Base-Ball Ballads/Denton (Cy) Young
(The Grand Old Man of Balldom faces his twentieth season as a major league slabman with every indication that it will be among his best campaigns.)
Fame may be fleeting and glory may fade; Life at its best is a breath on the gale.One hero passes, another is made; New stars arise as the old one sets pale.So when a stalwart steps out from the throng, On with the tribute, let garlands be flung.Here's to the sturdy and here's to the strong; Here's to the king of them all, Denton Young.
Anson has passed like a star in the night; Richardson's name from the line-up is cast;Rusie and Latham are out of the fight; Mighty Buck Ewing is buried and passed;Clarkson the wizard, and Kelly and Gore Linger no more on the fan's fickle tongue.Only one name flashes out as of yore— There on the red line of battle is Young.
Tiernan and Tucker? We wait for reply. Jack Ward and Pfeffer are out of the game;No cheer arises when Brouthers steps by; Even Van Haltren is only a name;Meekin and Hoffer and "Kind Bid" McPhee— Their day is over, their songs are all sung.Lo! Like the roar of the storm-harried sea Swells the wild chorus for Denton (Cy) Young.
Herman Long's only a memory now; Big Del is under the myrtle to-day—No more the laurel is bound to his brow; Bob Lowe and Zimmer have passed from the fray.Where are the heroes saluted of old— Heroes to whom through the years we have clung?Have all deserted the Clan of the Bold? Not while the echoes are ringing for Young.
Breitenstein, Phillips, and Weyhring and Nops, Hahn, Rhines, and Corbett and Dr. McJames—Where are their shoots and their puzzling drops? Who cheers to-day when you mention their names?Lost in the shadows, their story is told; On memory's ramparts their pictures are hung;But here in the lime light, as great as of old, Looms up the stalwart—the only Cy Young.
Where is the mighty Dalrymple to-day? Miller and Denny and "Cuppy the Sly?"Show me their names in the line-up, I pray. Vainly I wait for an answering cry.Few of us stand to the guns through the years; One at a time from the heights we are flung.Heroes soon pass in this Valley of Tears; But here's to the king of them all—Denton Young.