Category:Short story authors
Pages in category "Short story authors"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 619 total.
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- Author:Achmed Abdullah
- Author:Samuel Hopkins Adams
- Author:Avetis Aharonian
- Author:Juhani Aho
- Author:Conrad Aiken
- Author:Varahaneri Venkatesa Subramaniam Aiyar
- Author:Ahmad Akbarpour
- Author:Ryūnosuke Akutagawa
- Author:Bozorg Alavi
- Author:Louisa May Alcott
- Author:William Livingston Alden
- Author:James Lane Allen
- Author:Frederick Irving Anderson
- Author:Robert Gordon Anderson
- Author:Sherwood Anderson
- Author:Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews
- Author:Ivo Andrić
- Author:Clara Louisa Antrobus
- Author:Johann August Apel
- Author:Jakub Arbes
- Author:Michael Arlen
- Author:Henry Ferris Arnold
- Author:Elizabeth Barr Arthur
- Author:Sholem Asch
- Author:Gertrude Atherton
- Author:Bertram Atkey
- Author:Stacy Aumonier
- Author:Jane Austen
- Author:Frederick Britten Austin
- Author:Aluísio Azevedo
- Author:Irving Bacheller
- Author:Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon
- Author:Henry Christopher Bailey
- Author:Irene Temple Bailey
- Author:James Arthur Baldwin
- Author:Edwin Balmer
- Author:Honoré de Balzac
- Author:Matteo Bandello
- Author:Ralph Henry Barbour
- Author:James Barnes
- Author:Robert Barr
- Author:Eustace Robert Barton
- Author:Arlo Bates
- Author:Frances Courtenay Baylor
- Author:Barbara Baynton
- Author:Rex Ellingwood Beach
- Author:Charles Beadle
- Author:Wolcott LeCléar Beard
- Author:Edgar Beaumont
- Author:Frederick Ritchie Bechdolt
- Author:Henry James O'Brien Bedford-Jones
- Author:Max Beerbohm
- Author:John Joy Bell
- Author:Elizabeth Whitfield Croom Bellamy
- Author:Gwendolyn B. Bennett
- Author:Edward Frederic Benson
- Author:Stephen Vincent Benét
- Author:John Davys Beresford
- Author:Petr Bezruč
- Author:Elizabeth Bibesco
- Author:Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce
- Author:Harold Edward Bindloss
- Author:Bjørnstjerne Martinius Bjørnson
- Author:Algernon Blackwood
- Author:Giovanni Boccaccio
- Author:Louise Bogan
- Author:Edward Boltwood
- Author:Geraldine Bonner
- Author:Elizabeth Bowen
- Author:Neith Boyce
- Author:Hjalmar Hjorth Boyesen
- Author:Lawrence Ytzhak Braithwaite
- Author:Alice Brown
- Author:Frances Browne
- Author:Thomas Alexander Browne
- Author:Frederick Robert Buckley
- Author:Ivan Bunin
- Author:Henry Cuyler Bunner
- Author:Frank Gelett Burgess
- Author:Frances Eliza Hodgson Burnett
- Author:Ellis Parker Butler
- Author:Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
- Author:James Branch Cabell
- Author:Kathleen Mannington Caffyn
- Author:Margaret Cameron
- Author:Charles Wadsworth Camp
- Author:Josef Čapek
- Author:Karel Čapek
- Author:Bernard Edward Joseph Capes
- Author:Ion Luca Caragiale
- Author:Ethel Castilla
- Author:Agnes Castle
- Author:Adolphe Danziger De Castro
- Author:Willa Sibert Cather
- Author:Svatopluk Čech
- Author:Robert William Chambers
- Author:Amelie Rives Chanler
- Author:Anna Alice Chapin
- Author:John Leslie Chapman
- Author:Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
- Author:Charles Waddell Chesnutt
- Author:Nora Chesson
- Author:George Randolph Chester
- Author:Gilbert Keith Chesterton
- Author:Pierre-Michel-François Chevalier
- Author:Evgeny Nikolayevich Chirikov
- Author:Arthur Murray Chisholm
- Author:Kate Chopin
- Author:Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie
- Author:Agnes Morley Cleaveland
- Author:Josephine Elizabeth Anstice Clifford
- Author:Joseph Storer Clouston
- Author:Irvin Shrewsbury Cobb
- Author:Theodore Rose Cogswell
- Author:Octavus Roy Cohen
- Author:Desmond Coke
- Author:William Wilkie Collins
- Author:Carlo Collodi
- Author:Richard Connell
- Author:James Brendan Connolly
- Author:Joseph Conrad
- Author:William Wallace Cook
- Author:Grace MacGowan Cooke
- Author:Rose Terry Cooke
- Author:Maurice R. Coons
- Author:Frank Cowper
- Author:Stephen Crane
- Author:Forrest Crissey
- Author:Richmal Crompton
- Author:Philip Everett Curtiss
- Author:Edith Eileen Cuthell
- Author:Mary Stewart Cutting
- Author:Ella D'Arcy
- Author:Ali Ashraf Darvishian
- Author:Alphonse Daudet
- Author:Mary Carolyn Davies
- Author:Richard Harding Davis
- Author:Holman Francis Day
- Author:Edmondo de Amicis
- Author:Dorothea Deakin
- Author:George Warwick Deeping
- Author:Margaret Deland
- Author:Grazia Deledda
- Author:Ethel May Dell
- Author:Phyllis Forbes Dennis
- Author:August William Derleth
- Author:Charles John Huffam Dickens
- Author:Harris Dickson
- Author:Louisa Emily Dobrée
- Author:Louis Dodge
- Author:Anna Hanson Dorsey
- Author:Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky
- Author:Sarah Doudney
- Author:Amanda Minnie Douglas
- Author:Ernest Christopher Dowson
- Author:Arthur Conan Doyle
- Author:Theodore Dreiser
- Author:Chval Dubánek
- Author:Alice Dudeney
- Author:Alice Dunbar-Nelson
- Author:Eliza Ann Dupuy
- Author:Nictzin Dyalhis
- Author:Henry van Dyke
- Author:Edward Dyson
- Author:Sui Sin Far
- Author:Alice Drayton Farnham
- Author:John Jeffery Farnol
- Author:William Cuthbert Faulkner
- Author:Frederick Schiller Faust
- Author:Edgar Fawcett
- Author:Henry Fielding
- Author:Jane Helen Findlater
- Author:Mary Findlater
- Author:Francis Scott Fitzgerald
- Author:James Montgomery Flagg
- Author:Gustave Flaubert
- Author:May Agnes Fleming
- Author:Joshua Albert Flynn
- Author:Antonio Fogazzaro
- Author:Hulbert Footner
- Author:Mary Hannay Foott
- Author:Helena Mabel Checkley Forrest
- Author:Edward Morgan Forster
- Author:Caroline de la Motte Fouqué
- Author:Ivan Yakovych Franko
- Author:John Malcolm Fraser
- Author:William Alexander Fraser
- Author:Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman
- Author:Arthur Olney Friel
- Author:Annie Howells Fréchette
- Author:Jacques Futrelle