Translation:Arukh ha-Shulchan/Orach Chaim
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Laws upon awaking in the morning, 1-7
[edit]- 1: Fundamental concepts of the religion, and laws upon awaking in the morning (29)
- 2: Laws of putting on clothing and shoes (partial 1 of 11)
- 3: Laws of: Acting modestly in the restroom (13)
Laws of Tzitzit, 8-24
[edit]- 8: laws of tziztes and how to put it on (partial 1 of 23)
- 9: Which types of clothing are obligated in Tzitzit and which are exempt (partial 1 of 28)
Laws of Tefillin, 25-45
[edit]Laws of Morning Blessings, 46-57
[edit]Laws of Reciting Shema, 58-88
[edit]Laws of Prayer, 89-134
[edit]- 89: Laws of prayer and its timing (partial 18 of 32)
Laws of Reading the Torah, 135-149
[edit]Laws of the Synagogue, 150-155
[edit]Laws of Business, 156
[edit]Laws of Washing Hands for a Meal, 157-165
[edit]Laws of Breaking Bread, 166-169
[edit]Laws of Pesach (Passover), 429-494
[edit]- 429: The laws of the month of Nisan (8)
- 430: The reason why 'Shabbos Hagadol' (the Great Sabbath) is so named (5)
- 431: The laws and proper time of searching for Chametz (leavened food) (31)
- 432: The blessing recited before the search (5)
- 433: How the search is performed, and in what places (2 of 14)
- 472: The laws of reclining and the four cups of wine (15)
- 473: Laws of the Seder from the first cup until the second cup (26)
- 474: On whether or not a blessing is required on the second cup (3)
- 475: Additional laws of the Seder (18)
- 476: Regarding the custom of eating roasted meat on the Seder night (4)
Laws of Tisha b'Av, 549-561
[edit]- 549: The four fast days commemorating national misfortunes (5)
- 550: The difference between Tisha b'Av and other fast days (4)
- 551: The laws of the days after Rosh Chodesh Av, and the week which Tisha b'Av falls in (39)
- 552: The laws of the day preceding Tisha b'Av (14)
- 553: The Laws for after the Seudat Ha-Mafseket, and the night of Tisha b'Av (4)
- 554: Things that are forbidden on Tisha B'Av (22)
Laws of Rosh HaShana, 581-603
[edit]Laws of Yom Kippur, 604-624
[edit]The Laws of the Sukkah, 625-644
[edit]The Laws of the Four Species taken on the Sukkos Festival, 645-669
[edit]Laws of Hanukkah, 670-685
[edit]- 670: Activities that are permitted/prohibited on Hanukkah (9)
- 671: Laws of lighting and placing the Hanukkah candles (28)
- 672: The Time for lighting Hanukkah candles (9)
- 673: The Types of oil and wicks that are acceptable for Hanukkah (17)
- 674: The permit to light one of the candles with another (3)
- 675: The primary obligation is the lighting and not the placement (5)
- 676: The order of the blessings and the kindling of the lights (14)
- 677: The responsibilities of a guest on Hanukkah (8)
- 678: The Shabbos candles take precedence over the Hanukkah candles (3)
- 679: How Hanukkah candles are lit on Erev (the eve of) Shabbos (4)
- 680: The prohibition of putting the Hanukkah candles near a door way/open area on the eve of Shabbat (2)
- 681: On Saturday night, what should one do first: Havdalah or light Hanukkah candles? (2)
- 682: The laws of saying the supplementary prayer of Al Ha'nisim on Hanukkah. (3)
- 683: The Laws of the completion of Hallel on Hanukkah (2)
- 684: The Torah portions read on Hanukkah (5)
- 685: The four Torah portions read prior to the month of Nisan (9)
Laws of Purim, 686-697
[edit]- 686: The laws of the Fast of Esther ( 1 of 7)
- 695: The laws of the Purim Feast and of giving gifts to one's friend Purim: Mishloach manot (2 of 18)
External links
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