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At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems/A Prayer

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At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems
by Andrew Francis Lockhart
A Prayer
1772159At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems — A PrayerAndrew Francis Lockhart


O give me the strength, dear God of heaven,
When the mighty test of courage comes—
Perchance in the rattle of steel and bronze,
And the roar and rumble of martial drums;
If Thou, O Creator, shouldst deem it meet
That I face the onward charging line—
Pray give me the strength to die like a man.
When they shall pierce this heart of mine!

O give me the strength, dear God of heaven,
When the great test shall come to me
In the solemn hush of the star-lit night
And where no mortal eyes can see;
O give me the strength to meet the test—
The courage of Thy heart divine,
To baffle the arts of the unseen powers
Seeking to rule this soul of mine!