Author:Bolesław Prus
[edit]Following is a chronological list of notable works by Bolesław Prus. Translated titles are given, followed by original titles and dates of publication.

[edit]- Souls in Bondage (Dusze w niewoli, written 1876, serialized 1877)
- Fame (Sława, begun 1885, never finished)
- The Outpost (Placówka, 1885–86)
- The Doll (Lalka, 1887–89)
- The New Woman (Emancypantki, 1890–93)
- Pharaoh (Faraon, written 1894–95; serialized 1895–96; published in book form 1897)
- Children (Dzieci, 1908; approximately the first nine chapters had originally appeared, in a somewhat different form, in 1907 as Dawn [Świt])
- Changes (Przemiany, begun 1911–12; unfinished)
[edit]- "Granny's Troubles" ("Kłopoty babuni," 1874)
- "The Palace and the Hovel" ("Pałac i rudera," 1875)
- "The Ball Gown" ("Sukienka balowa," 1876)
- "An Orphan's Lot" ("Sieroca dola," 1876)
- "Eddy's Adventures" ("Przygody Edzia," 1876)
- "Damnable Happiness" ("Przeklęte szczęście," 1876)
- "The Honeymoon" ("Miesiąc nektarowy", 1876)
- "In the Struggle with Life" ("W walce z życiem", 1877)
- "Christmas Eve" ("Na gwiazdkę", 1877)
- "Grandmother's Box" ("Szkatułka babki," 1878)
- "Little Stan's Adventure" ("Przygoda Stasia," 1879)
- "New Year" ("Nowy rok," 1880)
- "The Returning Wave" ("Powracająca fala," 1880)
- "Michałko" (1880)
- "Antek" (1880)
- "The Convert" ("Nawrócony," 1880)
- "The Barrel Organ" ("Katarynka," 1880)
- "One of Many" ("Jeden z wielu," 1882)
- "The Waistcoat" ("Kamizelka," 1882)
- "Him" ("On," 1882)
- "Fading Voices" ("Milknące głosy," 1883)
- "Sins of Childhood" ("Grzechy dzieciństwa," 1883)
- "Mold of the Earth" ("Pleśń świata," 1884:
- "The Living Telegraph" ("Żywy telegraf," 1884)
- "Orestes and Pylades" ("Orestes i Pylades," 1884)
- "She Loves Me?... She Loves Me Not?..." ("Kocha—nie kocha?...", 1884)
- "The Mirror" ("Zwierciadło," 1884)
- "On Vacation" ("Na wakacjach," 1884)
- "An Old Tale" ("Stara bajka," 1884)
- "In the Light of the Moon" ("Przy księżycu," 1884)
- "A Mistake" ("Omyłka," 1884)
- "Mr. Dutkowski and His Farm" ("Pan Dutkowski i jego folwark," 1884)
- "Musical Echoes" ("Echa muzyczne," 1884)
- "In the Mountains" ("W górach," 1885)
- "Shades" ("Ciene," 1885)
- "Anielka" (1885)
- "A Strange Story" ("Dziwna historia," 1887)
- "A Legend of Old Egypt" ("Z legend dawnego Egiptu," 1888)
- "The Dream" ("Sen," 1890)
- "Lives of Saints" ("Z żywotów świętych," 1891–92)
- "Reconciled" ("Pojednani," 1892)
- "A Composition by Little Frank: About Mercy" ("Z wypracowań małego Frania. O miłosierdziu," 1898)
- "The Doctor's Story" ("Opowiadanie lekarza," 1902)
- "Memoirs of a Cyclist" ("Ze wspomnień cyklisty," 1903)
- "Revenge" ("Zemsta," 1908)
- "Phantoms" ("Widziadła," 1911, first published 1936)
[edit]- "Letters from the Old Camp" ("Listy ze starego obozu"), 1872: Prus's first composition signed with the pseudonym Bolesław Prus.
- "On the Structure of the Universe" ("O budowie wszechświata"), public lecture, 23 February 1873.
- "On Discoveries and Inventions" ("O odkryciach i wynalazkach"): A Public Lecture Delivered on 23 March 1873 by Aleksander Głowacki [Bolesław Prus], Passed by the [Russian] Censor (Warsaw, 21 April 1873), Warsaw, Printed by F. Krokoszyńska, 1873.
- "Travel Notes (Wieliczka)" ["Kartki z podróży (Wieliczka)," 1878—Prus's impressions of the Wieliczka Salt Mine]
- "A Word to the Public" ("Słówko do publiczności," 11 June 1882 — Prus's inaugural address to readers as the new editor-in-chief of the daily, Nowiny [News], famously proposing to make it "an observatory of societal facts, just as there are observatories that study the movements of heavenly bodies, or—climatic changes.")
- "Sketch for a Program under the Conditions of the Present Development of Society" ("Szkic programu w warunkach obecnego rozwoju społeczeństwa," 23–30 March 1883—swan song of Prus's editorship of Nowiny)
- "With Sword and Fire—Henryk Sienkiewicz's Novel of Olden Times" ("Ogniem i mieczem—powieść z dawnych lat Henryka Sienkiewicza," 1884—Prus's review of Sienkiewicz's historical novel)
- "The Paris Tower" ("Wieża paryska," 1887—whimsical divagations involving the Eiffel Tower, the world's tallest structure, then yet to be constructed for the 1889 Paris Exposition Universelle)
- "Travels on Earth and in Heaven" ("Wędrówka po ziemi i niebie," 1887—Prus's impressions of a solar eclipse that he observed at Mława; these helped inspire the solar-eclipse scenes in his 1895 novel, Pharaoh)
- "A Word about Positive Criticism" ("Słówko o krytyce pozytywnej," 1890)
- "From Nałęczów" ("Z Nałęczowa," 1894—Prus's paean to the salubrious waters and natural and social environment of his favorite vacation spot, Nałęczów)
- The Most General Life Ideals (Najogólniejsze ideały życiowe, 1905—Prus's system of pragmatic ethics)
- "Ode to Youth" ("Oda do młodości," 1905—Prus's admission that, before the Russian Empire’s defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, he had held too cautious a view of the chances for an improvement in Poland's political situation)
- "Visions of the Future" ("Wizje przyszłości," 1909—a discussion of H.G. Wells' 1901 futurological book, Anticipations, which predicted, among other things, the defeat of German imperialism, the ascendancy of the English language, and the existence, by the year 2000, of a "European Union" that included the Slavic peoples of Central Europe)
- "The Poet, Educator of the Nation" ("Poeta wychowawca narodu," 1910—a discussion of the cultural and political principles imparted by the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz)
- "What We... Never Learned from the History of Napoleon" ("Czego nas... nie nauczyły dzieje Napoleona"—Prus's contribution to the 16 December 1911 issue of the Warsaw Illustrated Weekly, devoted entirely to Napoleon)
Works about Prus
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
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