Author:Walter Lawry Buller
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[edit]- A Classified List of Mr. S. William Silver's Collection of New-zealand Birds (at the Manor-house, Letcombregis), With Short Descriptive Notes (1888) (transcription project)
Contributions to Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute
[edit]- Notes on Herr Finsch's Review of Mr. Walter Buller's Essay on New Zealand Ornithology (1868)
- On the Ornithology of New Zealand (1868)
- Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1869)
- On the New Zealand Rat (1870)
- A List of the Lizards inhabiting New Zealand, with Descriptions (1870)
- Critical Notes on the Ornithological portion of "Taylor's New Zealand and its Inhabitants" (1870)
- Notice of a Species of Megapode, in the Auckland Museum (1870)
- On Zosterops lateralis in New Zealand, with an Account of its Migrations (1870)
- On the Structure and Habits of the Huia (Heteralocha Gouldi) (1870)
- On the Katipo, or Venomous Spider of New Zealand (1870)
- Notes on the Genus Deinacrida in New Zealand (1870)
- Further Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1870)
- Notice of a New Species of Moth in New Zealand (1872)
- Natural History Notes (1872)
- Notes on the New Zealand Hawk (1872)
- Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1873)
- Notes on the Little Bittern of New Zealand (Ardetta maculata) (1873)
- Note on Platycercus unicolor in the British Museum (1873)
- Remarks on Captain Hutton's Notes on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds (1873)
- Notes by Captain Hutton on Dr. Buller's "Birds of New Zealand," with the Author's Replies thereto (1873)
- On the Ornithology of New Zealand (1874)
- Notes on certain disputed Species of New Zealand Birds (1874)
- On the Existence of two Species of Hieracidea in New Zealand (1874)
- Notes on an alleged new Species of Tern (Sterna alba, Potts) (1874)
- Description of a new Species of Petrel (Procellaria affinis) (1874)
- On the Occurrence of Plotus novæ-hollandiæ in New Zealand (1874)
- Notice of a new Species of Parrakeet in New Zealand (1874)
- On the Genus Himantopus in New Zealand (1874)
- On some Additions to the Collection of Birds in the Colonial Museum (1874)
- Note on Rallus modestus (1874)
- Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1875)
- Notes on Gerygone flaviventris (1875)
- Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Huia (1875)
- On the Occurrence of Apteryx oweni at high altitudes in the North Island (1875)
- Remarks on Dr. Finsch's paper on New Zealand Ornithology (1875)
- Remarks on various Species of New Zealand Birds (1875)
- Notes on the Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon punctatum), with a description of a supposed New Species (1876)
- Description of a New Lizard (Naultinus pulcherrimus) (1876)
- On the Ornithology of New Zealand (1876)
- On the occurrence of the Royal Spoonbill (Platalea regia) (1876)
- Observations on a Species of Shag inhabiting Queen Charlotte Sound (1876)
- On a Tendency to Deformity in the Bill of Nestor meridionalis (1876)
- On the alleged Intercrossing of Ocydromus earli, and the Domestic Fowl (1876)
- Insect Architecture, or Notes on the Habits of the Black Spider-wasp of New Zealand (1876)
- On the Proposed Introduction of the Polecat into New Zealand (1876)
- Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1877)
- Further Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1877)
- On the Disappearance of the Korimako (Anthornis melanura) from the North Island (1877)
- Further descriptive Notes of the Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris) (1877)
- On the Egg of the Huia (Heteralocha acutirostris) (1877)
- On the Species forming the Genus Ocydromus, a peculiar Group of brevi-pennate Rails (1877)
- Notice of the Occurrence of the Shy Albatros (Diomedea cauta) in the North Island (1877)
- On the Addition of the Red-tailed Tropic Bird (Phæton rubricauda) to the Avifauna of New Zealand (1877)
- Notice of a new Variety of Tuatara Lizard (Sphenodon) from East Cape Island (1877)
- Further Notes on the Habits of the Tuatara Lizard (1878)
- On the specific Value of Prion banksii (1878)
- Remarks on the Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis) (1878)
- Remarks on a species of Lestris inhabiting our Seas (1878)
- Note on Mr. Howard Saunders' Review of the Larinæ, or Gulls (1878)
- On a further Occurrence of the Australian Tree Swallow (Hylochelidon nigricans) in New Zealand (1878)
- Additions to List of Species, and Notices of Rare Occurrences, since the publication of 'The Birds of New Zealand' (1878)
- Further Contributions to the Ornithology of New Zealand (1878)
- Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus (1879)
- Further Contributions to the Ornithology of New Zealand (1879)
- Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus (1880)
- On the Notornis (1881)
- Description of Bird Skins presented to the Museum (1881)
- On some rare Species of New Zealand Birds (1883)
- Address by the President of the Wellington Philosophical Society (1884)
- Remarks on new New Zealand Birds (1884)
- Note on the Wandering Albatros (Diomedea exulans) (1889)
- An Exhibition of New and Forms of New Zealand Birds, with Remarks thereon (1890)
- On the Wandering Albatros: with an Exhibition of Specimens, and the Determination of a New Species (1890)
- On a Huge Kiwi (Apteryx maxima) from Stewart Island (1890)
- Notes and Observations on New Zealand Birds (1891)
- Further Notes and Observations on Certain Species of New Zealand Birds (with Exhibits) (1891)
- On the large Kiwi from Stewart Island (Apteryx maxima) (1891)
- Notes on Mus maorium, Hutton, with Exhibition of Specimen (1892)
- Note on the Bats of New Zealand (1892)
- Note on the Flightless Rail of the Chatham Islands (Cabalus modestus) (1892)
- Notes on New Zealand Birds (1892)
- Further Notes on the Birds of New Zealand (1892)
- On a New Insectivorous Plant in New Zealand (1892)
- Notes on a Kapu, or Carved Funnel, and a Kaea, or Maori War-trumpet (1892)
- Notes on an Albino Sparrow (1892)
- Note on the Occurrence of the Hedge-sparrow (Accentor modularis) in New Zealand (1892)
- Note on a White Tern (Gygis alba) from the Kermadec Islands (1892)
- On the Blue-necked Crested Shag (Phalacrocorax nycthemerus) from Antipodes Island (1892)
- On the Birds observed during a Voyage from New Zealand to England, and Notes made on the Return Voyage from Plymouth to Auckland by way of the Cape of Good Hope (1893)
- Note on a curious Maori Flute in the Collection of the late Dr. Shortland (1893)
- Note on a Remarkable Maori Implement in the Hunterian Museum at Glasgow (1893)
- The Story of Papaitonga; or, A Page of Maori History (1893)
- Illustrations of Darwinism; or, The Avifauna of New Zealand considered in Relation to the Fundamental Law of Descent with Modification (1894)
- Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand; with an Exhibition of Rare Specimens (1894)
- On a New Species of Fern-bird (Sphenœacus) from the Snares Islands; with an Exhibition of Specimens (1894)
- Notes on the Flightless Duck of the Auckland Islands (Nesonetta aucklandica) (1894)
- Notes on Phalacrocorax colensoi, of the Auckland Islands, and on Phalacrocorax onslowi, of the Chatham Islands (1894)
- Notes on Œstrelata neglecta; with an Exhibition of Specimens (1894)
- Some Curiosities of Bird-life (1894)
- On the Wetas, a Group of Orthopterous Insects inhabiting New Zealand; with Descriptions of Two New Species (1894)
- Observations on some peculiar Maori Remains, with Remarks on the Ancient Institution of Tapu (1894)
- Note on the Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robertsii) (1894)
- Exhibit of Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatum) and Young (1894)
- Remarks on Paryphanta hochstetteri (1894)
- On a New Species of Deinacrida or Forest-cricket from Nelson (1895)
- Notes on New Zealand Ornithology, with an Exhibition of Specimens (1895)
- On the Occurrence of the Nankeen Kestrel of Australia (Cerchneis cenchroides) in New Zealand (1895)
- Remarks on an Albino Tai and Naultinus versicolor (1895)
- Notes on the Ornithology of New Zealand (1896)
- On the Ornithology of New Zealand (1898)
Works about Buller
[edit]- "Buller, Walter Lawry," in Dictionary of National Biography, 1912 supplement, London: Smith, Elder, & Co. (1912) in 3 vols.
- "Buller, Sir Walter Lawry," in The Dictionary of Australasian Biography, by Philip Mennell, London: Hutchinson & Co. (1892)
- "Buller, Walter Lawry," in Men-at-the-Bar (v. 2nd ed.), by Foster, J., London: Hazel, Watson and Viney, Limited (1885)
Some or all works by this author were published before January 1, 1930, and are in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago. Translations or editions published later may be copyrighted. Posthumous works may be copyrighted based on how long they have been published in certain countries and areas.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
- 1838 births
- 1906 deaths
- Authors-Bu
- Barristers as authors
- Early modern authors
- Fellows of the Linnean Society of London
- Fellows of the Royal Society
- Lawyers as authors
- Male authors
- Modern authors
- New Zealand authors
- Ornithologists as authors
- Scientific illustrators as authors
- Author-PD-old
- Contributors to Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute