Archaeological Journal/Volume 2/Recent Archaeological Publications (Part 1)
Antiquarian and Architectural Year Book, in which are gathered into one view all Antiquarian Discoveries and Proceedings for the past Year. London, 8vo. 14s.
Notitia Britanniæ; or an Enquiry concerning the Localities, Habits, Condition, and Progressive Civilization of the Aborigines of Britain. By W. D. Saull, F.S.A., &c. 8vo. London.
Collectanea Antiqua, No. V. Contents, 1. Roman Tesselated Pavement discovered at Basildon, Berks (with a coloured lithograph.) 2. Romano-British Remains found in caves near Settle, Yorkshire (with etchings). 3. On the Place of Cæsar's Landing in Kent. By the Rev. B. Post. Edited by C. R. Smith, F.S.A. 8vo. London.
Ancient Christmas Carols, with the Tunes to which they were formerly sung in the West of England. By Davies Gilbert, F.R.S., F.S.A. 8vo. 6s.
Numismatic Chronicle and Journal of the Numismatic Society, No. XXVI. Contents, 1. Note on some Types of Tarentum, by S. Birch, Esq. 2. On the Coin attributed by Mr. Borrell to Alexander of Pheræ, by C. Newton, Esq. 3. Proposed Attribution to Allaria in Crete of a Coin at present ascribed to Lacedæmon, by C. Newton, Esq. 4. Unedited Autonomous and Imperial Greek Coins, by H. P. Borrell, Esq. 5. Unedited Saxon and English Coins, by the Rev. H. Christmas, M.A. 6. On the Types of Terina, by S. Birch, Esq. 7. Miscellanea. 8. Correspondence. 9. Proceedings of the Numismatic Society. 8vo. London.
Decorated Windows, by Edmund Sharpe, Architect. Part I., January 1, 1845. Each Part will contain eight examples, selected from the Parish Churches of England. London. 8vo. Van Voorst.
The Ecclesiologist's Guide to the Churches within a circuit of seven miles round Cambridge, with introductory Remarks. By F. A. Paley, M.A. 12mo., pp. 62. 2s. sewed. Cambridge.
Annales Furnesenses. History and Antiquities of the Abbey of Furness. By T. A. Beck. Royal 4to., pp. 528, with engravings. Half bound morocco. £7. 7s.
The Antiquities and History of Somersetshire, Parts VII. and VIII., being the first portion of Vol. II. containing the History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church at Wells; the Hundred of Wells Forum, with part of the Hundred of Whitstone, including Shepton- Mallet. By the Rev. Wm. Phelps, A.B., F S.A., Vicar of Meare and Bicknoller. Price, sewed, in demy 4to., £1. 5s.; royal 4to., £1. 16s. In cloth boards, £3. 13s. 6d., demy 4to.; royal paper, £5. 5s. The second portion of Vol. II. will contain the History of the Hundreds of Frome, Kilinersdon, Bath-Forum, and Wellow, &c.
Ecclesiastical Architecture of Great Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation, illustrated by Views, Plans, Elevations, Sections, and Details. Edited by H. Bowman, Architect. Part I. and II. contain Norbury Church, Derbyshire; III. and IV. Lambley Church, Nottinghamshire; V. and VI. Castle-Rising Church, Norfolk; VII. and VIII. Chaddesley Corbet Church, Worcestershire; IX. Long-Ashton Church, Somersetshire. Royal 4to., price 3s. 6d. each Part, containing five Lithographic plates.
The Remains of the Ancient Monastic Architecture of England. By Joseph Potter, Architect, Lichfield. Royal folio, Parts I. and II. (each containing 10 plates in outline,) 7s. each Part.
Architectural Parallels, or the Progress of Ecclesiastical Architecture through the Transitional, Early English, and Early Decorated Periods, illustrated by Geometrical Drawings and Perspective Views of the Principal Abbey Churches in England and Wales, of the 12th and 13th centuries. By Edmund Sharpe, Esq., M.A., Architect. Imperial folio; Part I. containing 10 Plates beautifully drawn on stone in outline. Price £1. 1s., Large Paper, £1. 5s.
Monks and Monasteries, an account of English Monachism. By the Rev. Samuel Fox, M.A., F.S.A. Price 5s.
The Ecclesiastical Antiquities of the Cymry: or the Ancient British Church, its History, Doctrine, and Rites. By the Rev. John Williams, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Nerquis, Diocese of St. Asaph. London.
