Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book XIX/Hymn 61
61. For length of life etc.
[Brahman.—ekarcam. brāhmaṇaspatyam. virāṭ pathyābṛhatī.]
Wanting, as already pointed out, in the comm. and in Pāipp.
Translated: Griffith, ii. 317.
1. A body together with my body. ⌊...⌋ May I attain all my life-time. Sit thou on what is pleasant; fill thyself full, cleansing thyself in heaven (svargá).
The verse is utterly obscure and disconnected, and we might long for the comm., if we had found that he ever gave any help in such a case. The first clause is translated as corresponding with that in TS. etc. (see under 60. 1); what is inserted between it and the following clause is omitted as unintelligible. The mss. read sahe (with varying accent), and dántāḥ (so all the pada-mss. and some others) or datáḥ, or rádátāḥ ⌊or radántāḥ⌋; SPP. adopts sahe datáḥ, to which he might be puzzled to give any meaning. In the second division, SPP. reads with the mss. syonáṁ me s-, and purúḥ pṛ-.