Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VI/Hymn 96
96. For relief from sin and distress.
[Bhṛgvan̄giras.—vānaspatyam: 3. sāumyā. ānuṣṭubham: 3. 3-p. virāṇ nāma gāyatrī.]
Found also in Pāipp. xix. (for other correspondences, see under the verses). Employed by Kāuç. (31. 22) in a remedial rite against reviling by a Brahman, against dropsy, etc. (the direction in the text is simply iti mantroktasyāu ’ṣadhībhir dhūpayati), making incense with herbs; and it is regarded (note to 32. 27) as included among the aṅholin̄gas.
Translated: Ludwig, p. 506; Grill, 38, 168; Griffith, i. 297; Bloomfield, 44, 509.
1. The herbs whose king is Soma, numerous, of hundred-fold aspect
(? vicakṣaṇa), impelled by Brihaspati—let them free us from distress.
The first half-verse is RV. x. 97. 18 a, b (with óṣadhīs ⌊which makes better meter⌋ for -dhayas) and VS. xii. 92 a, b (like RV.); TS. iv. 2. 64 agrees only in a (with -dhayas). The second half-verse is RV. x. 97. 15 c, d and VS. xii. 89 c, d, and TS. in iv. 2. 64 c, d, and MS. in ii. 7. 13 (p. 94. 12) c, d—all without variation. The comm. explains çatavicakṣaṇās by çatavidhadarçanāḥ, nānāvidhajñanopetāḥ. ⌊MB. ii. 8. 3 a, b follows the RV. version of our a, b.⌋
2. Let them free me from that which comes from a curse, then also from that which is of Varuṇa, then from Yama's fetter, from all offense against the gods.
The verse is repeated below, as vii. 112. 2. It is RV. x. 97. 16, VS. xii. 90, which have sárvasmāt in d; and Ppp. reads the same; and LÇS. ii. 2. 11, ĀpÇS. vii. 21. 6 are to be compared. Whether paḍbīçāt or paḍvīçāt should be read is here, as elsewhere, a matter of question; our edited text gives -b-, but most of our mss. read -v-, as also the great majority of SPP's authorities, and he prints (rightly enough) -v-; VS. has -v-, RV. -b-; the comm. has -b-.
3. If (yát) with eye, with mind, and if with speech we have offended (upa-ṛ) waking, if sleeping, let Soma purify those things for us with svadhā́.
Compare vi. 45. 2, of which the second pāda agrees with ours. Ppp. inserts another yat before manasā in a, and has, for c, d, somo mā tasmād enasaḥ svadhayā punāti vidvān.