An Historical Essay on the Livery Companies of London/Appendix B
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APPENDIX B.— A Copy of the
Fundamental Laws and Ordinances
Of the Cutlers' Company, approved by Sir Nathan Wright, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England, the Lord High Treasurer Godolphin, and the Chief Justices Sir John Holt and Sir Thomas Trevor, on the 20th March, in the third year of the reign of Queen Anne, 1703.
To all to whom these Presents shall come We SIR NATHAN WRIGHT Knight Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England SYDNEY LORD GODOLPHIN Lord High Treasurer of England SIR JOHN HOLT Knight Lord Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Court of Queen's Bench and SIR THOMAS TREVOR Knight Lord Chief Justice of Her Majesty's Court of Common Pleas at Westminster send Greeting
RecitalsWhereas in a Statute made in a Parliament holden at Westminster the Five and Twentieth day of January in the Nineteenth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh made and ordained for the weal and profit of his Subjects
IT WAS (amongst other things) ORDAINED established and enacted That no Master Wardens and Fellowships of Crafts or Misteries nor any of them nor any rulers of Guilds or Fraternities should take Recitals upon them to make any acts or ordinances nor to execute any acts or ordinances by them heretofore made in disinheritance or diminution of the King's prerogative or of other nor against the common profit of the people unless the same acts and ordinances be examined and approved by the Chancellor or Treasurer of England or Chief Justices of either Bench or three of them or before the Justices of Assize in the Circuits or progress in the Shire where such acts or ordinances be made upon pain of forfeiture of Forty pounds for every time they do the contrary. As by the same Statute more plainly doth and may appear.
KNOW YE that John Woodcroft Master of the Worshipful Company of Cutlers of the City of London and John Frith and Nicholas Levett Wardens of the said Company of Cutlers having divers orders ordinances and oaths by them ordained devised and made for the conservation good rule and government of their Mystery and Fellowship and afterwards assented confirmed and agreed unto in and by a general Court or Assembly of the said Master Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Cutlers of London aforesaid and intending to put the same in execution for the better rule good order and government of such persons as now do or hereafter shall use and exercise the said Mystery or any part thereof and for the better foresight and reformation to be had and used amongst them not willing in anywise to infringe the said Act of Parliament but desirous in all things to have the same duly observed and kept and desiring also to have the aforesaid orders ordinances and oaths to be from time to time executed amongst the Freemen of the said Company now using or exercising or which shall use or exercise the Art or Mystery of a Cutler within the City of London and Westminster or within three miles of the said City according to the tenor of the said Company's Charters made and granted to them by his most sacred Majesty King James the First. And thereupon they have exhibited their Petition unto us with a book annexed containing certain ordinances constitutions orders and oaths which they humbly desire may be observed and duly kept and put in execution and humbly beseeching us that all and every the said ordinance constitutions orders and oaths we would peruse and examine and them and every of them correct reform and amend and also allow ratify and approve after due manner and form as by the said Act of Parliament is required. KNOW YE that we will perceiving the said supplication to be good and acceptable by authority of the said Act of Parliament and at and by the desire of the said Master Wardens and Assistants and Commonalty of the said Company. All and every the said orders ordinances constitutions and oaths have examined approved and allowed. WHICH said orders ordinances constitutions and oaths are as follows viz.:—
Ordinances.ORDERS ORDINANCES CONSTITUTIONS and OATHS made appointed and agreed upon by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Commonalty of the Mystery of Cutlers of London at a full Court of Assistants or general assembly by them held for that purpose in their Common Hall situate in the Parish of St. Michael Royal in London on Friday the Twelfth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and two the First year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lady Ann Queen of England &c. for the well ordering and governing of the said said Society or Company of Master Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Cutlers of London and the Trade and Mystery of a Cutler. And afterwards ordained assented and agreed unto in and by a General Court or Assembly of the said Master Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Cutlers of London called and held in their said Common Hall on Thursday the Fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and three.
