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Author talk:Thomas Ireland

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Latest comment: 5 years ago by Beleg Tâl in topic Sources



Al. Oxon. is as follows:

Ireland, Thomas, s. William, gent. Christ Church, matric. 27 Feb., 1650-1, student 1651, but ejected, restored, and again ejected 1662; B.C.L. from St. Mary Hall 4 July, 1659, student of Gray's Inn 1657, as of Staple Inn, gent; (his father verger of church of Westminster), spiritual chancellor of the diocese of Durham 1674; died at or near the Golden Lyon in the Strand, Dec., 1676. See Alumni West. 132; Fasti, ii. 199; & Foster's Gray's Inn Reg.

A List of Scholars of St. Peter's College, Westminster [1]:

T. Ireland, chancellor of Durham 1674; died 1676. Vid. Fast. Oxon. Vol. II, p. 115.

Fasti Oxoniensis [2]:

Jul 4 Thomas IRELAND of St Mary's hall——This ingenious person, who was son of Will. Ireland virger of the church of Westminster, was bred in the coll. school there, and thence elected student of Ch. Ch. but ejected in the time of Oliver by Dr. Owen his dean: Whereupon retiring to St. Mary's hall, he entred upon the law line, and took a degree as a member of that house. After the restoration of his majesty Charles II. he obtained his student's place again, but took no higher degree, yet in the vacancy of the see of Durham, between the death of Dr. Joh. Cosin and the translation thereunto of Dr. Crew, he had confer'd on him the chancellorship of the dioc. of Durham. He hath extant, besides several copies of verses occasionally printed in books, Verses spoken at the Appearance of the King and Queen, Duke and Dutchess of York in Christ Church Hall, Oxford 29, Sept 1603. Oxon 1663. qu. They were also about the same time printed at Lond, with this title, Speeches spoken to the King and Queen, Duke and, &c. pr. in qu. After dinner of the same day, his majesty with his royal consort, and their royal highnesses, went from their lodgings with their respective retinues purposely to see that spacious refectory which had been built by the great cardinal Wolsey; where the dean, canons, and students waiting their coming, Mr. Ireland spoke the said verses (in number 116) on his knees: Which being well done the king thanked him for them, gave him his hand to kiss, and commanded a copy of them. “He is supposed to be author of Momus elemcticus nil Oroniense, [In Wood's study in the Ashmole museum, marked Oxford] vol. 4. in qu.” This Mr. Ireland, who might have done greater matters, had not his mind been diverted by the frequent indulgences of poets, died at or near the Golden-Lyon in the Strand, within the liberty of Westm. during his attendance on his beloved miss, in the middle of Decemb. 1676. Whereupon Dr. Rich. Lloyd of All-s. coll. succeeded him in his chancellorship. “One Thomas Ireland a knight's son of Lancash. became either com. or gent. com. of Brasen. coll. in the latter end of the year 1617: left it without a degree, was afterwards of Greys-Inn. He hath abridg’d The Reports of Sir Jam. Dyer, printed 1651. oct. Abridgment of the Eleven Books of Reports of Sir Edw. Coke. pr. 1650. oct.”

Beleg Tâl (talk) 14:18, 20 February 2020 (UTC)Reply