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Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book VII/Hymn 8 (9)

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8 (9). For some one's success.

[Uparibabhrava.—bārhaspatyam. trāiṣṭubham.]

Found also in Pāipp. xx. Kāuç. (42. 1) prescribes its use when setting out upon a business journey; and the comm. quotes it from Cānti Kalpa 15, as accompanying various ceremonies for Bṛhaspati.

Translated: Ludwig, p. 431; Henry, 4, 52; Griffith, i. 331.

1. Go thou forth from what is excellent to what is better; be Brihaspati thy forerunner. Then do thou make this man, on the width of this earth, remote from foes, with all his heroes.

Literally (d) 'having his foes at a distance, having his heroes whole.' The verse occurs also in TS. (i. 2. 33), ÇÇS. (v. 6. 2), and AÇS. (iv. 4. 2), with abhí for ádhi in a, and, as c, d, áthe ’m áva sya vára ā́ pṛthivyā́ āré çátrūn kṛṇuhi sárvavīraḥ; and its pratīka (with abhi) in KB. (vii. 10), and Āp. (x. 19. 8); and compare MB. ii. 1. 13. The comm. takes āre and çatrum as two independent words. Ppp. shows no variants. The first pāda lacks three syllables of being triṣṭubh.