Caledonia Romana: a Descriptive Account of the Roman Antiquities of Scotland, preceded by an Introductory View of the aspect of the Country and the State of its Inhabitants in the first century of the Christian Era, and by a summary of the Historical Transactions connected with the Roman Occupation of North Britain. Imp. 8vo., pp. 362. 5 maps, 15 plates. Cloth, £1. 1s. Edinburgh.
A New Statistical Account of Perthshire. By the Ministers of the respective Parishes, under the Superintendance of a Committee of the Society for the Benefit of the Sons and Daughters of the Clergy. Thick 8vo., £1. 7s. [This is a good model for a concise County History, being well arranged and having a good Index.]
Practical Geology and Ancient Architecture of Ireland. By G. Wilkinson. Royal 8vo., pp. 400. 17 plates and 72 woodcuts. Cloth, £1. 8s.
A Manual of British Historians to A.D. 1600; containing a Chronological Account of the early Chroniclers and Monkish Writers; their printed works and unpublished MSS. By W. D. Macray. 8vo., pp. 134. 9s.
Illuminated Illustrations of Froissart; selected from the MS. in the Bibliothèque Royale, Paris, and from other sources. By H. N. Humphreys, Esq. Royal 8vo. 36 plates and letterpress. Half-bound morocco. £2. 5s.
The Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations from Old English Writers. By M. A. Lower, 8vo., pp. 336. Numerous wood-engravings. Cloth. 14s.
The Typography of the Fifteenth Century; being Specimens of the Productions of the early Continental Printers, exemplified in a Collection of Fac-Similes from a hundred works, together with their Water-Marks. Arranged and Edited from the Bibliographical Collections of the late Samuel Sotheby by his son, S. Leigh Sotheby. Folio, £4.
The History of Etruria. Vol. II. from the Foundation of Rome to the General Peace of Anno Tarquiniensis, 839, B.C. 348. By Mrs. Hamilton Gray. Post 8vo., pp. 458. Maps. 12s.
A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian, and Gothic Architecture. Fourth Edition, much enlarged, 2 vols. 8vo. £1. 12s.
Collection of Architectural Ornaments of the Middle Ages in the Byzantine and Gothic Styles. By Charles Heideloff, Architect, Nuremberg, Germany. 4to. London. £2. 8s.
A Report of the Proceedings of the British Archaeological Association at the First General Meeting held at Canterbury in the month of September, 1844. Edited by Alfred John Dunkin. 8vo., pp. 398, with 16 plates. Cloth, £1. 1s.
A Companion to the Glossary of Architectural Terms, containing a Chronological Table, &c., much enlarged. In 1 vol. 8vo. In the Press.
An Attempt to Discriminate the Styles of Architecture in England, from the Conquest to the Reformation, preceded by a sketch of the Grecian and Roman Orders, by the late Thomas Rickman, Architect. The Fifth Edition, with considerable additions, and new Plates, from original drawings of the best examples in each style by F. Mackenzie, engraved by J. Le Keux, and other eminent engravers.
Some Account of the Domestic Architecture op England, from the Norman Conquest to the Reformation, with numerous Engravings from existing remains.
Hints on Glass Painting, by an Amateur, illustrated by coloured Plates from ancient examples. This work is intended to form a Companion to Rickman's work and the Architectural Glossary above mentioned.
Dictionary of British Provincialisms. The Philological Society having resolved to attempt the collection of such remains of our older language as are still preserved in the local dialects of the British Islands, requests, in furtherance of this important object, any information respecting the provincialisms current in any part of the country, which those persons who have taken an interest in observing and noting down local peculiarities of language, may be enabled to communicate. The Society wishes to specify the following points, as those towards which its views are more particularly directed:—1. Words peculiar to the district. 2. Words not to be found in the ordinary dictionaries of the English language. 3. Words employed in significations different from those commonly attached to them. 4. Peculiarities of pronunciation and of grammatical construction. Any communications sent to the Society will be preserved with care, and, it is hoped, may eventually be turned to account in the publication of a Dictionary of British Provincialisms, on a more extensive scale than has hitherto been accomplished. It is requested that such communications be addressed to J. G. Cochrane, Esq., Assistant Secretary, Philological Society, 49, Pall Mall, London.
The History and Antiquities of Wensleydale. By W. G. J. Barker, Esq. As it is the Author's wish to combine, as far as it is practicable, antiquarian details with agreeable description, he confidently anticipates the co-operation of all classes in the neighbourhood. Gentlemen who feel disposed to render assistance, or who possess information likely to prove available, are respectfully requested to communicate with him, by post, as early as possible. Harmby, near Leyburn, March, 1844.
Memorials of the Antiquities of the County of Suffolk, or Historical, Genealogical, and Architectural Notices of the several Towns and Villages of that County By the Rev. Alfred Suckling, L.L.B., Rector of Barsham, Rural Dean, and Member of the British Archæological Association. Part I., price 10s., will appear early in the present year.
Annales Archeologiques, par M. Didron. Tome Second. Première livraison.—Sommaire. 1. Rétablissement des flèches de Notre-Dames de Châlons.—2. Histoire du Manuel d'Iconographie chrétienne.—3. Vétements sacerdotaux.—4. De l'are aigu, appelé ogive.—5. Monuments des bords de la Loire (Nantes.)—6. Stalles de la Cathédrale de Poitiers. 7. Mouvement Archéologique, &c. 4to. Paris.
Bulletin Monumental, ou Collection de Memoires et de Renseignements pour servir à la Confection d'une Statistique des Monuments de la France. 8vo., 10me tome. Paris, Derache.
Archeologie Chretienne, ou Precis de l'Histoire des Monuments Religieux du Moyen-Age. Par l'Abbé Bourassé. 2nd edition, 8vo. Tours.
Observations sur les Restaurations Actuelles de nos Eglises, avec Plusieurs Reflexions Critiques sur l'Architecture Gothique, par Savy. 8vo. Lyon.
Tableau des Institutions et des Mœurs de l'Eglise au Moyen-Age, par M. F. Hurter. Traduit de l'Allemand, par M. Cohen. 3 vols., 8vo. Paris. 21s.
Rapport sur les Fouilles d'Antiquites Faites a Aix, en 1843 et 1844; par M. Rouard. 4to., Aix.
Notre-Dame d'Ajaccio, par M. Alex. Arman. 8vo., 65 pages. Paris, 2s, 6d.
Revue Historique et Archeologique des Eglises du Diocese d'Amiens, par MM. Roger et H. Dusevel. 8vo., with 14 plates. Paris and Amiens, 1844. This work is published under the express sanction of the Archbishop of Amiens, who addressed a circular to all the clergy of his diocese, requesting them to answer the questions transmitted by the authors.
Le Portail Saint-Honore, Cathedrale d'Amiens, par MM. Jourdain et Duval. 8vo., 91 pages. Amiens. 1s. 6d.
Les Stalles de la Cathedrale d'Amiens, par MM. Jourdain et Duval. 8vo,, 371 pages and 17 lithographic plates. Amiens. 12s.
L'Anjou et ses Monuments, par M. Godard Faultrier. 2 tomes, royal 8vo. Angers. With 103 etchings, maps and plans. £1. 10s.
Memoire Historique et Statistique sur les Hospices d'Arles, par M. L. Jacquemin. 8vo., 52 pages. Arles.
Archeologie des Monuments Religieux de l'ancien Beauvoisis, par le Dr. Eugène Woillez. Folio, livraisons 1—13. Paris et Clermont, each Part containing 5 etchings and one or two sheets of letterpress. 3s.
Notices sur Saint Etienne de Beauvais, par M. Stanislas de la Ger- main. 8vo., 92 pages. Beauvais. 1s. 6d.
Monographie de l'Eglise de Brou, par M. Louis Dupasquier, Architecte, texte Historique et Descriptif, par M. Didron. Livraison 1. Lyon et Paris. To be completed in 12 Parts, price £1. 5s., each containing two engravings and three coloured lithographs in folio, and text in 4to.
Monographie de la Cathedrale de Chartres, Dessins par M. Lassus, Description par M. Didron. Royal folio, livraisons 1 and 2. Paris, Didot. Each part containing 8 plates. 18s.
EsquissE Archeologique des Principales Eglises du Diocese de Nevers, par M. l'Abbé Bourassé. 8vo., 201 pages. Nevers. 2s. 6d, This useful little volume was undertaken at the request of the Archbishop of Nevers, and is accompanied by a circular letter from the Archbishop to his clergy on Religious Archæology.
Confidences du Dieu Nemausus, par M. Teissier. 8vo., 146 pages. Nimes. A short but learned history of Nimes and its monuments.
Guide du Voyageur en Normandie, par M. Edouard Frère. 18mo., 379 pages, with 4 plates and a map of Normandy. Rouen. 3s. 6d.
Monographie de Sainte Croix, Cathedrale d'Orleans. 8vo., 69 pages and 3 plates. Orleans. 2s. 6d.
Vergnaund-Romagnesi, Memoire sur l'Ancienne Abbaye de Saint Mesmin de Mici, près d'Orleans. 8vo.
Statistique Monumentale de Paris, par M. Albert Lenoir, sous la direction du Comité Historique des Arts et Monuments. Folio, livraison 1—15. Each Part containing seven plates. Paris, Didot. 14s.
