall and may exercise the said Office for one whole year from thence next ensuing and from thence until two others be chosen and sworn in form aforesaid into the said Office of Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in manner and form before in these presents expressed and declared. And further we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors DO grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Mysterie of the Cutlers of London and their successors. On death of Master and Wardens others to be chosen.That if it shall happen the Master and Wardens of the Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being or any of them to die or otherwise for any reasonable cause to be removed or dismissed from his their or any of their office or offices of Master and Wardens aforesaid or any of them within the year wherein thay or any of them shall be so elected and chosen as is aforesaid. That then and so often it shall be lawful to and for such and so many of the said Master Wardens Assistants and Livery which shall be then living or remaining or the greater part of them at their pleasure to chuse make and swear one other of the said Commonaltie and Misterie to be Master Warden or Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie according to the ordinances and provisions before in these presents expressed and declared to execute and exercise the said Office of Master or the said Offices of Warden or Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie until the said Even of the Holy Trinity then next following first taking their corporal oaths in form as is aforesaid. And so often as the case shall require. And further We will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors we do grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London and their successors. On death of Assistants others to be chosen.That whensoever it happeneth any of the said Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being to die or to be removed from his or their Office or Offices. All which Assistants and every or any of them we will shall be removeable and to be removed by the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie or the greater part of them in manner as aforesaid for evil government misbehaviour or for any other reasonable cause. That then and so often it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Master Wardens and so many of the Assistants which shall then survive or remain or the greater part of them in manner as aforesaid at their will and pleasures from time to time to chuse and name one other or more of the said Commonaltie to be Assistant or Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in his or their place and stead which shall so happen to die or be removed as is aforesaid. And that he and they which shall be so chosen and named to be Assistant or Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie as aforesaid before that he they or any of them be admitted to his or their execution of the said Office or Offices of Assistant or Assistants shall take their corporal oaths before the Master and Wardens of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being well and truly to execute the said Office or Offices and so as often as the case shall require. Power to purchase Lands or Estates.And further we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of the Cutlers of London and their successors special license and free and lawful power and authority to have receive and purchase to them and their successors for ever as well of us our heirs and successors as of any the Subject or Subjects of us our heirs or successors whatsoever manors messuages lands tenements rectories tythes rents revennues and other possessions and hereditaments whatsoever which are not held of us our heirs and successors immediately in chief nor by Knight's service. So that all the said manors messuages lands tenements and other hereditaments whatsoever so by them to be had perceived or purchased by virtue of these presents do not exceed in the whole Not to exceed 100 marks per annum.the clear yearly value of One hundred marks. The Statute of Lands and Tenements not to be put into Mortmaine or any other Statute Act ordinance provision or restraint or any other thing cause or matter whatsoever to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding. And also we grant and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do give free full and lawful license power and authority to any the Subject or Subjects of us our heirs or successors whatsoever and every of them. That they and every or any of them shall and may be able to give grant assign or by any other lawful ways or means whatsoever alien devise or assign to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of the Cutlers of London and their successors any manors messuages lands tenements rectories tythes rents services and other hereditaments whatsoever which are not held of us our heirs or successors immediately in chief nor by Knight's service so that the same manors messuages lands tenements and other hereditaments whatsoever so as aforesaid to be given granted sold aliened or devised do not exceed in the whole the clear yearly value of One hundred marks by the year. The Statute of lands and tenements not to be put into Mortmaine or any other Statute act ordinance provision or restraint or any other cause matter or thing whatsoever to the contrary whereof in anywise notwithstanding. And further we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors do grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Misterie of Cutlers of London and their successors. Clerk to be chosen.That they and their successors shall and may have one honest and discreet person in manner and form hereafter in these presents to be chosen and named which shall be and be called the Clerk of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of Cutlers of London. And we have assigned constituted made named and ordained. And by these presents DO assign constitute make name and ordain our well beloved Subject Thomas Jadwyn to be the first and present Clerk of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London to continue in the said Office during the term of his natural life except he shall be removed by the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or the greater part of them for evil government or misbehaviour or for any other reasonable cause and that from time to time and at all times after the death or removing of the said Thomas Jadwyn the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being or the greater part of them shall and may chuse and make one other discreet person to be the Clerk of the said Commonaltie and Misterie. And that the said Clerk now named as also he which shall be chosen and made to be Clerk of the said Commonaltie and Misterie after the death or removing of the said Thomas Jadwyn as is aforesaid shall and may exercise and enjoy the said office of Clerk of the said Commonaltie and Misterie during the good will and pleasure of the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being or the greater part of them in manner as aforesaid. And that every one of the Clerks so named or to be named and appointed from time to time as aforesaid shall take his or their corporal oaths before the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being or the greater part of them well and truly to execute the Office of Clerk of the said Commonaltie and Misterie in all things appertaining to the said Office according to his skill and knowledge. And so from time to time as often as the case shall require.
All benefits heretofore granted to continue for everAND further of our more special grace certain knowledge and mere motion we have granted and confirmed and by these presents for us our heirs and successors we do ratify and confirm unto the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of Cutlers of London and their successors all and all manner of liberties franchises immunities exemptions jurisdictions messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever which the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie or any of their predecessors by what name or names soever or by virtue of what incorporation soever now have hold use or enjoy or heretofore have had held used or enjoyed by reason or force of any the Charters or Letters Patents of any of our Progenitors or Predecessors Kings or Queens of England by any manner of means heretofore made or granted or by any other means right title use custom or prescription heretofore had used or accustomed although the same or any of them heretofore have not been used or have been abused evil used or discontinued. And although the same or any of them heretofore have been forfeited or lost. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same messuages lands tenements liberties priviledges franchises jurisdictions and other the premises before by these presents granted unto the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of Cutlers of London and their successors for ever to be held of us our heirs and successors by such the same and the like rents services and sums of money as the same were formerly holden and not otherwise. WHEREFORE we will and by these presents do strictly charge and command for us our heirs and successors that the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the said Commonaltie and Misterie of Cutlers of London and their successors shall and may have hold and enjoy for ever all the said messuages lands tenements liberties authorities jurisdictions and franchises aforesaid according to the tenor and effect of these our Letters Patents without the let or hindrance of us our heirs or successors or of any Justices Sheriffs Bailiffs or other Officers or Ministers of us our heirs or successors whatsoever willing that neither the said Master Wardens Commonaltie nor any of them by reason of the premises or any of them by us our heirs or successors. The Justices Sheriffs Escheators or other Bailiffs or Ministers of us our heirs or successors whatsoever be thereof hindred molested vexed grieved or in anywise troubled. Willing and by these presents charging and commanding as well our Treasurer Chancellor and Barons of our Exchequer at Westminster and other the Judges and Justices of us our heirs and successors as also our Attorney and Solicitor-General for the time being and every of them and all other our Officers and Ministers whatsoever that neither they nor any of them do prosecute or continue or cause to be prosecuted or continued any writ or summons of Quo Warrants or any other writt writts or process whatsoever against the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie or any of them for any cause thing matter offence claim or usurpation or any of them by them or any of them claimed attempted used had or usurped before the making these presents. Willing also that the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie or any of them by any of the Justices Officers or Ministers aforesaid in or for the due use claim or abuse of any liberties, franchises or jurisdictions within the said City of London or Suburbs thereof before the making of these presents be not molested troubled or hindered or compelled to answer to them or any of them. To have the government of all using the Trade.AND further we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors for the better order rule and government of all and singular person and persons which now do use or hereafter shall use the Misterie Art or Trade of Cutlers within the said City of London or Suburbs thereof and within three miles of the same City. We do give and grant to the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie of the Commonaltie and Misterie of Cutlers of London and their successors that the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Commonaltie and Misterie for the time being for ever hereafter shall have the oversight view search correction and government of all and singular persons whatsoever occupying exercising or using the said Misterie Art or Trade of Cutlers within the said City of London and Suburbs thereof and within three miles of the said City as well within places exempt and not exempt. And shall have power and authority by virtue of these presents according to To punish all offenders.the laws of the Realm to punish and correct or cause to be punished and corrected Offenders for their offences deceits falsehoods abuses or misdemeanours in the false insufficient or deceitful occupation or use of the Misterie Art or Trade of Cutlers aforesaid according to their demerits in that behalf. WHEREFORE we will and by these presents for us our heirs and successors DO strictly charge and command all singular Mayor Justices Sheriff Constables and all other the Officers Ministers and Subjects of us our heirs and successors whatsoever. That they and every of them be aiding helping assisting and comforting to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the Commonaltie and Misterie of the Cutlers of London aforesaid for the time being and every of them to do enjoy have and execute all and singular thing and things whatsoever by us before by these presents granted unto the said Master Wardens and Commonaltie aforesaid and every or any part and parcel thereof according to the tenor and true meaning of these presents although express mention of the true yearly value or certainty of the premises or any of them or of any other gifts or grants by us or any of our Progenitors or Predecessors to the foresaid Master Wardens and Commonaltie heretofore made in these presents is not made or any statute act ordinance provision proclamation or restraint to the contrary hereof had made ordained or provided or any other thing cause or matter whatsoever in anywise notwithstanding.
IN WITNESS whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents. WITNESS ourself at Westminster &c., the Eigth day of July in the Fifth year of our Reign of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the Fortieth.
By Writ of Privy Seal
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