To call and hold Courts of Assistants.IMPRIMIS it is ordained that the Master and Wardens of the Company of Cutlers for the time being or the greater number of them. Whereof the Master and one of the Wardens for the time being to be always present when and as often as it shall seem meet to them and at such fit and convenient place as they shall think fit and proper for that purpose within the City of London or Suburbs thereof shall or may hold or keep Courts which shall be called Courts of Assistants. And unto which Courts all the Assistants for the time being shall be summoned. At which Courts of Assistants the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company for the time being or the major part of them (whereof the Master and one of the Wardens for the time being to be present) shall and may hear all such controversies and debates which shall or may happen concerning the said Trade Art and Mystery or any part thereof or amongst the members thereof touching or concerning the said Trade or Mystery or any part thereof and shall and may there also bind and admit Apprentices to their respective members and make free of their Company such as have served Apprenticeships or otherwise as by the ordinances of this Company they are appointed and shall and may also at such Courts debate hear and order such lawful acts and things which shall at any or times appear to the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater part of them fit convenient and lawful touching or concerning the said Trade Art or Mystery or relating thereto or for the better ordering or governing of the same. And the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater part of them (whereof the Master for the time being and one of the Wardens to be always present) shall and may yearly and every year keep and hold four Quarter Courts which Quarter Courts shall be held and kept upon some day within one month next following after the Feasts of the Annunciation of our Blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of St. John Baptist Saint Michael the Archangel and the Birth of our Lord Christ at the election of the Master and Wardens of the said Company for the time being or the greater number of them unto which Courts the Master and Wardens shall summon the members of the said Company at one or more of which Courts all the ordinances and orders of the said Company made or to be made or so many of them as shall be held necessary shall be distinctly and audibly read before the Members of the said Company who shall be there assembled the better to acquaint the said Members with the same.
Master to give security.ALSO it is ordained that every person of the said Company that shall be hereafter elected and chosen into the place or office of Master of the said Company shall before he take upon him to execute the same place give good security by Bond or otherwise as the Master and Wardens and Court of Assistants of the said Company for the time being shall direct and appoint of the penalty of Five hundred pounds with condition not to waste mis-spend or embezzle any of the monies goods or writings which shall be delivered to him or any way come to his hands belonging to the said Company but to deliver and pay the same money goods and writings to the Master of the said Company for the time being when thereunto required by order made at any Court of Assistants to be held for the said Company or otherwise from time to time to pay and dispose of the same as the Court of Assistants shall direct. And that no Master shall be sworn into his Office until such security be given as aforesaid.
Rentor Warden to give security.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that every person of the said Company that shall be hereafter elected and chosen into the place or office of Rentor of the said Company shall before he take upon him to execute the same place give good Security by Bond or otherwise as the Master and Wardens and Court of Assistants of the said Company for the time being shall direct and appoint of the Penalty of Five hundred pounds with condition not to waste mis-spend or embezzle any of the money goods or writings which shall be delivered to him or any way come to his hands belonging to the said Company but to deliver and pay the same monies goods and writings to the Master of the said Company for the time being when thereunto required by order made at any Court of Assistants to be held for the said Company or otherwise from time to time pay and dispose of the same as the Court of Assistants shall direct. And that no person shall be admitted into the said office place or employment until such security given as aforesaid.
Old Master and Renter to account by the 20th October yearly.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that by the Twentieth Day of the Month of October next after every election of new Master and Rentor the last Master and Rentor and every of them respectively shall give a just true and perfect account in writing unto such person or persons of the Court of Assistants as shall be appointed by the Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater number of them Auditors for that purpose of for and concerning all and all manner of jewels plate money linnen charters writings books and evidences and of all other goods and utensils profits and commodities whatsoever appertaining to the said Company and which did at any time or times come to his their or any of their hands charge or custody. And shall deliver to the said new Master all and every the said plate jewels and money together with his or their key or keys and all other things whatsoever then being or remaining in his or their hands custody or possession or which he or they shall be justly charged to have received or possessed to the use of the said Company or otherwise appertaining or belong to the said Company by any ways or means whatsoever without embezzlement or waste or in default thereof that the security so by him given shall forthwith be put in suit against him.
Chest to be kept for Seal Master and Wardens to keep the Seal.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the said Company of Cutlers and their Successors for ever shall have one or more chests with three locks and keys thereunto belonging wherein shall be kept the Common Seal of the said Company and all such money plate jewels goods charters writings evidences ordinances and all other things whatsoever belonging to the said Company which chest or chests shall also stand and remain at their Common Hall or such other convenient place or places as shall seem meet and convenient to the Master Wardens and Court of Assistants for the time being or the greater number of them and that the said Master for the time being and the two eldest Assistants that have been Masters shall each of them keep one of the said keys and if either the present Master or the two eldest Assistants shall happen to be sick or shall travel far out of the City of London to dwell or sojourn or otherwise shall absent him or themselves for the space of one month then in such case every such Master and Assistant respectively shall and may intrust and leave his or their key or keys with some other person or persons being of the number of the Assistants so that the said Company's affairs may not suffer prejudice for want thereof on pain to forfeit and pay for every such default the sum of Thirteen shillings and four pence of current money to and for the use of the Company and in default of payment thereof to be recovered and levied in such manner as is hereinafter mentioned.
Not to put Seal without order—Fine £500 and disability.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Common Seal of the said Company shall not be set or put to any Leases Demises Annuities Grants or Gifts of what nature or kind soever of any house or houses lands tenements or other thing or things whatsoever appertaining or belonging or which ought to belong by purchase donation or otherwise to the Company of Cutlers aforesaid or to any Deed Obligation Bills or Specialities for any sum or sums of money without an order in writing first had and made by the Court of Assistants for that purpose. And that every person in whose power or custody the said Common Seal shall be and that shall sett or putt or consent to sett or putt the same to any deed or writing contrary to the ordinances aforesaid or the true meaning hereof shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the time being for the use of the said Company the sum of Five hundred pounds to he in default of payment thereof recovered or levied in such manner as is hereinbefore mentioned and shall from thenceforth be amoved discharged and disabled from being either Master Warden or Assistant of the said Company for ever.
To chuse new Master on Trinity Eve or within 7 days.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that from henceforth yearly for ever it shall be lawful for the Master Wardens Assistants and Livery of the said Company of Cutlers or the more part of them for the time being and their Successors from time to time to assemble and meet together at their Common Hall or other convenient place within the City of London or the Liberties thereof upon the Eve of the Holy Trinity yearly and every year for ever or on some other convenient day as shall be thought expedient within seven days then following. And shall proceed to the election of one Master and two Wardens to serve as Master and Wardens for the next ensuing year. Which election or choice shall be in manner following First The Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or the greater number of them shall agree upon and present to the Livery there assembled the names in writing of two or three meet and sufficient persons being of the number of the then present Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company after which the said Master Wardens Assistants and Livery for the time being or so many of them as shall be there present shall by majority of voices upon the question put or by their marks with a pen upon paperMode of Election.where their names are set elect and chuse one of those two or three persons so presented in writing to be Master of the said Company of Cutlers for one whole year from thence next following and until another be elected chosen and sworn into the said Office of Master. And for more orderly proceeding the youngest Liveryman then present is to give the first voice or mark or score with a pen for such of the persons in competition as himself best liketh and so ascending orderly to every other Liveryman Assistant Warden and Master until every one hath given his voice or mark. And in case it shall happen that the voices or marks so given or made shall be found to be even in number that is to say one not exceeding the other that then the present Master shall have a double voice or mark for the final determination of the election of the new Master which person Oath day first Thursday after Midsummer Day or within 7 days (now Wednesday)so elected and chosen shall upon the first Thursday after Midsummer Day then next following or within seven days of the same take the Oath of Master hereafter in these presents mentioned and shall rule and govern as Master of the said Company of Cutlers for one whole year and until another Master be in like manner elected chosen and sworn into the said Office. And if any person so elected and chosen Master of the said Company shall refuse or delay to hold and execute the said place of Master of the said Company and shall refuse or delay to take the oath for that purpose hereafter in these presents expressed and ordained and shall have no reasonable or just let or impediment that may hinder him so to do. That then the said person so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the thenFine on refusal to serve.Master Wardens and Commonalty the sum of Twenty pounds of lawful money of England to be employed to and for the use of the said Company and to be levied and recovered as is hereinafter mentioned. And the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being shall forthwith proceed to a new choice of some other meet person to the said place as before in the case of the Master's refusal and upon refusal to hold or be sworn as aforesaid shall from time to time proceed as is before directed.
ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that immediately after the electien of every new Master as aforesaid the last Master and Wardens Assistants of the said Company or the greater number of them for the time being in like manner as is before directed shall present to the Livery there assembled the names in writing of two or three meet persons of the then To chuse Upper Warden after Master chosen.Wardens and Assistants out of which two or three pereons so presented the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or the greater number of them and so many of the Livery of the said Company as shall be then present shall elect and chuse by their most voices or marks as aforesaid one of the said persons so nominated to be first or upper Warden of the said Company of Cutlers for one year from thence next ensuing the youngest of the Livery then present giving the first voice or mark and so ascending to the eldest as aforesaid. And if it shall happen that the number of voices or marks given or marked on the behalf of the several persons so presented as aforesaid to be even and equal. THEN the last Master shall have a double voice or mark for the final determination thereof as is aforesaid. WHICH person so elected and chosen shall also take the oaths for such Office appointed as aforesaid. And being sworn shall continue in the said place and office for one whole year and until election be made of some other person to serve in the said place or office and be thereunto sworn as aforesaid. And if any person or persons so elected and chosen first or upper Warden shall refuse or delay to hold or execute the said first or upper Warden of the said Company or shall refuse or delay to take the Oath for that purpose hereafter in these presents expressed and ordained and shall have no reasonable or just let or impediment that may hinder him or them so to do. That then the said person or persons so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the then Fine.Master Wardens and Commonalty the sum of Ten pounds of lawful money of England to be employed to or for the use of the said Company and to be levied and recovered as is hereinafter mentioned. AND the said Master Wardens Assistants and Livery for the time being forthwith shall and may proceed to a new choice of some one other meet person to the said place as before in case of the Warden's refusal and upon refusal to hold or be sworn as aforesaid shall from time to time proceed as is before directed.
