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At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems/His Master's Voice

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For works with similar titles, see His Master's Voice.
At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems
by Andrew Francis Lockhart
His Master's Voice
1772160At the Bars of Memory and Other Poems — His Master's VoiceAndrew Francis Lockhart


When he swells up his chest and raises his chin,
And talks with a gusto that sounds like sin;
And boasts of his valor and strength and all
Save his yellow streak and his store of gall:
You may think he's a hero of countless affrays,
And a gallant knight of chivalric days,
Who has humbled a million men, bold and bad,
But it's only whisky that's talking, m'lad!

When he recites a wierd tale of conquests made,
Of tests of arms and the cold, steel blade;
Of escapades that make you shiver and shake
As your spine grows as cold as a coiling snake:
You may think he's a hero of some bloody war
Where men were butchered and slaughtered galore;
Where human life was a mere tinsel toy—
But it's only whisky that's talking, m'boy!

For whisky talks above the din of the crowd
In tones that are husky or falsetto loud:
A hero it makes of the cowardly knave,
And a creeping toad of the strong and brave;
And the man of wealth is poor when he's drunk
While the pauper counts bullion by the chunk:
And virtue and goodness are lost in the bad—
When whisky starts talking—and boasting—m'lad!