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Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent/Session XXV/Books

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Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent (1851)
the Council of Trent, translated by Theodore Alois Buckley
Session XXV. On the Index of Books, and the Catechism, Breviary, and Missal
the Council of Trent2171359Canons and Decrees of the Council of Trent — Session XXV. On the Index of Books, and the Catechism, Breviary, and Missal1851Theodore Alois Buckley


The sacred and holy synod, in the second session celebrated under our most holy lord Pius IV., gave commission to certain chosen fathers, that they should consider what ought to be done touching various censures, and books either suspected or pernicious, and to make a report thereon to the said holy synod. Hearing now that the finishing hand has been put to that labour by those fathers; which, however, by reason of the variety and multitude of books cannot be distinctly and conveniently judged of by the holy-synod; it enjoins that whatsoever has been by them done shall be laid before the most holy Roman Pontiff, that it may by his judgment and authority be terminated and made public. And it commands that the same be done in regard of the Catechism, by the fathers to whom that work was consigned, and as regards the Missal and Breviary.