To chuse Under Warden.ALSO IT is further ordained That immediately after the election of the upper Warden as aforesaid the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater number of them for the time being shall nominate two or three of the present Wardens or Assistants such as to themselves shall seem meet out of which numbers the Master Wardens Assistants and Livery or so many of them as shall be there present shall elect and chuse in manner aforesaid one meet person to be under Warden of the said Company of Cutlers and who shall remain in the said Office of under Warden for one whole year then next ensuing and from thence until another be chosen and sworn in like manner into the said office and no longer. But if any person or persons so elected or chosen shall refuse or delay to take upon him or them the execution of the said office or to take the oath in that behalf appointed in these presents within the time before limited and shall have no just or reasonable let or impediment that may hinder him or them so to do that then every such person or persons so refusing or delaying shall Fine.forfeit and pay to the Master the sum of Ten pounds of lawful money of England to be employed to and for the use of the said Company and to be levied and recovered as is hereinafter mentioned. AND then the Master Wardens Assistants and Livery so many of them as shall be there present of the said Company lor the time being shall and may forthwith proceed to another election or elections of such other person or persons in his or their stead and shall in all respects from time to time further proceed in like manner as is before appointed.
Present Assistants to remain.AND for that it is convenient and necessary that the Master and Wardens of the said Company shall always be sufficiently assisted with the advice and good counsel of the most grave and experienced persons of the said Company IT IS therefore hereby further ORDAINED that all persons who do at this present bear or shall hereafter bear or execute the office or place of Assistants of the said Company shall from henceforth be and remain Assistants to the Master and Wardens for the time being and of the Common Counsel of the said Company. But however shall be and are hereby made amoveable from time to time by the said Master Wardens or Assistants or the greater number of them from being one of the Assistants of the said Company at the will and pleasure of the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater number of them who are hereby empowered so to do from time to time and to elect and chuse others in their places and steads as unto them or the greater number of them shall seem most conducible to the welfare and good government of the said Society.
Old Master and Wardens to continue Assistants.AND it is hereby further ORDAINED that the new Master and Wardens of the said Company and such others as shall hereafter be Master and Wardens when others shall be chosen in their rooms shall continue Assistants to the then Master and Wardens and of the Common Counsel of the said Company until they shall happen to die or be removed from being Assistants by the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater number of them as is before mentioned.
Assistants to be chosen.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company of Cutlers for the time being or the greater number of them shall and may from time to time hereafter elect and make choice of such of the most able and sufficient persons of the said Company as they or the greater number of them shall think fit to be Assistants to the said Master and Wardens and of the Common Counsel of the said Company and that every person and persons so chosen as aforesaid shall before he or they take upon him or them such office or place of an Assistant or sit in any Court of Assistants take his and their several corporal Oaths before the said Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or the greater number of them to be administered by the Clerk of the said Company for the time being according to the form hereafter in these presents for that purpose expressed and that every person so chosen to be an Assistant after his being sworn shall pay the usual and accustomary sum of Five pounds for the use of the Company and also the usual fees to the Clerk and Beadle of the said Company for their attendance and if any person or persons so chosen and elected Assistants to the said Master and Wardens shall refuse and delay to hold and execute the said place of an Assistant or shall refuse or delay to take the oath for that purpose hereafter in these presents expressed and ordained and shall have no reasonable or just let or impediment that may hinder him so to do. Fine.That then the said person so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the then Master Wardens and Commonalty the sum of Five pounds of lawful English money to be employed to and for the use of the said Company and to be levied and recovered as is hereinafter mentioned. And the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being forthwith shall and may proceed to a new choice of some one or more meet persons to be Assistants of the said Company in case of refusal and upon refusal to hold or be sworn as aforesaid shall proceed as is before directed.
Renter to be appointed.ALSO it is further ORDAINED that immediately upon or after the auditing the last Masters and Rentors Accounts yearly and every year for ever hereafter it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Master and Wardens or any two of them the Master being always one to elect and chuse one able and discreet person of the said Company to be the Rentor of the said Company of Cutlers to receive and collect the rents of and belonging to the said Company and who shall continue in the said Office of Rentor for one whole year thence next ensuing. But before every such person as shall be so as aforesaid chosen into the said Office of Rentor takes upon him the execution of the said Office he shall give security to the Company as is hereinbefore expressed and also pay to the Master of the Company to the use of the said Company the accustomary and usual fine of Four pounds and to the Clerk his usual fees for bonds and other papers belonging to the Rentor and if any person or persons so elected and chosen shall refuse or delay to take upon him the execution of the said Office and to give security in this behalf appointed in these presents within one month after he shall be so chosen into the said Office and shall have no just or reasonable let or impediment that may hinder him so to do. That then every such person so refusing or delaying shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the use of the said Company the sum of Ten pounds of lawful money of England to be recovered and received in manner as is hereinafter expressed.
Liverymen to be admitted.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that when and as often as it shall be thought fit by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company for the time being or the greater number of them they shall and may elect chuse and admit into the Livery or Cloathing of the said Company such person and persons free of the said Company as they shall think fit and meet. Which person or persons so elected and chosen to be of the Livery and Cloathing of the said Company shall pay to the Master of the said Company for the use of the said Company the usual and accustomary fine of Ten pounds of good and lawful money of England and to the Clerk and Beadle their usual fees after which the Master and Wardens in order shall give to such person and persons which shall be so elected and chosen his and their hands saying these words viz.: We admit you to the Society of Livery of the Company of Cutlers.
Power to search Members' shops for deceitful wares, and to fine the offenders.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Master and Wardens of the said Company of Cutlers or any of them with so many of the Assistants of the said Company as shall from time to time be by the said Master and Wardens or any two or more of them nominated and appointed in that behalf shall and may four times in the year yearly (or oftener if need shall require) at convenient time and times in the day time in a peaceable manner enter into the shops warehouses and workhouses of any person or persons Members of the said Commonalty using the said Mystery or that do or shall make for sale or sell anything thereunto appertaining and there search and survey the goods wares and other things appertaining to the said Mystery within the said City or Suburbs thereof or any other place within three miles of the said City and upon such search shall and may take an account of the marks and workmanship of all and every such person or persons making or working for sale selling or which hereafter shall make or work for sale or sell any manner of swords daggers rapiers hangers woodknives penknives razors or surgeons instruments scissars small knives skeynes hilts pummels battle axes halberts or any other weapons or blades or other things belonging to the said Mystery. And in their said searches they shall find any false or deceitful work or workmanship or any other matter of misdemeanour or abuse concerning the said Mystery within the said City or Limits aforesaid that then it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Master Wardens and Assistants to assess some competent and reasonable fine upon every such offender or offenders for every such offence so it exceed not the sum of Forty shillings for any one offence. To the end that thereby others may be warned from making or selling bad or deceitful wares to the prejudice of Her Majesty's loving subjects. And if any such person or persons using or that shall use or exercise the said Mystery of Cutlers or thereunto belonging or appertaining within the Limits aforesaid by any manner of means shall be found resisting disobedient to the said Master Wardens or Assistants or any five four or more of them contrary to the true intent and meaning of these ordinances in any of their searches hereafter to be made or in the due execution of any of these ordinances or offices. That then it shall and may be lawful for the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the more part of them whereof the said Master and one Warden to be there to assess and set some reasonable pain on every such disobedient person or persons so offending for every time that he or they shall so offend the same several fines and pains to be levied employed and bestowed to such uses as the fines hereinbefore appointed are ordered and directed.
All Members to pay taxes imposed by Master Wardens and Assistants.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that every person and persons that now doth or hereafter shall use the said Mystery or anything thereunto belonging being free of the Company of the said Mystery within the Limits aforesaid shall be contributory bear and pay unto the said Master for the time being or to such person or persons as he shall appoint and authorize to receive the same all such reasonable sums of money for taxes tallages and other impositions as well ordinary as extraordinary as shall he thought good and reasonable to be assessed or imposed upon him or them by the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the more part of them for the time being for all such needful affairs causes and things whatsoever of and for the honour common state wealth and good of the said Company of the said Mystery according to their abilities and every one that shall refuse to pay and discharge the same portion of money which shall be so reasonably assessed rated or taxed upon shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty such sum and sums of money not exceeding Forty shillings as shall be assessed for that purpose for every time that he or they shall so refuse contrary to the true meaning of this ordinance to be levied and disposed of in such manner and to such uses as is hereinafter mentioned.
Stewards to be appointed.ALSO that every year yearly the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater number of them may elect and chuse such five persons free of the said Company as they shall think fit to be Stewards of the said Company who shall have and bear the Title and Office of Stewards of the said Company and shall find and provide at their own mutual and equal costs and charges one competent and sufficient Feast or Dinner as the Master and Wardens and Court of Assistants or the greater number of them for the time being shall direct and appoint which shall be called the Stewards Dinner and to be kept at the Common Hall of the said Company or such other place as to the said Master Wardens and Court of Assistants shall seem meet. And always on such day yearly and every year as the Lord Mayor of the City of London is or shall be presented at Westminster commonly called Lord Mayor's Day which Dinner or Feast shall be for the Master Wardens Assistants and Livery of the said Company unless it shall be otherwise thought fit and ordered by the Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater number of them. And in case any person or persons free of the said Company shall refuse to hold the said office or place of Steward or fail to make one such competent and sufficient Dinner or Feast as aforesaid or to bear and pay their proportionable charges or shares thereof that then every of the said persons which shall make default shall respectively forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company Fine.the sum of Ten Pounds current money as a Fine or Mulct for such his or their refusal or neglect to be in default of payment thereof recovered and levied in such manner as is hereafter mentioned.
