Category:Translations pages
The category is for pages that list different English-language translations of the same foreign-language work. To put a page in this category use the {{Translations}} header template.
Pages in category "Translations pages"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,296 total.
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- Abraham (Hrotsvitha)
- Academica
- Acharnians
- The Ackerman Steppe
- Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Alacoque)
- Act of Contrition
- Acts (Bible)
- Acts of Andrew and Matthias
- Acts of Paul
- Acts of Pilate
- Acts of Thomas
- Additions to Daniel
- Additions to Esther
- Adelphoe
- Adeste Fideles
- The Adventures of Pinocchio
- The Adventures of the Caliph Haroun al Raschid
- Aeneid
- Aeterni Patris (Leo XIII)
- After the Theatre (Chekhov)
- Against Heresies
- Agamemnon (Aeschylus)
- Agamemnon (Seneca)
- Agnus Dei
- Ajax (Sophocles)
- Aladdin and the wonderful lamp
- Alaler Gharer Dulal
- Alcestis (Euripides)
- Alcibiades I
- Alcibiades II
- Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
- All Souls' Day (Neruda)
- Alla memoria dei martiri di Cosenza
- Allerleirauh
- Alma minha gentil, que te partiste
- Alp
- Altmeister Ehrenfried und seine Familie
- Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver
- Amores (Ovid)
- Amos (Bible)
- Amyntas
- Anacreontea
- Analects
- Analyse du fruit
- Anandamath
- Andria
- Andromache (Euripides)
- Angelus Domini
- Anglo-French Declaration
- Anima Christi
- Animula vagula blandula
- Anna Karenina
- Annals (Tacitus)
- The Annals of Wales
- Antigone (Sophocles)
- Apocalypse of Paul
- Apocalypse of Peter
- Apology (Plato)
- Apology (Xenophon)
- Apology of Aristides
- Apostles' Creed
- Arabic Infancy Gospel
- Arcana Coelestia
- Around the World in Eighty Days
- Ars Poetica (Horace)
- The Art of War (Machiavelli)
- The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
- Assize of Clarendon
- At Christmas Time (Chekhov)
- At the Chasm
- Athanasian Creed
- Atharvaveda
- The Attack on the Mill
- Aucassin and Nicolette
- Aus der Geisterwelt
- Ave maris stella
- Ave verum corpus
- Avesta
- Axiochus
- Axiochus (Plato)
- Az Amadan
- Bacchae
- Bacchus (Homer)
- Baldrs draumar
- The Ballad of Charles IV
- The Bartered Bride
- Baruch (Bible)
- Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
- Batrachomyomachia
- Baucis and Philemon
- Baš Čelik
- Bearskin
- Beautiful Stars
- Beauty and the Beast
- Bel and the Dragon
- Bellum Catilinae
- Bellum Jugurthinum
- Beneš Hermanow
- The Bet
- The Bhagavad Gita
- Bible
- The Bird (Čelakovský)
- Birds (Aristophanes)
- The Bishop (Chekhov)
- The Black Lake (Neruda)
- Blue Beard
- The Blue Bird (Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy)
- The Blue Light
- The Body
- Bolivianos, El Hado Propicio
- Book of Changes
- Book of Documents
- Book of Jasher
- The Book of Hours
- Book of Rites
- The Books of the Chronicles of the Three Sisters
- Die Botschaft
- The Bottle Neck
- Boze Pravde
- The Bremen Town Musicians
- Brooding
- Brother and Sister (Afanasyev)
- Brother and Sister (Grimm)
- Brother Lustig
- The brotherhood of the believers
- The Cabuliwallah
- Call to Arms (Lu Xun)
- Callimachus (Hrotsvitha)
- Un Canadien errant
- The Candle (Tolstoy)
- The Captain's Daughter (Pushkin)
- The Castaway (Tagore)
- Castelvines y Monteses
- Castle Bousin
- Cat and Mouse in Partnership
- Catalogue of Women
- Categories
- Catullus 70
- Causes célèbres et interessantes (Richer)
- Chandrashekhar
- Charmides (Plato)
- Childhood (Tolstoy)
- Choephori (Aeschylus)
- The Chorus Girl (Chekhov)
- Christmas (Vrchlický)
- Christmas Eve (Erben)
- The Church
- Cicaden
- Cinderella (Grimm)
- Cinderella (Perrault)
- The Cinderella Cat
- Clair de lune (Verlaine)
- Clarimonde
- The Classic of Filial Piety
- Classic of Poetry
- Clever Elsie
- Clever Grethel
- Clever Hans
- Clitophon
- The Cloud (Pushkin)
- Clouds (Aristophanes)
- Clumsy Hans
- The Code of Hammurabi
- The Coffee-House of Surat
- Coll. Regal.
- Colossians (Bible)
- Come, Holy Spirit (prayer)
- Conditor alme siderum
- A Confession (Tolstoy)
- Confessions (Augustine)
- Confiteor
- Confusion of tongues
- The Consolation of Philosophy