Description de l'Ancienne Eglise de Antonistes, maintenant Paroisse St. Martin de Pont à Mousson. Vue, plan, coupe, détails et texte, par Victor de Sansonetti. Ouvrage tiré a 150 exemplaires. Prix en noir 10f., sur chine 12f., avec une planche à deux teintes 15f.
Durocort, ou les Remoris sous les Romains, par Jean Lacourt, 32mo., 183 pages. Reims. 3s. 6d.
Muller sur le Mouvement des Arts au Bord du Rhin. 8vo.
Essai sur les Archives Historiques de la Cathedrale de Saint Omer, par M. Vallet de Viriville. 8vo., 87 pages. Saint Omer.
Eugene de la Gournerie, Rome Chretienne ou Tableau des Mœurs et des Monuments Chretiens de Rome. 2 vols., 8vo.
Notices Historiques sur l'Abbaye de Savigny, l'Arbresle, et Saint Bel, par l'Abbé Roux. 4to., 64 pages. Lyon.
Notice Historique sur la Construction de la Cathedrale de Sens, par M. Quentin. 8vo. Auxerre.
Melanges pour servir a l'Histoire du Soissonnais, par M. Frossé Darcosso. 8vo., 87 pages. Soissons.
Recherches sur l'Histoire de l'Architecture de la Cathedrale de Tournai, par M. Le Maistre d'Anstaing. 2 vols., 8vo., 719 pages. Tournai. 14s.
Rapport sur les Antiquites de Treves et de Mayence, par M. de Caumont. 8vo., 48 pages. Caen.
Considerations sur les Vitraux Anciens et Modernes, par M. Emile Thibaud. 8vo., 143 pages and 3 plates. Clermont-Ferrand. 4s. 6d.
Meunier, Notice sur la Peinture sur Verre Ancienne. 8vo.
Revue Numismatique. Année 1844. No. 5. Paris, 8vo. Table: Notice sur un statue d'or de Ptolémé 1er Soter, roi d'Egypte; par M. A. de Longperier.—2. Mèdailles inédites de Posthume; par M. J. de Witte.—3. Tiers de gros frappé par Charles VII. en qualité de Due de Touraine, par M. le Dr. Rigollot.—4. Notice sur une découverte de Monnaies du Moyen-Age à Mereuil, par M. F. Poey d'Avant.—5. Bulletin Bibliographique.—6. Mélanges.
Essai sur la Numismatique Gauloise du Nord-Ouest de la France, par Ed. Lambert. 4to. Bayeux.
Neues allgemeines Kunstler-lexicon, von G. K. Nagler. 8vo., Part 14. 1—4 lief, (Rubens—Santi.) München, 9s.
Zeitschrift fur deutsches Alterthum, von Moritz Haupt. 8vo. Vol. 4, Part 3. 4s. 6d. Leipzig.
Kunstdenkmaeler in Deutschland. 4to., Part I. 2s.
Jahn, O, Archaeologische Aufsaetze. 8vo. 6s. Greifswald.
Heideloff, Ritter Carl, die Bauhutte des Mittelalters in Deutschland, &c. 4to. 6s. Nürnberg.
Kallenbach, Geschichts-Abriss der deutschen mittelalterlichen Baukunst. 8vo. 1s. Berlin.
Otte, Abriss einer kirchlichen Kunst-Archaeologie des Mittelalters, mit Ausschliesslicher Berucksichtigung der deutschen Lande; 2e Ausgabe; nebst 5 Steindrucktafeln. 8vo. 6s. Nordhausen.
Vorlesungen uber die Systeme des Kirchenbaues. 8vo. Berlin, 1843.
Mittheilungen der Antiquarischen Gesellschaft in Zurich. 4to. Vol. 2. £1. 18s.
Sebald, Dr. H. Berlin's Denkmaeler der Bau-und Bildhauerkunst. 8vo., 2s. 6d.
Walther, Dr. Ph. die Sammlungen von Gegenstaenden des Alterthums, der Kunst, der Voelkerkunde und von Waffen in Grossherzogl. Museum zu Darmstadt: 2e Ausgabe. 4s.
Traditiones et Antiquitates Fuldenses: herausgegeben von E. F. J. Dronke. 4to. 10s.
Schneider, Dr. Jac. die alten Mauerwerke auf den Gebirgen der linken Moselseite. 8vo. 1s. 6d.
Kruse, Prof. F. Russische Alterthuemer; Erster Bertcht uber die Hauptresultate der im Jahre 1843 gestifteten Centralsammlung vaterland. Alterthuemer an der Universitat zu Dorpat. 8vo. 4s. Dorpat.