Quarterage.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that every person and persons members of the said Company making for sale or selling anything belonging to the said Mystery within the Limits aforesaid or otherwise being free of the said Company shall upon Summons of the Beadle attend on every Quarter Court Day that shall be kept and held by the said Master Wardens and Assistants or at any other convenient time at the discretion of the Master Wardens at the Common Hall of the said Company for the time being or such other person as shall be appointed to receive the same. All their Quarterage money which shall be due and payable by them according to the proportions and rates following that is to say—The Master Wardens Assistants and Livery of the said Company and such as have been Masters Wardens Assistants and Liverymen of the said Company shall pay the sum of Twelve pence a quarter. And all other persons Members of the said Company shall pay the sum of Nine pence a quarter towards the support and maintenance of the said Company and defraying the necessary expenses of the same and every person who shall refuse or delay to pay the same Quarterage as aforesaid shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company the sum of Three shillings and four pence for every such default of payment thereof to be recovered or levied in such manner as is hereinafter mentioned.
All charges to be paid.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that if any person or persons of the said Mystery or which hereafter shall be free thereof shall at any time or times hereafter depart into the country and be resident and dwelling out of the City of London or Liberties of the same. That yet notwithstanding every such person or persons so long as he shall continue his Freedom shall bear and pay all manner of charges belonging to the said Company as if he were dwelling and resident within the Liberties aforesaid. And also shall bear such Office in the said Company as he shall be called unto or else pay such fines as by virtue of these ordinances shall be imposed upon him for the same.
Every Member a Cutler to use his own mark,—and to register it.ALSO for the avoiding of divers abuses and deceits heretofore used by divers persons in counterfeiting of another man's mark to give credit to his own bad wares whereby many of Her Majesty's Subjects are oftentimes much abused and deceived and to the end that every one may use his own proper mark by which his wares may be known and receive commendations or disgrace as he deserveth IT IS ORDAINED that every person and persons members of the said Commonalty using or which shall hereafter use the said Mystery or anything thereunto belonging within the Liberties aforesaid shall within fourteen days after admonition or warning to him or them in that behalf given present and deliver to the Master and Wardens of the said Mystery for the time being into their Common Hall to be registered and recorded one peculiar and selected mark solely and properly of itself and for himself without adding thereunto any other man's mark or any other mark in part or in all which said mark and none other he shall strike and set upon the blade of every knife razor or instruments of what sorts soever that he shall make or cause to be made to be sold without diminution or addition in part or in all (except such marks as are generally sent out of the country). AND FURTHER to the end that every man may know what wares are made within the limits aforesaid every such person of the said profession shall likewise strike upon his said blade a little above his own mark the mark of a Dagger. And who so oftendeth in any part of this ordinance shall forfeit and pay for every offence to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company to the use of the said Company the sum of Forty shillings to be levied and recovered as aforesaid.
No Sword Cutler to buy or sell foreign Hilts.ALSO that no member of the said Commonalty using or exercising the Art Mystery or Trade of a Sword Cutler shall at any time or times hereafter buy or contract for or cause to be bought or contracted for directly or indirectly to or for his or their own use or uses or to or for the use of any other person or persons whatsoever to vend utter or sell again in his or their shop or shops or elsewhere any manner of hilts pommels lockets chapes sheaths scabbards or handles which are or shall be ready made and sent or brought over from beyond the seas upon the like pain of forfeiture of Forty shillings of like money for every such offence in that behalf unto the said Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company and to be paid by him or them so offending or in default thereof to be sued for levied and recovered as herein is mentioned.
No Sword Cutler to employ any but such as have passed the rules of teh Company.ALSO that no such person or persons using or exercising the Art Trade or Mystery of a Sword Cutler do or shall employ or set on work or cause to be employed or set on work any person or whatsoever using the several Trades or Workmanships before mentioned or any of them until such time as he or they so to be employed or set on work shall have submitted to the orders rules and ordinances of the Company of Cutlers aforesaid upon pain of forfeiture of Forty shillings of like money for every such offence in that behalf unto the said Master Wardens and Commonalty and to be paid by him or them so offending or in default thereof to be sued for levied and recovered as hereinafter is mentioned.
