Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/24
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24 (k-d 12)
I move on my feet, I break up the ground, the green meadows, as long as I live. If life leaves me I then bind fast the swarthy Welsh, and sometimes better men. Sometimes I give drink to a strong man from out of my bosom. Sometimes the stately dame treads me underfoot. Sometimes the Welsh girl, dark-haired slave brought from afar, stupid and drunk, on dark nights lifts me and presses me, soaks me in water, warms me sometimes kindly by the fire, her wanton hands thrust in my bosom; turning often sweeps through the dark. Say what my name is who living ravage the land, and dead am of service to men. |
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Fotum ic fere foldan slite grene wongas þenden ic gæst bere gif me feorh losað fæste binde swearte wealas, hwilum sellan men hwilum ic deorum drincan selle beorn of bosme hwilum mec bryd triedeð felawlonc fotum hwilum feorran broht wonfeax wale wegeð ⁊ þyð dol druncmennen deorcum nihtū wæteð in wætre wyrmeð hwilum fægre to fyre me on fæðme sticaþ hygegalan hond hwyrfeð geneahhe swifeð me geond sweartne Saga hwæt ic hatte þe ic lifgende lond reafige ⁊ æfter deaþe dryhtum þeowige |
Leather; first on the living ox, then made into thongs, wine bottles, and shoes, which are cleaned by the Welsh slave. But “sweeps” in l. 13 is Chaucer’s word swive and probably carries a salacious innuendo.