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Translation:Arukh ha-Shulchan/Choshen Mishpat

From Wikisource
Arukh ha-Shulchan
by Yechiel Michel Epstein, translated from Hebrew by Wikisource
Choshen Mishpat • חשן משפט
587926Arukh ha-ShulchanChoshen Mishpat • חשן משפט WikisourceYechiel Michel Epstein

Laws of Judges and Jurisprudence



English - Judaica Press Tanach with Rashi

English - Daf Yomi Advancement Forum

Hebrew - Tanach with Rashi, Ramban, Rashbam, Ibn Ezra, Radak, and others

Hebrew - Rambam | (Bio) with commentaries

Hebrew - Shulchan Aruch, Chapter 7 | (Bio) with Sefer Mi'eros Anayim (Bio) and the Shach (Bio)

Hebrew - Nesivos haMishpat | (Bio)

Hebrew - Urim v'Tumim | (Bio)

Hebrew - Birkei Yosef | (Bio)

Hebrew - Levush | (Bio)