Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/21
21 (k-d 7)
Silent is my garment when I tread the earth or dwell in the towns or stir the waters. Sometimes my trappings lift me up over the habitations of heroes and this high air, and the might of the welkin bears me afar above mankind. Then my adornments resound in song and sing aloud with clear melody —when I do not rest on land or water, a moving spirit. |
Hrægl min swigað þōn ic hrusan trede oþþe þa wic buge oþþe wado drefe hwilum mec ahebbað ofer hæleþa byht hyrste mine ⁊ þeos hea lyft ⁊ mec þōn wide wolcna strengu ofer folc byreð frætwe mine swogað hlude ⁊ swinsiað torhte singað þōn ic getenge ne beom · flode ⁊ foldan ferende gæst · :⁊ |