Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/8
8 (k-d 50)
A warrior is wondrously brought into the world for the use of lords by two dumb things; brightly extracted, which for his hurt foe bears against foe. Strong though he is a woman binds him. He obeys them well, serves them quietly, if maids and men tend him duly, feed him fairly. He exalts them in comfort for their joy in life, grimly rewards one who lets him grow proud. |
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Wiga is on eorþan wundrum acenned dryhtum to nytte of dumbum twam torht atyhted þone on teon wigeð feond his feonde fer strangne oft wif hine wrið he him wel hereð þeowaþ him geþwære gif him þegniað mægeð ⁊ mæcgas mid gemete ryhte · fedað hine fægre he him fremum stepeð life on lissum leanað grimme þe hine wloncne weorþan læteð |