Armenians Active in European War
PETROGRAD (Via London) Nov. 13 2:50 p.m.—Reports reaching the Russian capital from the Turkish border attach increasing importance to the part the Armenians are playing in the Russian–Turkish war.
In several towns occupied by the Russians, the Armenian students have shown themselves ready to join the invading army, and explained that they had prepared themselves for the Russian approach by constant drilling and by gathering arms secretly. All along the line of march, according to these dispatches, the Armenian peasants are receiving Russian troops with enthusiasm and giving them provisions freely.
An Armenian newspaper, referring to this crisis in the history of Armenia, published the following:
“The long anticipated day of deliverance for the Turkish-Armenians is at hand, and the Armenians are prepared for any sacrilege made necessary by the performance of their manifest duty”.
From this border country there has come to Petrograd further reports of armed conflicts from the refusal of Armenians to become Turkish conscripts and surrender their arms. It is now rumored that the important city of Van is to-day besieged by Armenian guerilla bands in great force. In Feituen these bands is said to exceed 20,000 in number and they are reported to have defeated all Turkish troops sent against them.