Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VI/Hymn 104
104. Against enemies.
[Praçocana.—bahudevatyam utāi ”ndrāgnam. ānuṣṭubham.]
Found also in Pāipp. xix., in reversed order of verses. Used by Kāuç. (16.6) in connection with the preceding hymn, which see.
Translated: Ludwig, p. 518; Griffith, i. 302.
1. With tying-up, with tying-together, we tie up the enemies; the expirations and breaths of them, lives with life (ásu) have I cut off.
The translation implies acchidam at the end, instead of -dan, which all the authorities (and hence both editions) read, save the comm., which has -dam. Ppp. has in c, d, teṣāṁ prāṇān samāsūn amamasutam (corrupt). One might conjecture asinā for asunā in d.
2. This tying-up have I made, sharpened up with fervor by Indra; our enemies that are here—them, O Agni, do thou tie up.
Ppp. reads indriyeṇa çaṅsitam in b, and, for d, metān ādān dviṣato mama.
3. Let Indra-and-Agni tie them up, and king Soma, allied; let Indra with the Maruts make tying-up for our enemies.
Ppp. has for b the better version rājñā somena medinā (the construction of our medināu being anomalous); also me for nas at the end. Some of the pada texts (including our D.Kp.) read enām in a, and the saṁhitā mss. generally enāṁ instead of enān; the comm. gives enān. The comm. explains medināu badly by medasvināv asmābhir dattena haviṣā mādyantāu vā.