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Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VII/Hymn 9 (10)

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1486861Atharva-Veda SamhitaBook VII, Hymn 9 (10)William Dwight Whitney

9 (10). Praise and prayer to Pūshan.

[Uparibabhrava.—caturṛcam. pāuṣṇam. trāiṣṭubham: 3. 3-p. ārṣī gāyatrī; 4. anuṣṭubh.]

Of this hymn only vs. 4 is found in Pāipp. (xx.). For other correspondences see under the several verses. Kāuç. (52. 12), among the rites for welfare (svastyayana), uses the hymn in one for the recovery of lost articles of property; and verse 2 is reckoned (on account of abhayatamena in b) to the abhaya gaṇa (note to 16. 8). Vāit. (8. 13) makes it accompany a libation to Pūshan in the cāturmāsya ceremony.

Translated: Henry, 4, 52; Griffith, i. 332; Bloomfield, 159, 542.

1. On the forward road of the roads hath Pūshan been born, on the forward road of heaven, on the forward road of the earth; unto both the dearest stations, both hither and yon, goeth he, foreknowing.

The verse is, without variation, RV. x. 17. 6 (also TB. ii. 8. 53, and MS. iv. 14. 16, the latter with ájaniṣṭa accented).

2. Pūshan knows throughout all these places; he shall conduct us by that which is most free from fear; giving well-being, glowing, preserving heroes, let him go before unremitting, foreknowing.

This verse is again, without variation, RV. x. 17. 5 (also MS. iv. 14. 16, with meṣat for neṣat; TB. ii. 4. 16 and TA. vi. 1. 16, with ághṛṇi in c; but TA. has further pravidvā́n at end).

3. O Pūshan, in thy sphere (vratá) may we at no time soever be harmed; thy praisers are we here.

RV. vi. 54. 9 differs from this verse only by the accent kádā in b; VS. (xxxiv. 41) is the same with RV.; TB. (ii. 5. 55) has kadā́, and combines at the beginning pū́ṣaṅs táva. SPP. reports three of his authorities as reading nā́ at beginning of b.

4. Let Pūshan place about his right hand in front; let him drive back to us what is lost; may we be united with what is lost.

The first three pādas of the verse are RV. vi. 54. 10, which differs only by reading parástāt instead of pur-. SPP., having the comm. and three of his (thirteen) authorities to support it, wrongly receives parástāt into his text. ⌊Pāda a is catalectic.⌋ ⌊Ppp's c is unintelligible; its d is punar ṇo naṣṭam ā kṛdhi.⌋