Anglo-Saxon Riddles of the Exeter Book/Annotated/81
81 (k-d 87)
I saw a marvelous thing; it had a big belly mightily swollen. A servant followed it, powerful and strong of hand. Great I thought him, a goodly warrior. He seized hold at once, with heaven’s tooth . . . . blew in its eye. It barked, weakened willingly; would none the less . . . . . . . . |
Ic seah wundorlice wiht wombe · hæfde micle · þryþum geþrungne · þegn folgade megen strong ⁊ mundrof micel me þuhte godlic gum rīnc grap on sona heofones toþe . . . . bleowe on eage hio boncade wancode willum hio wolde seþeah niol […] |
The rest is lacking. This looks like a variant of the preceding riddle. “Heaven’s tooth,” the bite of the wind, has been compared with As You Like It II, vii, l. 177.