Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VII/Hymn 10 (11)
10 (11). To Sarasvatī.
[Çāunaka.—sārasvatam. trāiṣṭubham.]
This hymn and the one next following are not found in Pāipp. This verse is RV. i. 164. 49 (which has the pāda-order a, c, b, d), also occurring in VS. (xxxviii. 5), TA. (iv. 8. 2), MS. (iv. 14. 3), and CB. (xiv. 9. 4. 28). ⌊See also Kaṭha-hss., p. 104.⌋ Kāuç. (32. 1), in the chapter of remedies, has it accompany the suckling of a child seized by the demon Jambha (suffering from dentition?).
Translated: Henry, 4, 53; Griffith, i. 332.
1. The breast of thine that is unfailing (?), that is kindly, that is favorable, easy of invocation, that is very liberal, with which thou gainest (? puṣ) all desirable things—O Sarasvatī, mayest thou cause [us] to suck that here.
RV. reads in a çaçayás; and in b (its c) ratnadhā́ vasuvíd (for sumnayúḥ suhávo). TA.MS. agree in all respects with RV.,* save that TA. has absurdly víçvāḥ in c (its b). VS. and ÇB. have the RV. readings,* but our order of the pādas. The comm. reads çiçayus in a, explaining it as either 'causing the prosperity of [its] young (çiçu)' or 'hidden (nigūḍha).' ⌊In d, Henry understands the "child" rather than "us."⌋ *⌊VS.ÇB.TA. have akar, combined (dhā́tave) ‘kaḥ; but the comm. to each of these texts renders it by kuru.⌋