Apprentices to be bound.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Master of the said Company for the time being shall and may at any place and time as he shall think fit give directions to the Clerk of the said Company for the time being to bind Apprentice or Apprentices to any the member or members of the said Company and make free such person and persons as shall be approved of by the Master with one or both the Wardens and two or three more old Masters. And the said Master and Wardens may call to their assistance such of the Assistants of the said Company as to them shall seem meet to treat commune and debate of such other matters and things as shall appear reasonable and convenient for the good of the said Company and to report the same to the next Court of Assistants and all persons whatsoever free of the said Company who shall be warned by the Beadle or other Officer of the said Company unto such meeting or meetings and shall not appear accordingly every such person not having a reasonable excuse to be approved by the Master and Wardens or two of them shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the use of the said Company the sum of One shilling for every such default to be in default of payment thereof recovered and levied in such manner as is hereinafter mentioned.
Conduct of business.ALSO for the better avoiding of disorders noise and confusion in all Courts of Assistants IT IS ORDAINED that every member of the said Court shall always keep silence at the commandment or desire of the Master. And when any matter or thing shall be moved or debated in any Court it shall not be lawful for more than one to speak at one time to the matter in debate and all debates propositions and discourses shall be addressed to the Master or him who shall possess the Chair only. That so the opinion and judgment of every member may be heard and known without any interruption. And that every person (except the Master who shall at any time speak as aforesaid) shall speak bareheaded addressing his discourse to the said Master. And that if any Assistant shall be commanded silence by the Master he or they shall not speak again to that point in debate without leave of the Master first obtained upon pain to forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the use of the said Company for every such offence One shilling to be in default of payment thereof recovered or levied in such manner as is hereinafter mentioned.
Members to meet in their Livery Gowns.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that all those who shall be of the Livery or Cloathing of the said Company shall from time to time upon all summonses by the Beadle meet at such time and place as shall be appointed in their Livery Gowns and Hoods and shall attend the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of this Honorable City upon every solemn occasion as is used and accustomed by other Companies of London and all and every person and persons of the Livery or Cloathing aforesaid who shall make default of appearance at the time and place to be appointed and in manner aforesaid or who shall depart from any such meeting or service without leave obtained of the Master of the said Company for the time being shall for every such default forfeit and pay to the Master and Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the use of the said Company the sum of Two shillings and six pence of current money to be in default of payment thereof recovered or levied as is hereinafter mentioned.
ALSO IT IS ORDAINED. that from henceforth no Member of this Company shall retain any person Members not to keep an Apprentice without being bound.or persons to be his Apprentice or Apprentices upon likeing above one month but shall present the said Apprentice or Apprentices before the Master of the said Company for the time being to be examined and allowed or refused and being allowed shall bind every Apprentice and Apprentices by Indenture which Indentures are to be made by the Clerk of the said Company only who shall, also register in a Book to be kept for that purpose every such Apprentice with the time of his being bound and that every person who shall present any Apprentice shall upon his being allowed pay to the Master of the said Company the ancient and customary sums of lawful money of England to the use of the Company and to the Clerk and Beadle of the said Company their usual fees. And that if any person or persons Members of the said Company shall at any time or times hereafter bind or cause to be bound to him or them any one or more Apprentice or Apprentices by himself or any Scrivener or other person or persons whatsoever other than by the Clerk of the said Company for the time being. That then every such person and persons so offending shall for every such default forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the use of the said Company the sum of Forty shillings of lawful money of England to be in default of payment thereof recovered or levied as is hereinafter mentioned.
None but Freemen to use the Trade.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that no person or persons of the said Company of Cutlers shall permit or suffer by his countenance or encouragement any person or persons whatsoever not free of the said City to use or exercise the said Art or Trade of a Cutler nor admit any person not free of the City and not having served Seven years to one of the Mystery to be Co-partner with any such Member of the said Company upon pain that every Member of the said Company that shall do the contrary shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the time being for the use of the said Company the sum of Twenty shillings a month for every month that any member of the said Company shall do the contrary which forfeitures to be in default of payment thereof recovered or levied as is hereinafter mentioned,
Fines.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that every person and persons that shall have served Seven years to a Cutler and shall refuse to appear to any Court of Assistants to be held for the said Company and to be made free thereof being allowed fit so to be by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company. That then every such person so refusing shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the use of the said Company the sum of Ten shillings current money of England for every default to be in default of payment thereof recovered or levied as is hereinafter mentioned.
No Member to behave improperly.ALSO it is further ORDERED and ORDAINED that no person or persons free of the said Company shall at any time hereafter use any indecent speeches unto or shall revile abuse or defame in words or otherwise the Master Wardens and Assistants. But shall at all times hereafter well and honestly demean him and themselves and be of good will and behaviour as well in their words as deeds and shall be tractable conformable and obedient unto all and every the lawful orders and ordinances already made or hereafter to be made and lawfully ordained for the well ordering and good government of the said Art Mystery and Trade and of the Freemen of the said Company. Neither shall any Freeman or Freemen of this Society at any time or times hereafter be wilful obstinate or disobedient unto or make any private assemblies or secret attempts upon or against the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company for the time being or any of them to the hindrance or disturbance of the due execution of their said Offices or the violation or breach of any of the lawful ordinances contained in these presents. And whoever shall offend in any part of this present ordinance shall forfeit and pay to the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the said Company for the time being to the use of the said Society such reasonable sum and sums of money as shall be imposed on him or them by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company for the time being or the greater number of them assembled in a Court of Assistants to be holden for the said Society whereof the said Master for the time being to be one for every such offence according to the quality thereof so as the same exceed not the sum of Forty shillings for every one offence to be in default of payment thereof recovered or levied in such manner as is hereinafter appointed.
Recovery of Penalties.ALSO it is hereby further ORDERED and ORDAINED that if any persons that now is or that hereafter shall be free of the said Company or use or exercise the Art of a Cutler within the Cities of London or Westminster or the Suburbs or Liberties thereof or within three miles of the said City shall after notice and demand thereof made by appointment of the Master and Wardens of the said Company or any two of them for the time being delay defer or refuse to pay any of the aforesaid respective penalties forfeitures duties fines payments or sums of money so as aforesaid in and by the above mentioned orders and ordinances or any of them severally and respectively forfeited rated set taxed imposed or assessed upon any such persons for and concerning the premises or for the offending breaking or disobeying any order or ordinance herein expressed and comprised whereby any such penalty forfeitures duties fines payments or sums of money is or shall be forfeited rated taxed set imposed or assessed upon such persons for such cause or offence respectively. That then it shall and may be lawful to and for the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of the Cutlers of London to sue for and recover the same by Action of Debt or Action upon the Case to be brought for the same in the name of the Master Wardens and Commonalty of the Mystery of Cutlers of London in any of Her Majesty's Courts of Record. Or it shall be lawful for the said Master Wardens and Commonalty by order of a Court of Assistants to levy and distrain for the same by any Member Beadle or other Officer of the said Society upon the goods and chattels of the person or persons chargeable with the said penalties or forfeitures payments or sums of money respectively rendering the overplus thereof to the offender if any there shall be.
By action at Law.AND it is further ORDERED that all fines forfeitures and penalties herein imposed or set or hereafter to be forfeited set or imposed for breach of any of the orders or ordinances aforesaid or herein contained shall and may be sued for and recovered and levied by action of debt or of the case in any Court of Record or by distress or distresses as from time to time shall be thought fit and advised.
Assistants may remit Penalties.ALSO IT IS ORDERED and ORDAINED that it shall and may be lawful to and for the Master Wardens and Assistants of the Company for the time being or the greater number of them whereof the Master for the time being to be always one if they in their good discretion shall see cause to compound mitigate lessen remit or discharge any fine or fines forfeitures penalties of any such person or persons that shall at any time or times hereafter become offenders or defaulters in any of the before mentioned Bye Laws or any other Bye Laws and Ordinances of this Company.
A Clerk to be chosen.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company or the greater number of them for the time being shall or may from time to time when and as often as it shall be expedient and necessary nominate elect and chuse one discreet honest and sufficient Clerk for the entering and registering of all decrees ordinances acts agreements conclusions orders and things made or to be made in their Assemblies and Courts concerning the Trade Art or Mystery of the said Company of Cutlers and to do and perform all other things which shall be requisite and appertaining to the said office. And that such person as is or shall be so chosen as aforesaid may continue in the said office until he shall be removed by the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or the greater number of them for evil government misbehaviour or for any other reasonable cause. Which person so elected and named from time to time shall take the Oath before the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Company for the time being or the greater number of them as is hereafter in these presents for that purpose mentioned.
A Beadle to be chosen.ALSO IT IS ORDAINED that the Master and Wardens of the said Mystery (or the greater part of them) together with the consent of the greater part of the said Assistants of the said Mystery for the time being shall from time to time when and as often as to them shall seem meet and expedient elect and chuse one or more honest and meet person or persons to be their Beadle or Beadles who shall be at all times attendant upon the said Master Wardens and Assistants at their lawful commandments. And also to summon and warn all and every person and persons of the said Mystery at their commandments for and concerning the affairs and business of the said Mystery and to make return to them of their answers in that behalf.
Oaths.AND FORASMUCH as by the Charter of Incorporation to the said Company of Cutlers granted certain Oaths are enjoined to be administered to the Master Wardens Assistants Livery Freemen and Clerk of the said Company for the time being upon their respective elections and admittance.
In Witness whereof WE the said the LORD HIGH TREASURER and CHIEF JUSTICES of either Bench have hereunto subscribed our names and put our Seals the 20th day of March Anno 1703.
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