Atharva-Veda Samhita/Book XIX/Hymn 62
62. For popularity.
[Brahman (etc., as 61).—anuṣṭubh.]
Wanting in Pāipp. and in the comm.
Translated: Zimmer, p. 205; Griffith, ii. 318.
1. Make thou me dear to the gods, make me dear to kings, dear to everything that sees, both to Çūdra and to Āryan.
A nearly corresponding verse is found in the supplement to RV. x. 128 (Aufr.2, p. 685), and in HGS. i. 10. 6, ⌊and in Kaṭha-hss., p. 36⌋. In the first half-verse, RV. differs only by reading both times kuru; its c is priyaṁ viçveṣu gotreṣu, and its d entirely different from ours. HGS. also has kuru, with mā brahmaṇi for rājasu mā in b, and the second half-verse reads priyaṁ viçyeṣu çūdreṣu cf. ⌊rúcaṁ víçyeṣu çūdréṣu, VS. xviii. 48⌋ priyam mā kuru rājasu. The mss. read in c-d ⌊with varying accent⌋ paçyato ’ta (p. paçyata: uta); ⌊but one of SPP's pada-mss. has paçyatáḥ, p.m.⌋; and a part of the mss. (including ⌊so far as noted⌋ all the pada-mss.) have çūdrám in d. SPP's text agrees throughout with ours. ⌊With this verse Zimmer compares 32. 8, above, and VS. xviii. 48 etc. With the d of the Berlin text, cf. the d of iv. 20. 4 and 8. Zimmer rightly notes that the "gods" of a are the Brahmans, and aptly cites ÇB. ii. 2. 26, with 32. 8 etc. as just mentioned.⌋