Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/15
15 (k-d 48)
I have heard of a ring bright without tongue intercede for heroes. Well it spoke with strong words though not loud. This treasure for men silently said: “Heal me helper of souls.” May men understand the magic meaning of the speech of the red gold. May the wise entrust their salvation to God, as the ring said. |
Ic gefrægn fer hæleþum hringende an · torhtne butan tungan tila þeah he hlude stefne ne cirmde strongum wordū sinc for secgum swigende cwæð gehæle mec helpend gæsta ryne ongietan readan goldes guman galdorcwide gleawe beþencan hyra hælo to gode swa se hring gecwæð |
The solution of this pious little piece is Chalice. The word “ring” (hring) may signify any circular object, as in the following riddle.