Ave verum corpus

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English-language translations of
Ave verum corpus
attributed to Innocent VI

Short Eucharistic hymn dating from the 14th century, traditionally attributed to Pope Innocent VI. It has been set to music by various composers, most notably by W. A. Mozart (K. 618, 1791).

The text will be found in Daniel, ii. p. 327. Also as No. 213 in Mone's Collection; with the heading, In elevatione Corporis Christi, and the statement that a Reicheuau ms. of the 14th cent says "Pope Innocent composed the following salutation" ("Salutationem sequentem composuit Innocentius Papa"), and "this prayer has three years of indulgences granted by Pope Leo" ("haec oratio habet tres annos indulgentiarum a dom. Papa Leone").
"Ave verum corpus natum," in A Dictionary of Hymnology, (ed.) by John Julian (1892)
English-language translations of Ave verum corpus include: